The Pains of Birthing a New Reality Series: Exploring Saturn’s Transit in Pisces



Unlocking Transformation: Navigating Saturn in Pisces


Why is Saturn in Pisces important to you?

Rarely are we given such a long amount of time to bring the dreams from the ethers, fantasies and our own sense of magic into our current reality. Saturn, the taskmaster and disciplinarian, moving through Pisces, the intuitive and empathetic sign, it’s evident that the conflicting archetypal principles at play during this transit offer a rich tapestry of possibilities. The paradoxical nature of this association points to a multitude of outcomes, both challenging and transformative. Before we delve deeper into the cosmic challenges and opportunities that await us, it is essential to acknowledge the contradictory and ambivalent essence of this celestial dance. By embracing the complexities of this transit, we can better grasp the extent of the collective and individual changes that lie before us. Together, let us journey into the depths of this transformative cosmic dance and uncover the wisdom it holds for our evolving world.

If creating something that you have never seen in this world is important to you, our newest series on Saturn in Pisces will be vital to understanding the opportunity through the hardship of this time at this highest of stakes: dreaming a new world into being. This deep and transformative transit, spanning nearly three years from March 7, 2023, to February 14, 2026, carries profound implications for our world and offers us an opportunity to birth a better and more sustainable future.

In this series we’ll explore:

Saturn in Pisces Archetypes Manifestation Inner Evolution Timing
"Spirituality is not to be learned by flight from the world,or by running away from things, or by turning solitary and going apart from the world. Rather, we must learn an inner solitude wherever or with whomsoever we may be."
–Meister Eckhart

“Spirituality is not to be learned by flight from the world, or by running away from things,


The paradoxical nature of this transit


Saturn stands for structure, order, time, hard work, our three-dimensional space, our reality, and the material world but also fear (and by extension protection, laws, authority and control).

Pisces stands for dissolution, chaos, the ether, the absence of boundaries, limits or control but also the forces of nature, the greater energy field, the realms of the invisible, magic, unity, healing, our imagination, our inner world and unconditional love.

Put those two together and you now get:

Order and Chaos

Material and Spiritual

Control and Panic

Fit and Misfit

Separation and Unity

Reality and Dreams

To summarize, this period will certainly bring a thick fog of confusion that will dissolve established structures, beginning a period of constant change. This will in essence cause authorities to focus their attention on limiting the damage of their past excesses and being only able to attend to those in extreme need.

It will undoubtedly challenge us to:

  • acknowledge the order in the inherent chaos we are about to experience
  • remember that everything is transient
  • find peace and faith in the dissolution of older structures that can no longer be for the greater good
  • master the fears and lows it will expose
  • liberate ourselves from the toxic dependencies they created
  • most importantly, bring our deepest dreams and aspirations to reality

The mutable nature of Pisces highlights that this time is about changing and transitioning to a new reality.

The elemental nature of this sign indicates that this change of reality will be deep, healing, and emotional.

The feminine energy of this sign indicates that this reality depends on the vibrational nature of our individual and collective energy. That WE hold the key to our destiny and that a choice exists everywhere and at every moment between love and fear, and that the real essence of what is about to arise simply depends on…

choosing Love (unconditionally) over Fear (and the resulting self-pity)

Saturn reminds us that this is only ever a question of choices, mastery of (emotional and spiritual) skills and free will.

Pisces, as the final sign in the zodiac wheel, holds profound complexity. It encompasses a wide range of themes and topics that deserve thorough examination, not only to honor Saturn’s influence, but also to navigate the expansive energy of Jupiter and the ethereal nature of Neptune – both associated rulers of Pisces. Our next blog on the archetypes will delve deeper into the intricate nuances and unveil the full spectrum of challenges and opportunities offered by this transformative time. This resource will serve as a guiding light, empowering you to grasp the deep significance of this celestial dance and truly harness its transformative potential.


Doom and gloom?


We find ourselves at a pivotal moment in history, where divergent perspectives shape our collective vision of the future. For some, this transit signifies a beacon of hope, a chance for a new reality that uplifts those who have been marginalized, exhausted, or economically burdened. Others, however, fear this period as an attempt to regress, desperately holding onto the remnants of their waning power and control. Amidst this uncertainty, there is a shared awareness that change is imminent, even if we struggle to decipher its exact nature.

