Diving in the Deep Waters of Transformation: Saturn in Pisces Transit




A significant shift occurred in March 2023, when Saturn left its Aquarius domicile and entered Pisces signaling a new 3-year cycle of collective and individual transformation. A slow dissolution of reality as we know it has begun to slip through our hands. All the while the faucet to our imagination has started to drip, run (or maybe even gush for some of you), instigating dreams, fantasies or even nightmares that seem otherworldly.

A fascinating, though somewhat chaotic time. This blog aims to equip you with the necessary wisdom and insights you will need to not just handle the difficulties of your personal and professional life, but help you land the concrete results and rewards Saturn bestows when we grow up.

Humans are creatures of habit; we need a degree of certainty in our life in order to be functional. While a certain dose of uncertainty can be stimulating, too much can quickly become paralyzing, triggering our insecurities, and making our survival center stage. Even though we can sense that a brand-new reality will emerge when Saturn and Neptune finally meet in the sign of new beginnings, Aries, in February 2026, what will occur between now and then is likely to be most challenging for the people most attached to their way of life. However, it will be incredibly exhilarating for those flexible and mystic enough to see the opportunities in the challenges ahead of us.


Overconfidence is a powerful source of illusions, primarily determined by the quality and coherence of the story that you can construct, not by its validity.


Saturn is order, Pisces chaos. 

Saturn lives here and now, Pisces is transcendental. 

Saturn is Karma, Pisces Nirvana. 

Saturn is finite, Pisces is infinite. 

Saturn is fear, Pisces unconditional love. 


Even though this may sound improbable, hidden behind the paradoxical archetypes of Saturn and Pisces, ruled by both Jupiter and Neptune, one can uncover a rich world of insights and precious guidance to navigate the period. 

Have your dreams become more vivid? Do you feel like your intuition has come online? These are becoming activated as we move through this transit. We usually avoid dwelling too deep into the archetypal sea of combinations and meanings; however, two things are preventing us from doing so this time. The paradoxical nature of the archetypes does not point towards just one manifesting reality but a variety of them. Secondly, when this transit is ruled by a sign that is not just a psychology enthusiast, but also an astrology buff and a mystical guru, we believe that even though your consciousness might not immediately integrate everything we will share below, your subconscious mind will. This in turn is likely to make your sleeping time much more productive and your intuition over the next few years much sharper when it comes to dealing with the obstacles and embracing the flow for greater opportunities. 

Saturn is partly responsible for our material reality as well as the challenges, obstacles, and tests we meet in our lives. Overcome the obstacles and you are likely to reap the reward of your efforts. Fail the test and you are likely to jail yourself in a long karmic loop while still having to try and pass it again later. 




This is a Saturn transit and just like all other planetary transit, we need to integrate what the nature and modus operandi of the planet are.

Saturn, Kronos in Greek, rules time and space, the reality of our 3D physical world, as the last visible planet of our solar system it:

  • finalizes the results of our actions understood as an idea or will (Sun, Mercury) giving life to an emotion or need (Moon, Venus) and driving the action (Ascendant, Mars) occurring within a society built around common beliefs and traditions (Jupiter)
  • crystallizes the social consensus, established by Jupiter, into laws and enforces them so that we can be protected and operational as a society.

Let’s quickly explore the main myths associated with Saturn to derive more meaning.

Saturn is the son of Gaia, the Earth primal goddess and Uranus, the Sky god. Tired of raising an increasing number of gods on her own and of the chaotic life that Uranus was inflicting on her, Gaia invited her son to deal with Uranus. Saturn dealt with his father by killing him. The action of Saturn aimed at protecting her mother, limiting the excesses and bringing order so that her mother could eventually deal with her responsibilities.

Saturn feared that one of his children could one day be inspired by his own story and ended up devouring all of his children. Jupiter tricked him and liberated his siblings, starting the war of Titans that he eventually lost, abdicating the throne to his son. The notion of fear and karmic line (or fate) are associated to the god and planet as well as the finite nature of life (both stories are the first to stage the end of life as such in the Greek mythos).

Saturn was also portrayed as Janus, the two-faced god of Romans, which gave us the month of January when both Capricorn and Aquarius are celebrated. One face contemplates the past and highlights the consequences and results of our past actions, the second face stares at the future and highlight the greater possibilities we open ourselves to when we have mastered a craft, demonstrating resilience and integrity. Saturn used to rule both Capricorn and Aquarius, but the latter is now also associated to the inventive and rebellious genius of Uranus. Capricorn represents the earthy nocturnal reality of Saturn, managing our world from top to bottom efficiently thanks to tried and tested methods. Aquarius is the mental diurnal alternative to our reality, seeking to improve it by exploring out-of-the-box ideas.


Saturn is therefore not a straightforward energy but a dual and ambivalent one by design since the feelings motivating our actions can both be conscious and unconscious.

However, if for other planets, the nature of their energy is mostly instinctively or subconsciously driven, here, our free will decides whether Saturn is going to be lead or gold.

The modus operandi of Saturn is rather simple:

Wherever Saturn transits in our chart, we can always expect to be tested by authorities, obstacles and delays will appear, past situations will resurface, and we have no other options but to deal with the consequences of our past choices and actions.

