New moon in Capricorn Dec 23 2022 5 Ways to Manifest for 2023

Co-creating with the Moon


New Moon in Capricorn


At a time known for excesses and indulgences of all kinds, we find ourselves moving through the energy of the Capricorn New Moon. On Dec. 23 at 6:33 pm GMT/1:33 pm ET, we are immersed in a Capricorn stellium as the Moon joins the Sun, Venus, and Mercury in the Saturnian sign, seemingly dampening the festivities. But look past the solemn mood it may bring for the presents it gives us–a trimming of the fat in our lives as we clearly identify where our time, money, and energy belong and where we can create new processes and routine to usher in a more fruitful new year. 

As you know, new moons are times to set intentions and being in a cardinal sign initiates new beginnings even further. Though Capricorn energy can get stuck until it does its due diligence in finding necessary resources, once it decides it’s ready, it moves forward hustling to fulfill the ambition and design the most efficient way to get there.  It is time to trim your lifestyle from anything that wastes your time, energy, money and focus on your goals. It’s taking responsibility and understanding where to be independent in your life.


Overconfidence is a powerful source of illusions, primarily determined by the quality and coherence of the story that you can construct, not by its validity.

– Daniel Kahneman,
Think Fast Think Slow


Maturing Manifestation: Taking Advantage of the Cardinal Energy


This new moon energy is actually delicious guidance for a sky that is heavily promoting exuberance, adventure, some romantic delusions and a desire to chase what feels good. Jupiter is set at 0º Aries, a cardinal, critical degree, emphasizing our desires to be ourselves, be leaders in our own right and self-sufficient. Typically, this can make us overconfident and even dogmatic in what we believe, but the new moon reins it in a bit, challenging us to funnel this energy into designing a life with the wisdom of what we’ve learned for intentional growth for ourselves in 2023. 

We are invited to act The Fool from tarot and take a leap of faith off the ledge. We are excited and giddy for what awaits us, but with all our personal planets in Capricorn, it’s not without attentiveness to choosing the correct ledge. The Capricorn stellium is asking us to calculate wind speeds, the quickest descent, the right trajectory and checking how much sunlight we have so we can make the most of the day once we take the leap. Helping us is newly direct Chiron sextile to Mars retrograde, creating some fortunate opportunities, removing some mental obstacles and showing strength in the planning of personal goals. While we may stumble across some angry feelings where we don’t get cooperation of others, this challenge is highlighting an area in your life where you should learn to fulfill yourself. 

Venus in Capricorn is finding value in beauty effectively, in quality and sustainable components, not in the excesses surrounding it. It’s asking questions like: 

  • Where can we get the most bang for our buck while being the most efficient towards our goals? 
  • How can I fill every moment of my day judicially distributing my time and energy? 

Overconfidence is a powerful source of illusions, primarily determined by the quality and coherence of the story that you can construct, not by its validity.

– Daniel Kahneman,
Think Fast Think Slow


Getting a Jump on 2023


Those that have joined in the escapism energy of this year (that’s even available at this moment) will be met with consequences that will ripple throughout 2023. There’s an opportunity to truly miss the boat these next few weeks by refusing to put in the work for a blueprint of the future. No vision, no strategy, no plan would only end up in the absence of tangible reward. Homing in on ways to be autonomous and what it would take to get there if previous reliable structures are removed will pay off loads as 2023 unfolds. As three major outer planets shift, as well as the Nodes in 2023 [link to article], there is most certainly instability ahead on a larger scale, so creating a plan for your own security will be essential to not get tossed about by things you cannot control. 

Mercury in Cap flavors the Mars Retrograde in Gemini getting us to ask the “What if?” questions. What if I get laid off unexpectedly? What if the grocery stores start to run bare, where do I find sustenance? What if there is a financial collapse? What if I can’t access money in my bank accounts? What if the country’s infrastructure fails? What if the internet goes down? What if I grew my own food? What if I connected with my neighborhood to create a coop plan? What if I didn’t stay where I’ve lived all my life? This isn’t to get into a doomsday mindset, but to acknowledge the changes that have taken place because of the pandemic and where you can take things into your own hands.  

Jupiter opposite Ceres in Libra exposes a feeling of having gone too far, overspending on gifts and a few too many Christmas cookies and cocktails at the holiday parties.  There is a driving force in Jupiter, pushing us to get grounded, to connect more with nature and to find growth through disconnection of outdated patterns and finding answers in the cycle of nature that is shown to be tried and true. The Capricorn new moon is looking to set healthier boundaries where we take care of ourselves and find better ways to be in relation to others without completely depleting ourselves. We are reconstructing our lives based on our new needs, not on the traditions of old that leave us broke, empty and unfulfilled.  