Let us be clear: the doomsday scenarios perpetuated by the media, designed to captivate and addict us do not align with our purpose. While they may influence the world we ultimately create, we envision a different path — one akin to a softer transformation that touches the lives of many, reminiscent of the Renaissance rather than a grand and costly upheaval on a global scale.

Nevertheless, we must acknowledge that local disruptions and moments of conflict may arise as part of the process of birthing a new world. The wheel of change is already in motion and many can sense its unfolding trajectory. However, when any doubts arise, we aim for encouragement through our upcoming blogs that can provide a compass to navigate potential risks.

Amidst these transformative energies, one of the greater unknown influences lies in the realm of Uranus in Taurus. While its destabilizing influence on the economy, work, currencies, values, resources, and relationships is evident, the exact environmental chaos it is set to trigger over the next two years remains a mystery. As exemplified by the recent earthquake in Turkey occurring on a full moon square Uranus, the timing and precise locations of such events may prove elusive until they unfold.


The coming change 


During the past six years, Saturn has traversed its own domains of Capricorn and Aquarius, urging us to accept authoritarian interventions, embrace social distance, and navigate through various limitations. These times demanded resilience, adaptability, and a willingness to explore new ways of being. We were called upon to fulfill our responsibilities with unwavering courage and integrity, while also addressing our karmic debts and avoiding the temptation to evade our obligations. 

However, as Saturn now enters Pisces, a sign governed by Jupiter and Neptune, a shift occurs. The demanding nature of the previous years starts to ease, granting us some respite from relentless hard work.  This transition marks the closure of a collective cycle and of a revolution around the Zodiac, inevitably bringing us face-to-face with the realities of authority. We find ourselves confronted with both the positive and negative aspects of those in power, urging us to let go of outdated structures. We are required to plant the seeds of new and necessary forms of authority revising the structure to align with the priorities of our times. 

Even though we will soon cover the geopolitical, societal, cultural, environmental and economic manifestations of the transit of Saturn in Pisces in a dedicated blog. One can expect this transit to have major implications on the sectors ruled by Pisces (Nature, Naval transports, Arts, Entertainment, Oil, Energy, Chemistry, Unions, Healing, Health system, Drugs, Psychology, Astrology, Spirituality, Religion, Crime, Jails) as well as those ruled by Saturn (Politics, Institutions, Laws and Corporations). 

What makes this transit even more momentous is the simultaneous shift of all three slower generational planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) into new masculine signs (Gemini, Aries and Aquarius), vectors of external changes.  

This phenomenon, which last occurred in the mid-1950s, marked the dawning of third world liberation and the onset of the Cold War. Now, as these transgenerational planets embark on their new journeys, we stand at the precipice of a completely new reality. 


The Larger Cosmology at Play


Having all the planets that affect us collectively switching signs in a relatively short amount of time exposes the erratic nature of our time. It’s hard to pinpoint any one specific event as their impact is rolling in nature–something we won’t be able to gather together until we have a retrospective of time.

Pluto, the lord of Transformation, was the first to enter Aquarius on March 23, while still completing its final months at a critical degree of Capricorn.

It will fully embrace the realm of freedom and equality on November 19, 2024.

In Aquarius, Pluto will gradually and radically push our collective to release resistance and catalyze global transformations in the realms of society, politics, the environment, and science over the next two decades.

While Saturn was in Aquarius, Pluto’s focus was on safeguarding the masses.

However, with its shift into Pisces in 2023, Pluto’s work during the final degrees of Capricorn (between July 2023 and November 2024) will involve completing the tasks it initiated alongside Neptune in 2008 during the financial crisis (in a trine with Saturn). These efforts were further accelerated in 2016 with the rise of anti-establishment parties (in a square with Uranus) and solidified in 2020 with the Covid crisis (in conjunction with Saturn).

Next, Neptune will follow suit and enter Aries on March 30, 2025, commencing a new 165-year cycle of spiritual and ideological renewal.

Saturn and Neptune, both currently in Pisces, will gradually converge, nearly forming a conjunction in July 2025. During this time, their alignment will offer us a glimpse of what the coming years hold—a revival of communist and socialist ideologies, new entrepreneurial dreams, and major shifts in Russia’s regime.

