The Astrology of 2023



Where does 2023 stand within a greater context


There is very little doubt that this winter is building up to a pivotal point in our lives as well as the collective.

With the end of the two-year Saturn-Uranus squaring, we are about to close the COVID chapter for good, but we are also starting a new three-year transitional period from 2023 to 2026.

Over this time window we will observe the 4 very slow outer planets: Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, all changing signs. Considering the close proximity of those events in time, there is no other way to describe this period as our entry into a totally new Era.

Pluto enters Aquarius on March 23, 2023, but only definitively on November 19 2024, opening up a 20-month transitional window, during which we should witness the collapse of a number of obsolete or dying institutions, regimes and systems and the emergence of a new humanitarian order. The last time Pluto visited this sign was between 1777 and 1798, igniting USA and France’s first Pluto Return (death and rebirth).

Neptune enters Aries on March 2025, but only definitively on Jan 26,2026, opening up another 10-month transitional window, during which our failed dreams of peace and unity might well be supplanted by the illusions of leaders and saviours and the building of empires. Neptune last visited this sign between 1861 and 1875.

Uranus enters Gemini on July 7, 2025, but only definitely on April 26, 2026, opening yet another 10-month transitional period, during which our resistance to challenging the status quo may well be disrupted by a scientific revolution on multiple front (AI, energy, communication, transport) possibly boosted by a large conflict. Uranus transited this sign between August 1941 and June 1949, and before that 1858-66 and 1774-82. For those of you struggling with dates and history, these are the periods almost exactly matching the second World War, Civil War and Independence War, the three main US conflicts.


This exact combination never occurred within the last 3,000 years of written history. The closest time this phenomenon occurred was during the 15 century, what we have since coined the golden age of the Renaissance, a period also triggered by a pandemic, the bubonic plague, and the collapse of an empire (Constantinople conquered by what was to become the Ottoman empire having triggered a massive transfer of knowledge to Italy). Even if the potential for conflict exists in restricted geographic areas, the potential for a softer scientific, political and social awakening is much greater.

With Pluto (empowering, irresistible) entering Aquarius for the first time this year (the sign of equality, youth, ingenuity, freedom, fraternity, science, network, community, unexpected events and rebellion) and Saturn (contracting, crystalizing) entering Pisces in March (the sign of chaos, unity, illusions, arts, mysticism, secrets, subconscious, fanatism, bliss, panic, nature and oceans) there is very little doubt  that this period will be surprising and transformative, just as much as chaotic and erratic.

Once Uranus enters Gemini in 2025 and Neptune Aries in 2026, all the outer planets will have shifted into masculine signs set to deeply impact our environment and conditions.  After having navigated signs that imposed massive internal change and shift as well as signs associated to knowledge and wisdom, we’re likely to see drastic outward changes to the social, scientific and moral aspects of our society.

2023 and 2024 will be pivotal years where the decisions we make, the courage we muster, the plans we collaborate on, the union we join, the community we build will be critical to the future we attract.

Do not expect a big bang though, even if we are likely to a have a couple of major events, 2024 is likely to be much more spectacular in that respect. The decline we will witness promises to be slow and steady with a few air pocket drops and turbulence.


Overconfidence is a powerful source of illusions, primarily determined by the quality and coherence of the story that you can construct, not by its validity.

– Daniel Kahneman,
Think Fast Think Slow


The Main Astrological Events of 2023


Feb 11 Pluto enters 29 degrees of Capricorn – it won’t last long (less than 2 months), but we will get a first sneak preview of the chaos about to unfold over the next 2 years. This degree intensifies the power that governments, and more particularly authoritarian regimes, will exert from all sides on their populations to try and remain in control. If nothing has changed and evolution is not in progress by that time, expect power struggles at larger scale and greater consequences to our obsessive-compulsive behaviors. Our advice, watch Dr Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb before that date.

Mar 7 Saturn enters Pisces up to Feb 2026 – deflationary politics vs. a resurgence of unions and urgent need for social and relief programs, the renaissance of religious and spiritual moral vs. the extreme drift of fanatism and cults, the emergence of new unions vs. the collapse and dissolution of older ones, the blossoming of other worldly entertainment and drug companies vs. increasing difficulty to access them, the development of new sources of energy vs. the surge in fossil energy prices, the transition to shorter work hours vs. the difficulty of keeping a job.

Mar 11 Jupiter conjuncts Chiron – a potential for both collective healing and mass wound, some leaders might have to step down, no longer fit to govern. The COVID real toll is brought into perspective

Mar 23 Pluto enters Aquarius up to Jun 11 – it won’t last long either (less than 3 months), but we will get a second sneak preview of what the next two decades leading into 2040 might look like. Expect science to make unimaginable breakthrough, a space conquest on steroids, democratic resistance and social progress, an explosion of alternative communities, utopias and mind-blowing technological feats deeply changing the way we access information, learn, communicate, and relate. We’ll get a double dose in 2024 (7 months) before fully transitioning in this era in 2025

Apr 20 the Sun activates Pluto with a first series of eclipses in the Aries-Libra polarity (me vs. us / War & Peace), announcing the shift of the lunar nodal axis in Aries on July 17 and this for the next 18 months…the world’s growing divide between deniers and fighters. A new breed of leaders finally emerges with fresh though ill-prepared ideas. This is also around this time that the world imbalances will make themselves be seen at scale, challenging all our preconceived notions of how much time we have left to act with successful impact

red white and blue dinosaurs looking backgrounds in a political poster on the street

Overconfidence is a powerful source of illusions, primarily determined by the quality and coherence of the story that you can construct, not by its validity.


