Jupiter in Aries May 2022 Standing Up for Your Dreams



In this section, we spend more time diving into the cosmic tonality of this long transit and what might manifest on your way across the next six months.

On May 11, Jupiter changes sign and enters the fiery sign of Aries, a welcome and long-awaited event after more than three years spent in either tougher or inwardly focused placements.

Things are about to get moving and likely very quickly. We are about to feel re-energized, ready for a fresh start, prone to act on our impulses and ready to contemplate brand new solutions. As we crawl out of the ocean, we will finally return to dry land, fresher and more impetuous than ever.   Simultaneously, we are experiencing a rather intense lunar eclipse in Scorpio helping us release all the extra emotional weight we gained over the winter.

This is just a first taste for it as we will once again have to retreat within to adjust and revisit our dreams, and possibly, for some experience, the void again, when Jupiter slides back into Pisces on October 29 until the end of the year.

The last time Jupiter was in Aries was during the summer of 2010 and the first half of 2011. Anything special happened in your life? You bet!

We will experience this very same energy at the start of 2023 for another five months, but this time finally liberated from the harsh constraints and challenges born out of the Saturn Uranus squares that we’ve experienced since the end of 2020.

However, before we all get engulfed into the frantic self-centric pursuit of our dreams, you might be interested in knowing what the real opportunities and trappings of the next 6 months are, if you do not want to find yourself completely bereft when fall finally comes.

“It always seems impossible until it’s done.”
– Nelson Mandela

Jupiter in astrology is the archetype of expansion, growth, luck, and abundance. It encourages us to move beyond the familiar, transcend a few self-imposed or societal boundaries so that we can expand all the dimensions of our life and gain new knowledge and wisdom. This principle is, however, not completely devoid of trappings, and we can sometimes go too far, overlook the details, ignore others, and simply overstretch ourselves. Think of Jupiter’s many mistresses and the ensuing fury of Hera, his quite distressed wife.

As Jupiter moves from Pisces into Aries, the invitation of the universe is clearly to see us find the courage to finally chase our dreams. Luck will simply bless the bold and daring ones. In Pisces, we realized that we were all we have, but also that the situation was a little worse than we had initially envisaged. Now is paradoxically the time to forget it all, leave it all behind and move forward fearlessly. First movers, leaders, competitors, and fighters will all be rewarded. Jupiter is there to support action and initiative, drive, passion, and courage. And not just a little. I mean you are not supposed to just do it (that would be more of a Mars transit, coming too to further kick your sleepy heads) but dare do it BIG! Do not think twice as this could prove deadly and just jump in.

Obviously, there are dangers on this way, there always are but once integrated and with the necessary awareness, you should be fully equipped to make the most out of this blessed moment.

Aries is ruled by Mars, the god of War, a fire sign very much focused on impacting its environment in a very self-centered fashion.

Since we must be focused on ourselves and act for ourselves before anyone else, we might struggle to back down, pay attention or simply listen to others, slow down, check the details.

The real dangers of Jupiter in Aries are indeed to rush things, push our will forcefully on others, be overly aggressive, harsh or tactless in our ways.

Let’s dive a little deeper into the astrology of 2022 to see what is special about this Jupiter transit.


Jupiter is currently sextile Pluto, really supportive of our transformation and the purging of our past structures and limits. A healthy dose of compassion, creativity and humility will nonetheless be required to navigate the period safely.

Jupiter will continue to square Black Moon Lilith in Cancer. We will most likely continue to experience and have to contend with a certain vulnerability experienced in the Lilith house, result of an experience that occurred this winter and one that we still associate to the feeling of rejection, shame or guilt. This situation will likely be aggravated by the current difficulty in asking for help and support.

The Moon is trine Uranus. Most will strive for emotional independence and will need space to be able to do what they want. Rebellious feelings will run strong and any restriction to our movement will most likely be met with at least strong resistance, or worse an aggressive countermeasure. All will experience a strong need to be vibrant and alive, a restlessness and an itch for change. Sensitivity will run high, and some might very easily take things the wrong way. Thankfully, the air of honesty and innocence that runs will help clear most issues, but some conflict might be unavoidable. Most of those will have to do with the need to break away from past outdated habits or stagnant relationships. Trust your intuition.

The Sun is almost square Saturn. We will still have to contend with limitations and hardship, an overall complicated and contracting economic and political outlook. Having a strong plan of action and regularly referring to it to avoid missing critical steps will be instrumental to our success.