Finally, Uranus will be the last of the individuation planets to change sign, entering Gemini on July 8, 2025.

This heralds scientific breakthroughs, revolutionary advancements in transportation, transactions, media, and the utilization of artificial intelligence, faster quantum computing, enhanced connectivity, and energy-efficient devices. Uranus will briefly revisit Taurus between November 2025 and April 2026, causing unexpected disruptions in our climate, finances, work, relationships, and resources. It will then focus on revolutionizing our routines, logistics, local communities, communication, transport, and education systems for the following seven years.



The occurrence of all three transgenerational planets changing signs within a three-year period, definitively entering their new signs within a 17-month window, is extraordinarily rare. They oscillate between the previous sign, where they still have unfinished work, and the new sign they need to trigger through remarkable events. Pluto will require 19 months to complete this transition in 2023 and 2024, Neptune 10 months, and Uranus 9 months in 2025. Such turbulence is a rarity and highlights extreme, poignant change.

The last time such a rapid succession of sign changes occurred was in 1478-1489, more than half a millennium ago. Intriguingly, this period coincided with the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire and the discovery of the Americas, sparking the Renaissance movement—an era of enlightenment, progress, and liberation.

Moreover, the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at 0 degrees of Aquarius in December 2020 inaugurated a new 200-year series of Great Conjunctions in the Air element. The cycle of Jupiter and Saturn defines the geopolitical landscape for 20 years. The Pandemic started it but we will be experiencing the first moment of dramatic tension truly understanding what those two decades are about over this transit when it will square Jupiter in between Jun 2024 and July 2025. Viewing these transitions through this prism, one can be sure that as we transition from a very slow and steady Earth 200-year cycle, into a very rapid and mental Air cycle, the acceleration we are about to experience might be destabilizing for more than a few of us.

As G. Stanley Hall eloquently stated, despite our intelligence and superior consciousness, we are creatures of habit, often acting through automatic reflexes shaped by the stimuli of our environment. When the environment undergoes rapid changes and unprocessed stimuli abound, we become saturated and overwhelmed, prey to our mood, feelings and emotions.

There might lay one of the biggest challenges of Saturn in Pisces.



"Your emotions are the slaves to your thoughts, and you are the slave to your emotions."
— Elizabeth Gilbert

The 2 phases of Saturn in Pisces

When Saturn resided in Aquarius between December 2020 and March 2023, it found itself in relationship to Uranus, the ruler of Aquarius, which was transiting through Taurus.. This created a relatively cohesive period with a primary focus on economy, money (including inflation), and diplomacy.

As we now enter the domain of Pisces, we shift our attention to Neptune, the ruler of Pisces. Neptune will conclude its 14-year transit through Pisces in 2025, before definitively entering Aries in early 2026. This transition will likely bring a change in the tonality and focus of Saturn’s influence during this transit. While the initial phase of this transit will predominantly explore Piscean and Neptunian themes, from April 2025 onward, martial topics and our ability to assert ourselves and act decisively will come to the forefront.

Two significant phases emerge within this transit:

  1. The first phase spans from March 7, 2023, to March 30, 2025.
  1. The second phase extends from March 30, 2025, to February 14, 2026, marked by two conjunctions of Saturn and Neptune in Aries.


The period from March 7, 2023, to March 30, 2025, can be described as a time when “all hell breaks loose.”

Initially, the entrance of Saturn into Pisces is relatively smooth, as it forms harmonious partnerships with Pluto and Jupiter until July 2023. This period presents an opportunity to reap the rewards of our hard work.. It is a perfect time to solidify future-focused partnerships, finalize contracts, and refine our plans for the upcoming year.

However, Saturn’s retrograde motion starting on June 17 calls us to integrate and become our own authority in setting healthy boundaries for our material desires and close relationships. The Venus retrograde in Leo during July and August brings potential changes of heart, diplomatic challenges, disruptions in monetary and financial systems, and implications for the labor market.

As Saturn turns direct on November 4, 2023, the situation is likely to seriously worsen. From December to February 2024, Saturn becomes entangled in three key lunations, exacerbating the challenges we face.

