Winter Solstice December 2022



2022 Winter Solstice


The Winter Solstice on Dec 21 will mark the beginning of 2023 and the return of light over darkness, giving us the opportunity to show you a little more visibility on the next 3 months as well as bring the necessary context to help you to gain clarity on the whole year.

Even if there are many reasons to rejoice, that’s not exactly the headspace we will be in all along this season, as too many details and situations will still need to be tended to and fixed.

Probably too busy dealing with everyday details, trying to fix issues, overwhelmed at work, attending to our health and with very little time left to ourselves, we might not be able to embrace the many opportunities that will soon present themselves. Still feeling stuck in a situation we inherited and have to endure, we are likely to grow more irritated and critical of all the things not going our way when we should instead be very grateful for the more hopeful scenarios that will soon emerge and the return of a fierier and more optimistic outlook.

Some will see the situation with perspective and philosophy, focusing this return of energy on finalizing details of their plan (and a plan B exists for all unforeseen events). They will be proceeding slowly in lockstep with the gradual liberation of forward momentum leaving no stone unturned.

Others may be too impetuous, lazy, or impatient to escape this rather heavy environment, either lacking the necessary tact or attention to details to be successful and ending up being seriously criticized for both their passive aggressive stance and rather selfish attitude.

Know that Luck will be blessing the daring ones, but also reward a moderate and respectful approach with sound foundations.

Initiatives or plans that aim at both addressing the weaknesses identified over the last two years and integrating the results of the last three-month debates and eventual breakthroughs will be more likely to be crowned with tangible results and success. Some projects and partnerships will resume, reinvigorated by a new wind of passion and supportive energy, focused on bringing shape and form to the new vision and ambition that emerged from the many conversations of the fall. Some others will simply fall short of energy and resources, inviting their participants to go explore other avenues or horizons for their greater good, but also increasing the overall feeling of vulnerability and victimhood that started to grow since the end of the summer.

But how different is this winter going to be compared to what we have experienced over the last years?


 holiday gift certificate

Goodbye pressure, hello transformation!


We have always shared that the situation triggered by the emergence of the pandemic in January 2020 would last three years, bringing a number of challenges from our past.

These loose ends were to be dealt with seriously, if we did not want to see our foundations and attachments seriously upset, and this work expected to eventually bring some sort of liberation. We have also always been upfront about the fact that this pandemic was “just” a trigger event, a global incident meant to derail us from our routine so that we can awaken to a new consciousness and with it to new possibilities.

This period is now over and, even if we will still have to contend with some of this energy and challenges up to the end of this season, we will soon realize that we have effectively transitioned into the next chapter of our shared history.

For many, these extended periods of isolation had the effect of an electroshock, either by allowing them to gain a liberating perspective of their life spent chasing mirages to the detriment of their relationship, happiness, health, and environment. Or by making them realize the enormous emotional and material dependence in which they were living or the inner void and darkness that haunted them.

All of us realized that something needed to change, but a strong divide emerged between the types of solution the situation required. Some grew attached to old ways, rejecting their responsibility, projecting the fault on others, reinventing a whole narrative built on twisted facts, strengthening the base of reactionary and populist leaders, becoming intolerant and giving way to their anger. Others realized that something was not right, that we could not carry on working with the same models, remain the same and expect different results…in other words that something needed to radically change. Many are still torn in between the two, hoping that the situation will resolve itself like by magic and continuing to support a system about to fail them majestically.

Whichever solution our government picked, either violence and coercion to control the masses or printing more money to numb the conscience and cushion the pain of shock, we will start to experience the extremities and limits of each system in February. As the extraordinary pandemic constraints and relief plans get lifted, encountering important difficulties and a growing resistance through 2024, a new wave of alternative voices and leadership will start to appear on the horizon.  

 man caked in mud looking down

“If you have no will to change it, you have no right to criticize it.”


Remember that we will be navigating the last three months of a seven-month Mars transit in Gemini that has considerably sharpened our mental abilities, but also affected our capacity to focus for longer periods of time, increased our stress level and anxiety, depleted our energy and boosted our irritability to very high levels.

So please be good to yourselves and speak slowly, compassionately, purposefully. Do not forget to let others speak too, but most importantly listen! A lot is still due to emerge from conversations and collaboration. You might well be passionate about your project and be more interested in meaningful endeavors, but this is still a very emotional and conflictual time, and you might end up garnering more criticism than success if you don’t.

Take into account that the release of positive energy will be almost continuous and you might not realize that in your growing exuberance, you become overconfident, too proud, boastful or arrogant and waste the good grace you had first encountered.

For many, navigating the need for individual self-actualization and difficult change in a personal part of their life is challenging enough. Simultaneously being told how to be a better partner at home might make it very stressful and bring a rather erratic behavior also subject to criticisms.

Reconciling two fronts of change agendas might feel schizophrenic at time but will be required if the two are important to you.

In parallel to that, the current feeling of rejection and emotional vulnerability, or in other words, our deep desire to run and hide will also clash with the current demand to be more authentic and truthful to ourselves which might lead to a lot of excesses, extreme sensitivities and more than often end up in arguments.

If you have weathered the fall without losing your close relationships, the storm will still take some time to dissipate. Do not be surprised if from time to time you experience untimely showers.

Asserting yourself in all your relationships will be beneficial and healing this winter, so be bold, but do it as nicely and politely as possible to maximise your chances of success (and sometimes survival).

This winter will still see us moving slowly and painfully out of the limbos we have been bathed into for the last three years, but spring will be a totally different ball game!


