New Moon in Aquarius: Astrology for Personal Transformation and Breaking Societal Norms

Co-creating with the Moon


Aquarius New Moon


In the face of a New Year, the patriarchal sense of time asserts pressures of resolutions, outward change and striving towards new hopes and dreams as the stroke of midnight. This contrasts with nature’s flow, natural cycles, and the energy astrologically. All this to say, if you’ve pushed your resolutions, have already failed, or just took it easy, there is no need to be critical of yourself.

We’ve entered the year with a very internal approach. Revamping our mindset, psychology and feelings to define efficiently what we want and what we may need to get there. The Capricorn energy of the end of December contrasted deeply with Mars and Mercury in retrograde for us to trim down introspectively before being able to successfully take actions in the physical world. As frustrating as it may come to most, this stagnancy is a blessing to get us more than ready for when the starting pistol goes off in March. That’s not to say we won’t see some forward movement before then because we definitely will. As we approach this new moon in Aquarius, we will be filled with energy towards our new hopes and connections, doubling down on what we’ve calculated to support our defined goals and releasing the ties that bind us to an unfulfilling past.

The January 21 new moon is emboldening us to be our unique, individual selves and taking up our time in the ventures that show this, no matter how out of bounds they may seem. It’s throwing societal norms to the winds, not to just spit in the face of authority, but to have a pure, unadulterated sense of self unleashed into the world. And no need to be shy– no one should have the time to be critical or speak an ounce of judgment as they focus on their own hopes and dreams. And in a word of almost any Aquarian placement “Who the f*ck cares?”


Overconfidence is a powerful source of illusions, primarily determined by the quality and coherence of the story that you can construct, not by its validity.


There is a revitalization to wanting to connect to friends, having unique experiences and searching for the extraordinary in your day-to-day. At the same time, it makes it very easy to play it cool and detach from the things we do not see working. This new moon gives us the emotional detachment to remove the people, place, things that no longer serve whatever we’ve been thinking about since the last new moon in Capricorn inspired us to pare down on our lives and get focused. 

Mercury, finally direct, helps the new moon ground the far-out ideas inspired by Aquarius, to become more tangible, or at least getting the foundation started. Supported by Uranus retrograde in Taurus conjunct the North Node, there’s more grounding to our ideas than normal supporting growth in our self-sufficiency and stability. 

This aspect throws in a little bit of healthy caution to our planning and optimizing our resources for our future goals. We need to let go of the “coulda, woulda, shoulda” mentality that can discourage our forward movement. The energy actually helps temper our gung-ho attitude that is in overdrive, due to the Mars retrograde. Now that both Mars and Mercury are direct, we can’t seem to move out of stagnation fast enough.  

Just remember, we are in Mars retrograde shadow period until March 1, so yes you can move out of brainstorming mode, but do not gloss over the fact that a few relationships might need to be mended before we can reach maximum speed. There’s reason enough to rejoice with the fact that things are finally getting in forward motion.  The Sun trining Mars on January 30 will quickly propel us back into action. Make sure you have all the resources you will need first as this will be a day to break ground, impress others (get those meetings lined up!) and boosts your confidence in a way you may not have felt since September of last year. 

In addition, Mercury trining Uranus supports epiphanies, particularly ones that can be implemented on a physical level, potentially using technology. Being curious and a speediness in communication and thought to assist in the innovation Aquarius inspires within us. Uranus is stationary concentrating a lot of this energy literally creating lightning in a bottle. It may be something to keep mum about while you look for resources to make your idea happen but will be dying to get out a few days later as Uranus goes direct. Don’t mind the weird looks you get at this off-the-wall perspective–others don’t have to understand it now for it to be a good idea.    

The wild card, that may push some to all-out rebellion, is newly ingressed Lilith in Leo on January 9, directly opposite the full moon. For most, it will highlight where you stand in your self-confidence, for the better or not. Frustration around where you may not have been seen or heard battles to be integrated with the needs of the collective.


Overconfidence is a powerful source of illusions, primarily determined by the quality and coherence of the story that you can construct, not by its validity.


New Moon in Aquarius in the Real World


Maybe not the real world, but definitely a good example of this energy playing out is in Marvel’s Thanos. Deleting half of humanity to stop the depletion of resources and allow those remaining to flourish can seem humanitarian on one hand. But this sort of Aquarian intellectualism and domination of one’s belief negates the emotions, hurt and free will of all.  

Where it is actually expressing itself rather well is with ChatGPT, the new AI specifically designed to optimize language models for dialogue. Not only is it very Aquarian in that it is improvement in technology, it also promotes an equality among the masses by giving easier access to cultivating information; removing time, money and energy investments to hiring or learning new skills or having to know technological language of code in order to create most things on the Web today. 

Now this change can strike fear in people (the Uranian side of Aquarius) whose income is based on selling information, a huge revenue stream that has been made popular the past 10 years, particularly with entrepreneurs and coaches. Without a doubt, this will become similar to the Industrial Revolution, but here is where it’s important to integrate the Leo in Lilith. Learning to be ourselves, be creative and where we can lead is optimal. It will be personalized voice, style, tone, perspective and presentation that will grab hold of people, not the information we gatekeep for profit. 

We see the Lilith in Leo appearing in Microsoft’s 10 billion donation to the platform. This technological giant has lost traction in the workplace to Google, after decades of being the leader. The potential integration of this new technology will turn a whole new generation back onto Clippy, the paper clip assistant feature that may now write your outlines, codes for apps, or whole marketing strategies.  

Will these be used for good or evil? This is very much a question for an Aquarian/Leo progression and usually comes down to perspective and application. We know as a more conscious group of individuals that both must play out to find balance. 