The period from April 2024 to March 2025 brings about very difficult aspects between Saturn, Pluto, and Jupiter, posing defining challenges on both geopolitical and domestic fronts.


From March 30 to May 25, 2025, we enter a phase characterized by the birthing of a new reality, the illusion of war and old leaders, the hope of technology and revolutions, the idealism and naivety of new leaders, and the potential fall of Putin’s regime.  

During this time, Saturn forms a sextile with Uranus, while Neptune makes its initial entrance into Aries, signaling the dawn of a new cultural, ideological and spiritual era. Hope and opportunities arise from technological innovations and humanitarian, egalitarian movements. There is a chance to upgrade our infrastructure, institutions, political systems, and economic models to something new and innovative. New international unions may emerge, united by the defense of progressive causes. The solutions offered by artificial intelligence, computing advancements, and sustainable energy sources from July 2025 with the ingress of Uranus in Gemini for the next 7 years have the potential to reshape both the power and international dynamics. However, the question remains: Will these advancements be utilized for the greater good of all or exploited by a few for domination? The masses hold the power to decide the outcome. Will they succumb to old patriarchal conflicts or unite in pursuit of a better future? Your role will contribute to the answer. 

Saturn and Neptune will conjunct twice in Aries during this transit, solidifying the dominant energy within our collective experience and shaping our reality for the next 15 to 20 years. This rare aspect occurs only every 35 years–heralding significant world events. To quote Andre Barbaut who has studied this aspect extensively over the centuries: “when hunger brings the wolf out of the forest, human need increases the collective demands of a frustrated population which has no hope.”  

Throughout the centuries, historical events associated with these conjunctions include: 

  • the 1773 Boston Tea Party 
  • Latin American uprisings against Spanish rule in 1809 
  • the resurgence of European nationalism following the Napoleonic wars 
  • the emergence of Marxism and Communism in 1846 
  • the rise of socialism in 1882 
  • the Russian Revolution in 1917 
  • the death of Stalin in 1953 and the start of decolonization wars
  • the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 

These examples illustrate the profound impact and potential for transformative events that accompany the conjunction of Saturn and Neptune. They signify popular insurrections fueled by ideological beliefs. As we navigate this transit, we are called to be aware of the historical significance and potential for profound societal change.  

Let us embrace this opportunity to shape a future aligned with our collective aspirations and values. 


The Saturn in Pisces series

As we conclude our exploration of Saturn’s transit through Pisces, we find ourselves standing at the threshold of a transformative journey. This three-year period is marked by paradoxes, challenges, and opportunities, urging us to evolve and birth a better and more sustainable world. The archetypal interplay between Saturn, the taskmaster, and Pisces, the intuitive and empathetic sign, invites us to confront the complexities of our existence and strive for a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

While the previous transits of Saturn in Pisces have left their imprint on history, it is important to recognize that each cycle brings unique energies and possibilities. This time, we witness a convergence of planetary shifts, with Neptune concluding its transit through Pisces and Saturn joining forces with it in Aries. These celestial movements signify a turning point, demanding us to confront the realities of authority, revolutionize outdated systems, and embrace the hope of technological advancements and humanitarian causes.

Throughout this transit, we will experience distinct phases, from the initial period of reaping the rewards of our hard work to the challenging times that lie ahead. It is crucial to maintain resilience, adaptability, and integrity as we navigate the twists and turns of this cosmic dance. By understanding the archetypal themes and their implications, we gain insight into the actions and behaviors that will empower us to manifest positive change in ourselves and the world.

In the upcoming blogs of this series, we will delve deeper into the specific manifestations and implications of this transit, exploring the economic, social, and environmental sectors that may be affected. We will provide guidance on how to navigate the shifting tides, embrace the opportunities for growth, and embody the qualities necessary to birth a more inclusive, sustainable, and authentic reality.

As we embark on this transformative journey, let us remember that we hold the power to shape our future. By embracing the challenges, aligning our actions with our values, and fostering compassion and unity, we can collectively create a world that honors the interconnectedness of all beings and nurtures the evolution of consciousness.

Join us in the next blog as we dive deeper into the mysteries of Saturn in Pisces and unlock the potential for personal and collective transformation. Together, let us navigate the changing times, evolve, and birth a better world.

Act harmoniously with
the energy flow of the moment.

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