The Sun is almost conjunct, and Mars is sextile the North Node. Our current initiatives are truly supportive of our greater destiny.

Mars is almost conjunct Neptune. The more time we take, the more restrictions and problems we realize, which will hold us back. We mustn’t be afraid to take risks and try things, whether we feel prepared or not.

Saturn is sextile Eris. Authorities are likely to support innovative solutions aimed at correcting past imbalances or developing a more sustainable future. Authorities further supporting patriarchal injustices are likely to be opposed by a well-organized base.



Overall the above can also manifest global events such as shameful and guilty behaviors anchored in exaggerated use of force and violence, inspiring acts of valor, the search for scapegoats or someone to blame, an impossibility to back down and compromise, confrontations, fights over travel, escalation in all forms, natural born leaders emerging, full scale uprising, extremism, dogmatism, everyman for itself, tsunamis, dam failures, flash floods, drownings, underwater eruptions, a glamorization of violence, weapons, virility or shows of strength, a return of the fighter or hero archetype in pop culture and a rather hot and dry season.



Mars will join Jupiter in Aries on May 25, doubling down on fire and sparkles up to early July. This energy will however peak during the two New Moons in Gemini and Cancer of May 30 and Jun 29 when the archetype of Lilith (shame, guilt, and rejection) will also strongly be activated and will invite caution and self-care.

Jupiter will soon turn retro though… on July 28, right in the middle of the summer, the growth and expansion we can experience for now in the external world will slow down and vanish, propelling us in the open on a high for the New Moon in Leo, but also invite us to reflect on how we made the most of this time and where we haven’t been able to be as bold and courageous as the situation expected it.

Aug 30 will require us to slow down and avoid becoming too ego-driven and argumentative for the sake of it.

This will mark the time when we really need to try and bring balance and justice to all the stops we will have burned.

Some of the best dates of this transit: May 19, 23, 29, 31, Jun 20, July 17, 23, 31, Aug 18

Some of the worst dates of this transit: Jul 12, 25, Sep 3, 18, 21, 28, Oct 1, 12

For now, the focus is on action, combustion, and anything that excites or stimulates you. Don’t think yet about the rewards of your efforts: Aries doesn’t have time to stop and consider the payoff.


How will this transit manifest in my life?

As always, please check your Ascendant or Rising sign first and then your Sun and Moon for more texture to the whole picture.



You will be blessed with a strong and vibrant energy all summer allowing you to begin any new undertaking with optimism and faith. Take advantage of this fire to reconnect with your inner child and what you truly wanted to do when you were younger. Your belief in the power of positive thinking can move mountains and gets you exactly where you wanted to be, a reminder that when you step deeper into your own confidence, you are rewarded. So do what you need to do to boost confidence in your appearance and go show the world your leadership capabilities. Your family or home situation might still bug you all along the period but should prompt you to explore the parts of you that might feel rejected for deeper healings. There’s actually very little wrong with what you are living, but early emotional traumas might hinder you to see that as clearly as others do.


Dreaming and fantasizing is one thing, just make sure that this is not taking you too far into Lalaland or down into some rabbit holes. Now is an excellent time to look into your subconscious patterns, irrational fears, or deal with secrets you repressed for far too long. Whether you need some time alone to deal with those issues, connect to your inner well of creativity or you need some more space to be able to bring the final touches to the birth of the meaningful project you have been working on so far, this summer might be less social than for others, but will mark a turning point in your life. If you feel like you have gone too far with your words or have been challenged for your lack of skills and feel a little embarrassed and rejected for it, try and find a middle ground in between expressing your own nature and maintaining harmonious relationships, you might have overreacted because of an old wound and there might truths you really need to face right now.


You are likely to be one of the busiest bees of the hive dear butterfly. Although this time, you are likely to be driven by a much greater purpose, more selective and serious in the activities you will spend your time on and be more selfless in all your attitude. Your smarts, open-mindedness, optimism and erudition will likely allow the engaged groups and communities you bless of your presence to feel empowered, broaden their vision, benefit of your new solutions, and make a meaningful difference for the collective. One of your hopes and dreams might come true over the period, or at least the opportunity you needed to see it realized will definitely pop up. Of course, your current vulnerability with money might still very much limit what you can and cannot do, but do not burn important bridges and consider innovative ways of expressing your true individuality and supporting whatever cause is important to you in a manner that is currently available to you.