Jul 23 Venus retrogrades in Leo, imploring us to truly find in our heart the courage to fight for just causes and to lead the necessary personal and collective revolutions

Jul 27 the Sun will oppose Pluto in the middle of its retrograde, likely to bring power abuses and failures under the world spotlights

Aug 16 Jupiter activates the May 5 Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio during the New Moon in Leo, riots and uprisings in reaction to the obvious failure of central banks interventions and the collapse of financial markets are likely to trigger considerable losses across the planet.

Oct 14 the Solar Eclipse in Libra is crossing the USA from West to South setting in motion a series of events likely to reshape the face of America. The second eclipse crossing this nation on Apr 8, 2024, is likely to accelerate the process and crystallize the parties


The three other seasons of 2023




This Spring will have an extraordinary accent of new beginnings, with two new moons in Aries, one of which will be an eclipse, our individual and collective lives are set to take a whole new course.

This does not mean that everything will be easy and effortless, far from it. We will once again be challenged to smartly push forward with our goal and ambitions, realizing:

… that the strength of our energy is currently mostly mental, and our bodies are still weak and wouldn’t be able to withstand a power clash with authorities,

… that we still need to channel that energy into constructive outlets if we do not want to stumble on damaging ego traps,

… that we might struggle to get access to the resources we need and will need to further optimize,

… that our intuition will be working wonders and bring us the opportunities we need for the required change and excitement to land into our life,

… that the transformation we long aspired to, or the rebirth that follows the painfully hard endings, is now at our reach and the necessary letting go of past attachments, easier than it will ever be to realize

We are being dared to evolve and show our true colours. This can be either fun or painful. The people you surround yourself with and what you consume (media, food, drugs, music) will be critical in setting your overall mood so be discriminating.

This spring will once again offer us two avenues.

Either we embrace change and transformation as gracefully and respectfully as possibly, continuing to build bridges with others and remembering to look after ourselves and our partnerships, as well as favour collaboration over competition. This path will lead to a feeling of unity and bliss.

Or we will push forward regardless of others, get swamped into power fights with authority figures, burn out, feel isolated, anxious and misunderstood, grow angry, resentful and frustrated. This path will lead to victimhood and martyrdom.

Both of those paths will coexist, and we will probably walk a very thin line in between with Pluto testing us big time! If nothing else remember that 2023 is the year of Pluto and if you have choice, side for love, surrendering, honesty and transformation




We have a very paradoxical period in perspective.

On one side a highly social and fun summer may profile itself with all the risks of excess this usually entails. Keeping a straight line might be difficult with so many temptations and provocations around, a deep desire for independence and a strong appetite for pleasures lowering our standards and moral compass. Reckless deeds, unruly actions and controversial behaviours are likely to abound and hit our lives and screens more often than not. Even if asserting ourselves and communicating our deep instinctual desires will eventually be healing, make sure that this does not come at the expense of your basic foundations (close relationships, work, couple, environment). Note that the opposite is also true and that any upset to those domains this summer will have the potential to trigger strong ego trips, including rage, rebellion, and revenge.

On the other side this season is likely to give us a lot to work on as new unions, new communities and new partnerships will have formed over the spring, not just demanding our efforts and focus, but monopolizing them. Tending to established partnership such as our couple, old friends or business partner might be trickier than ever and require a great dose of adjustment over the whole period. The passage of Jupiter in Taurus in May could admittedly increase our spirit of resistance, thirst for simple sensorial pleasures and invite us to laziness. But we will be better advised to channel our passion into tackling big challenging tasks and accumulating resources, slowly, but graciously.

We might be challenged to change the way we relate and organize, and it is not in past solutions anchored in nostalgia that we will find them, but change cannot occur at the expense of what is sustaining us. The time to slow down and calm our roaring spirits, to relax, resource, recharge and replenish will have come. Any resistance to do so might carry a dire cost. The late summer events will remind us that we are still not impervious to unexpected events, that a lot still needs to unfold and be taken into account as we still need to preserve ourselves for those. A cautious path will still need to be walked between freedom and security as the return of Pluto into punitive hands will rapidly remind us.






Just like in 2022, this season will once again be focused on either dealing with the consequences of our summer excesses as well as the obvious failures of overwhelmed institutions OR stepping up the partnership projects we developed while everyone else was partying.

Feeling much heavier and restrictive than the two previous seasons, the last three months of the year will reward those who integrated change and transformation, delivering on their plan and walking a path of moderation. We will no doubt be reminded of our limits, our scarce resources, our responsibilities and even though our heart will remain vibrant and fiery, we may have no other choice but to endure dents in our comfort.

The funny note of this last season is that whatever our stance during the summer, either partying hard or working hard, we are likely to be criticised for it when autumn comes.

We will nevertheless work hard at mending the relationship we damaged or scorned on our way and at deepening unions by showing the necessary empathy and compassion to ensure that all can weather what promises to be another tough winter.

However hard we try, some division might still be seen as too wide to fix and the polarization too extreme to be overcome, giving way to violent instinctual reactions and brutal supremacist actions against our governments.

Act harmoniously with
the energy flow of the moment.

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