Working with Equinoxes & Solstices as Cardinal Point


Each season sets an energy in motion, all Cardinal signs, the first month of the season (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) do. They set the course, define the plan, gather the energy behind an idea.

Fixed signs concentrate the energy and implement it, see if it is viable or needs to take new things into consideration that we may have omitted.

Mutable signs integrate what has been learned over the course of the season and prepare for the next one.

The most important Cardinal degrees are thus 0 and 29.

0 plants the seed of potential of what might unfold over the next quarter.

29 fixes the final concept of what we are going to bring to life and is finally going to be worked on by fixed signs.

In the light of one of our most distant planets, Pluto, also soon reaching the 29 degree of Capricorn (in February 2023 for the first time, 2024 for the second), some important choices are being set in motions, some that may affect our lives for the next 20 years or so.


Why Seasons Are Important to Astrology


The equinoxes, like solstices, are extraordinarily strong cosmic opportunities to plant a new seed and set important projects in motion. Cardinal signs all hold a strong elemental initiatory energy we can intentionally and mindfully harness during this critical time.

A new energetic window opens, a new cosmic light cycle starts.

As part of our astrological work, we incorporate each season as a fantastic opportunity to make the transformation journey a little easier and ensure you are being supported with co-creative energies as you set a new path to healing.

Of course, every season either brings us to a point of balance or greater imbalance and will require a great deal of leadership, determination, an open mind and a lot of compassion for ourselves and others.

In Capricorn, we are all being invited to adjust the details of our plan to our ambitious visions, optimize our limited resources and proceed step by step according to the plan (including contingency ones).

The chart of this day also offers us a fantastic insight into what is likely to emerge (see below) over the whole season, some of the blessings, some of the challenges.  Most importantly to us, this chart points to what we should try and integrate if we want our path to growth and evolution to be easier, richer, and more meaningful.

It points to some of the focuses we should integrate in our plans for them to be more synchronistic of the moment as well as some of the likely expressions of the unconscious collective.

Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinsky, and Al Gore over backdrop of the Capitol highlighting Saturn in Pisces morality situations
RGB graffiti on wall with the message dissent is patriotic Pluto rx in Capricorn

“Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain and most fools do.”


Main periods of this winter


We have isolated three main periods:

End of December to mid-January.

Time should still be imparted to reflection, adjusting actions to heart and finalizing the plan behind the emerging vision or ambition. There are still material challenges, concrete loose ends and past or present responsibilities you have not dealt with and need a closer attention and management. Either renew or end your commitments.

Mid-January to mid-February

Time should be dedicated to collaboration, process, innovation, experimentation, communication and networking. Projects can start again and will accelerate at the end of the period so use that time to make sure that everybody is on board, ok with the plan and implementing the last changes that emerge from those conversations.

Mid-February to end of March

Even though most surviving projects will finally receive their long-awaited boost, the environment is likely to be more confusing with possible strong power play at hand. If Putin is about to play his last card, imagine what your boss, father or the random civil servant could do in a position of severe frustration, but absolute power. We will then need to pay special attention to our energy level as we are likely to run tired, care for ourselves and others, adjust to the flow and carve time for creative tasks taping into our imagination in case obstacles appear. This will be the perfect time to plan a holiday.

Spring will start with a bang so make sure you have plenty of rest before jumping into it!




Here are a few of the events of this winter we will be covering in greater details in our blogs and online.

Jupiter is back on steroids in Aries from Dec 20 to May 16 and will simply whizz through this courageous and innocent sign, blessing the bold and adventurous ones but exposing us to the dangers of running too fast alone.

At some point, Mars will change sign, I know, this feels like a remote memory. Even if we won’t experience it this winter, we will soon cover the transit of Mars in Cancer, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio and Sagittarius over the course of the last three seasons so that you can better plan channel your energy and ensure a maximum focus for what is to come when Saturn enters Pisces.

On Jan 21, the New Moon in Aquarius will give us the opportunity to switch from current personal and business wishes to the ones we seek to make in the future and in support of the collective. Our second step into manifesting the year.

After this new moon a seven-month transformational journey will be in motion, both at the collective and individual levels up to August.

On Feb 5, for the Full Moon in Leo, we will be reminded that there cannot be a sustainable peaceful future without each and every one of us stepping up to play the unique role we were meant to play in the collective. A time to awaken either the leader or the sovereign being, especially as the current system is about to step up the power play at maximum level and very likely break da machine with Pluto entering the 29 degrees of Capricorn on Feb 11.

On March 7, for the Full Moon in Virgo, it is not one but two major events that we will cover to start preparing you for the future. The same day. This is probably not an accident. If Saturn enters when we are being reminded to attend to life’s practical details, useful skills, our routine, health, and boundaries to help us deal with what can look like chaos, illusion and confusion from time to time.

On that last note, the March 12 Jupiter-Chiron conjunction will also deserve special attention. The last time we saw this little bugger around, it arrived with the release of the H1N1 pandemic but as you will see there is more than one archetype likely to manifest. Will leaders have to step down since unable to optimally serve? Will the COVID real toll finally be known? Will we see a greater virus emerging?  We will cover the personal and the collective too as if this event can come with great wounds, it can also herald greater healing.

Those are truly the only events you should actually care about as they will significantly influence your life and the future of the collective, but much more is to come with Spring.

With the entrance of Saturn in Pisces and Pluto at 29 degrees of Capricorn, this will already be more than we can handle for a quarter.



Act harmoniously with
the energy flow of the moment.

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