Let’s not forget, this is an ego-bound axis. For some, this will be an eye-opening revolution of self, getting inspired to break free from fear that has kept them in the shadows. For others egoically trying to assert their will onto others, a harsh lesson will come to humble and show the strength in everyone’s individuality being at the table. We are invited to stand up when our talents are not being integrated properly into the new plans and processes that will come to light over the next month. 

Lilith’s ingress also changes the energy in the Jupiter-Lilith trine that began November 3, with Jupiter in Pisces and Lilith in Cancer. Lilith is finally getting to move from an internal space to an external one and amplifies its roar through March 6. We are liberating ourselves from societal pressures, expectation and judgment. Finding freedom in being ourselves will promote the most growth.  

Jupiter fingerprints are also applying to the Aquarius new moon prompting collaborations and partnerships supportive of our growth.  There are two ways this can play out for anyone. This could be a double down in commitment with others, whether business wise or in love relationship. But in combination with Jupiter being conjunct Juno, it can be laying down of boundaries in order to move forward. And being in Aries, this could lead to an abrupt burning of a bridge or silent treatment in the heat of the moment.  Our advice: give time for cooler heads to prevail. Remember, this is a time of individuation, separation will most likely not be permanent, but needed. 

While Pluto is still in Capricorn, it is conjunct this new moon, harnessing the Saturnian nature of both signs. The start of new things this year will be the beginning of threads that destroy societal structures and processes that are not functional and refuse to be responsible. This can make us feel pessimistic and depressed as we feel out of control at a time we already are entrenched in three years of massive change. But where we continue to hold on to ableist, capitalist structures in the face of a pandemic that is disabling millions that survive it, mental health crises that keep getting pushed under the rug and more, we will be met with sweeping removals. Use this ability to emotionally detach that Aquarius lends to let go now and look for how you can contribute with your individual perspective for the future.

Natal Chart reading 

Best to use the time engulfed in fulfilling your own hopes and dreams in creative ways and bringing in supportive friends and partners and not cast your eyes off your path, save to seek inspiration or give support to others.  Within the Aquarius sign, we also have Venus conjunct Saturn, encouraging looking for mentorship (or stepping in to be a mentor) to give healthy boundaries to lofty heart-filled desires. Do not neglect the assistance and wisdom out in the world that can make what seems inconceivable completely possible.  

This energy is not to succumb to pessimism of roadblocks you see ahead. You cannot possibly know how to maneuver excellently in a new space and asking for assistance can help you tenfold. It’s to push us to become innovative and tap into a world beyond what we now exist in. 


Mindful Activities for the Aquarius New Moon 


Air signs have highly charged mental activity and with the new moon in Aquarius, Mars station direct in Gemini and Mercury in Capricorn, the most mindful practice can be in journaling and getting all that you are ruminating down in writing. 

Below are journal prompts to help engage with the current energy and process some of the inspiration and events happening in your life at this time. And as always, don’t hesitate to consult with a professional astrologer if you want to dive deeper into how this alignment is affecting you personally. 

    • How can I have a greater perspective around hopes and dreams? 
    • Are my partners/closest friends supportive of my unique/talents? 
    • If not, what is the natural course of action? What am I afraid of in making those decisions? 
    • Do I only see one possibility when many others exist? 
    • How can I find a mentor to help me where I want to grow?
    • What steps can I take towards meaningful change? 


This is also the perfect new moon to manifest for 2023. Connect to something that inspired you as a child with no shame or guilt. Indulge in creative practices to find inspiration if you are stuck. Spend a day with the kids in your life and let their curiosity mentor ways in changing perspective from your day-to-day. 



Yoga for the New Moon in Aquarius 


  • channel and exhaust the Mars energy working with the 3rd chakra, as well as the energetic breath of fire, warrior breath and shakti kriyas
  • calm the nervous system with Pranayama 
  • open the heart and the 4th chakra for love is truly the vibration we must get attuned to now 


MULADHARA / 1st chakra (at the base of your spine)

  • Experience grounding, fearlessness, family connection, animal instinct, adaptability, stability and security.
  • Inner focus on the base of the spine and PRITHVI (Earth)
  • Invoking: Stability / Fearlessness / Groundedness
  • Deva: BRAHMA (self-effacement, humility, resistance)
  • Mantra: Om Ham Brha-ma (27 rounds or multiples)
  • Beeja sound: LAM


ANAHATA / 4th chakra (heart)

  • Seat of love and compassion – mantra and expansion of the heart through devotion, contains the highest level of electromagnetic energy, source of inspiration, seat of Self, timelessness and reasonless joy, hope, forgiveness. When imbalanced: experience of attachment, longing, neediness, co-dependency, me and mine mentality.
  • Inner focus on the heart and VAYU (Air)
  • Invoking: Bliss / Unconditional love / Grace / Healing light to help the seeds to grow
  • Experiencing Devotion, Surrender, Trust
  • Deva: LAKSHMI (Abundance, Fulfilment, Bliss)
  • Mantra: Shri Lakshmi Namaha (27 rounds or multiples)
  • Beeja sound: YAM


ANAHATA / 4th chakra (heart)

  • Seat of love and compassion – mantra and expansion of the heart through devotion, contains the highest level of electromagnetic energy, source of inspiration, seat of Self, timelessness and reasonless joy, hope, forgiveness. When imbalanced: experience of attachment, longing, neediness, co-dependency, me and mine mentality.
  • Inner focus on the heart and VAYU (Air)
  • Invoking: Bliss / Unconditional love / Grace / Healing light to help the seeds to grow
  • Experiencing Devotion, Surrender, Trust
  • Deva: LAKSHMI (Abundance, Fulfilment, Bliss)
  • Mantra: Shri Lakshmi Namaha (27 rounds or multiples)
  • Beeja sound: YAM


Act harmoniously with
the energy flow of the moment.

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