Even though this is a rather difficult and transformative period of your life, you are about to come back under the spotlights and could make a really good impression. If you have worked hard so far, your efforts are about to be recognized by authority figures and possibly get you to travel or to access a new training, what could truly expand your horizons and support your future successes. You can now consider bigger projects and the more you will show up, the more you will get. So, stop believing that there is something wrong with you. You have all it takes to be successful; your existence is the proof of that, and everyone will be there to remind you that by your only empathic presence and being, you make our planet a better place and you are more than emotionally equipped to effectively lead others.


Your horizons are about to seriously open up and that’s about time! Opportunities will abound again, and your natural optimism and appetite for a fiery life will make wonders. You will want to be lighthearted and will not really focus on anything too serious during this transit. Travel, studies, writing, and even justice are all available and supportive of your growth. You can now finally see the big picture, and this makes the little details and nuisances of life much easier to deal with. You know that things will work out well and so they will. Use this energy to fearlessly explore new lands and meet new people. Remember though that you still have a few psychological problems to deal with so do not overstretch yourself, watch out for your compensation mechanisms, keep an eye for your saboteur, avoid taking unnecessary risks and all will be fine!


You should see your power flowing back without having to be manipulative about it and that’s going to make all the difference. As you reconnect with a healthier sense of power, you will be able to gain some perspective on all the power plays of your life and have the opportunity to grow and heal quite a lot, which should benefit what you share with others and your intimacy. Your investments could also be blessed, and your sexual life become more expansive and adventurous. This is probably something that you will have to reconcile with your current need for freedom and all things quirky if you do not want to end up in the wrong bed.


This summer could well be the summer you finally commit, sweet Libra. You will definitely want to be able to share it with someone close, either professionally or romantically. You are better at compromises, negotiating and paying attention to the need of others. You are also incredibly more charming and social than you used to be lately. Also note that as this transit blesses new partnership, it also helps the old couples to draw the necessary conclusions and move on.   The energy you share will be returned to you tenfold, so the big emotions that have pushed you into solitude need to be faced and shared. Make the conscious effort and be rewarded with finding your soul family.


This will probably be a very laborious and service focused summer, dear Scorpio. You know exactly what work needs to get done and in what order, and you do everything quickly and to the best of your abilities. Just pay attention to your perfectionist tendencies as they could really start affecting your health, overextending yourself in your pursuits. Instead, slowly work on incorporating habits that create a healthy lifestyle for yourself and powers your ability to work and be of service to others. Be sure you are paying attention to all parts of your life, including your spiritual life too.


Lucky Sagittarius, the Summer will have an exquisite flavor of creativity and recreation. You will be doing what you like and what you are passionate for, kids, arts, hobbies, romance… everything will feel expansive and will reconnect you with your inner kid. You will want to express yourself and get the world to see you, and you know what, this is probably what you’ll get if you take measured risks… we said measured dear Sag. ? Money might still be tight and you will probably need to heal your intimacy with a ribbon of flirts before you get much closer, but who said this wasn’t fun either?


You might be interested in expanding your home, moving or buying a piece of land this summer. You clearly need to improve your surroundings and the place where you want to spend more time with your family. Let’s be clear, this is truly what will make you feel expansive this summer. So, if you are not traveling back to see your folks and visit your hometown, you’ll probably be appreciating a barbecue with your dear ones or homies if you’ve managed to move over your partnership issues or legal concerns. Of course, this might only bring you a temporary fix. But  you  know why? Because you can only feel safe and free within, and this transit is a unique opportunity to realize it and instill this wisdom into your life.


You will probably be frantic about new knowledge and sharing it with new people. This summer will get you hyperconnected, thirsty for more data to expand your fast mind and you might even grow your existing stock of devices and gadgets of all sorts to quench this thirst. Opportunities might present themselves through siblings or neighbors and short escapades around your home will be much more expansive and exciting than in the past. Dealing with your routine, colleagues and health might still be difficult to cope with as you strive for more freedom. You may be tempted to quit, but it will  be a necessity  to attend to.


After your self-confidence, this summer will now most probably boost your self-esteem and self-worth as you finally see your bank account growing. This will be the result of your actions growing more aligned with your system of values and you’ll continue this trend with remarkable success. You are not very often materialistic and epicurean, but this summer might be the exception to the rule. You will want to enjoy the simple pleasures of life and will likely be more sensual and indulgent than ever. This is ok as long as you produce and earn as much as you consume. Just be mindful about the fact that others might not be as lucky as you are right now and avoid becoming overconfident if you do not want your luck to suddenly halt at the end of the summer.


Act harmoniously with
the energy flow of the moment.

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