There is a mindset being informed by past trauma needing to be released and not begrudgingly carried on because the toll it takes is known and is comfortable. As Chiron stations direct on the same day in Aries, we are free to move forward in applying what we’ve contemplated internally and healed–how can I assert myself in productive ways that are both healthy to me and the ecosystem around me? We should excitedly be looking at big strategical transformations in our lives that release our obsessions with talents and skills that don’t move us closer to our real goals. Failure to do so will ultimately push crisis on us in order to get us to let go and change. This new moon in Capricorn is offering us the energy to do it on our own and with great success. 

At this point we will already be in the shadow period of Mercury retrograde, which officially begins Dec. 29. This will take all this planning energy inwards to really flesh out a new mindset. We move forward with an optimistic vision of our future, while applying a pragmatic, disciplined, and hardworking commitment to achieving it.  As usual, outward communications, travel plans and get togethers may not work out as intended, but misdirection here is key to where changes in our lives need to be more functional. This time is more about creating the blueprint, finding or optimizing finite resources, and not so much setting out to get it all accomplished. Save carrying out the new plan for mid-Jan when we are finally out of both Mercury and Mars retrograde.  




As you work on your New Moon intentions, here are a few themes aligned with the energies of the moment to incorporate: 

Setting ambitious goals, committing to hard work, creating pragmatic and disciplined processes, accepting responsibilities, financial planning, focusing on what you really want and removing anything that doesn’t get you there, being self-aware of what your needs are, build in milestones with rewards (Caps like to party too once the work is done). 

Identify activities outside of work that fill your cup and yield some tangible outcomes. Making plans for a project, designing a water efficiency consumption plan for your land, or creating DIY projects around the house will be more fulfilling. Maybe a game night or escape room may be a more meaningful get together this season for everyone to exercise their abilities while bonding with friends.

Invite, not just the learning of necessary skills you need to support your goals in between now and July, but also where you can outsource pieces or find resources that can contribute to your objective.  

Request support to avoid falling into the Capricorn traps too often: being relentless, pessimistic, dominating or simply merging with the wallpaper.

List 2 or 3 of your goals. Take a moment to get quiet with yourself and, if you can bare the cold, take a brisk walk-in nature. Meditate on what you really want to accomplish for yourself in the new year. Identify what fills your time and takes your energy away from these goals and what you can remove from your life that doesn’t add to them. Determination is key this month!


Tap into your close-knit loved ones who are supportive and create an accountability group: 

  • Allow everyone to set individual goals  
  • Meet regularly to be supportive, unblock stagnant places for each other, share resources 







Manifestations will however not be sufficient to deal with the current energy.

Square Uranus, the Kundalini creative and electric power, more outlets will be required to deal positively with the upsurge.

Allow yourself to experience pure moments of fun and play when you reconnect with your inner child and forget about everything else

Do not wait for you routine to be derailed, allow yourself to follow your heart, and especially your wild side to express itself into constructive channels, before it is being disrupted by external events. The next New Moon in Virgo will be the occasion to reset your routine. Now is the time to listen to what must get out of your system. Once this is done, you’ll know what must change.

MULADHARA / 1st chakra (at the base of your spine)

  • Experience grounding, fearlessness, family connection, animal instinct, adaptability, stability and security.
  • Inner focus on the base of the spine and PRITHVI (Earth)
  • Invoking: Stability / Fearlessness / Groundedness
  • Deva: BRAHMA (self-effacement, humility, resistance)
  • Mantra: Om Ham Brha-ma (27 rounds or multiples)
  • Beeja sound: LAM
MANIPURA/ 3rd chakra (solar plexus)

  • Seat of fire, clear action, vision, dynamic action, assertiveness, decisiveness, discipline and determination, our deepest willingness to go beyond, with a strong willpower, courage, resilience, vitality.
  • Inner focus on solar plexus and AGNI (Fire)
  • Invoking the quality of: Awareness / Will power / Vairagyam (non-attachment) / Transformation
  • Deva: HANUMAN (selfless-service, devotion, strength, will power) or DURGA (power, determination, protection)
  • Mantra: Ram Ham Hanumanaya Namaha OR Om Dum Durgayei Namaha (27 rounds or multiples)
  • Beeja sound: RAM
ANAHATA / 4th chakra (heart)

  • Seat of love and compassion – mantra and expansion of the heart through devotion, contains the highest level of electromagnetic energy, source of inspiration, seat of Self, timelessness and reasonless joy, hope, forgiveness. When imbalanced: experience of attachment, longing, neediness, co-dependency, me and mine mentality.
  • Inner focus on the heart and VAYU (Air)
  • Invoking: Bliss / Unconditional love / Grace / Healing light to help the seeds to grow
  • Experiencing Devotion, Surrender, Trust
  • Deva: LAKSHMI (Abundance, Fulfilment, Bliss)
  • Mantra: Shri Lakshmi Namaha (27 rounds or multiples)
  • Beeja sound: YAM

Act harmoniously with
the energy flow of the moment.

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