A Saturn transit takes on average from 2.5 to 3 years, we might not immediately realise that we are being tested. The pressure will only last as long as Saturn is direct, 6 months of the year, given us the opportunity to integrate, correct our attitude and become our own authority during the retrograde period.

The gifts of Saturn are not bestowed upon a quick decision or action but over a long period of time during which we must face our responsibility, accept our duties, demonstrate commitment, an ability to plan for the long term, resilience, and discipline. With Saturn there is real value to sticking to our responsibilities over time and deliver the efforts.

Many popular idioms capture this wisdom, and we unknowingly deal with Saturn when we are being reminded of their relevance:

You reap what you sow,

Practice makes perfect,

No pain no gain,

Rome wasn’t built in a day,

Slow and steady wins the race,

What goes around, comes around,

You get what you deserve.


Through the process of trying, failing, and repeating until you become successful, mastery is gained and with it comes public success, respect, and authority. There are no such things as gifted people, being able to express a gift freely takes 10,000 hours of practice. You won’t be asked for so many hours, but you can easily imagine how if you would, your craft and talents would evolve. 

Try and escape your responsibility though, you will undoubtedly have to bear the consequences of your choice more painfully every 7 years. Saturn’s gift of greater social status in a particular area of life will bypass you for another 28 years. 

Saturn restricts, controls, scrutinizes, limits, regulates, enforces, manages, polices, punishes, frustrates, contracts, deflates, cools and weighs down. 

Saturn wants you to accept your responsibilities, set boundaries, draw lines, define plans and strategies, commit, deliver the efforts, build self-discipline and resilience. 

Saturn protects, grounds, anchors, shapes, preserves, improves, optimizes, solidifies, crystalises.  

Now that you get the gist of it. Let’s study the sign Saturn will transit into as it will both nuance its energy and adjust its focus over several years. 




Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac wheel, the last step of our evolutionary soul journey. It represents both the beginning and the end, the fish of awareness, diving deeply into the ocean of consciousness from the original place of unity we once emerged from (be it our mother’s womb, our karmic line or simply the void) through to the transcendent states and realms existing beyond our 3D world (heaven, nirvana, enlightenment, satori, salvation, pozo, akashic records, call it whatever you please). If we can be quite certain of our biological origins from a woman, where our soul emerges from and where it goes once our body dies remains forever a mystery. Pisces represent where we come from and where we go to as well as the transcendental states such as enlightenment, dreams, and our subconscious, places of infinite possibilities and forever mostly hidden to us or foreign to our conscious reality. 

Pisces associations: infinity / beginning & ends / transcendental states / dreams, nightmares, fantasies / hidden, unknown, occult, mystery, subconscious. 

Pisces is a water sign, an element attuned to our emotions and our ability to feel, just like Cancer and Scorpio. The key difference being that in Pisces basic emotional sensitivity is complicated by the presence of an additional layer of psychic sensitivity. Consequently, a Piscean placement is not just dealing with its own emotional life, it is dealing with all of the ambient psychic energies.  

At a lower level, this can be very difficult to live with since the tendency to be overwhelmed by the millions of signals our body receives on a daily basis can immerse a strongly Piscean person in a state of paralysis, stasis, hypnosis or debilitate the thinking process into mental illnesses such as paranoia or panic attacks. If this is giving them outstanding powers such as an ability to blend into any type of environment, the ability to love unconditionally, compassion, and empathy for others, this is also a major source of troubles born out of their confusion and tendency to mix everything together. Even though Pisceans feel everything, they have major difficulties setting healthy boundaries for themselves, struggling to understand what is theirs from what is others, as well as what is real from what is not. For this reason, they very often turn into victims, martyrs, abused, addicts, but also perpetrators and rescuers. Both Jesus Christ and Putin have strongly Piscean personalities. All those are prime examples of disempowerment, situations in which we abandon our power to others, remaining locked into toxic or harmful relationships which drain our energy away.  

Since we all have Pisces in one part of our chart, we will all encounter a situation where we put the solution or salvation outside of ourselves, where we project it on someone or something else, we hold on to a dream or the next fix for a way to escape or avoid dealing with the situation. Where we numb ourselves out of our reality

Since we all have Pisces in one part of our chart, we will all encounter a situation where we put the solution or salvation outside of ourselves, where we project it on someone or something else, we hold on to a dream or the next fix for a way to escape or avoid dealing with the situation. Where we numb ourselves out of our reality

Pisces associations: liquid / emotional and psychic sensitivity / paralysis, stasis, hypnosis / unconditional love, compassion, empathy / environment, nature / chameleon, shapeshifter, changelings / union, fusion, confusion, illusion, delusion / victims, martyrs, abused, addicts, perpetrators, rescuers / scammers, fraudsters, con artists, swindlers, imposters, identity thieves, gamblers, embezzlers, drug dealers, crime syndicates, mafia / escapism, numbing, entertainment / projections / toxicity, poison, drugs  

Assuming Pisces can grow aware of the stasis they have fallen into (either victimhood, addictions or ego trip…), they will heal and resume their dive into the ocean of consciousness. They will start letting go of the ego, recognizing the underlying and predictable patterns in all human lives, seeing themselves projected into those common behavioral patterns and scripts, developing very strong psychological insights as well as a warm-hearted sense of humor born out of the conditions that we all share as human beings. Further down into their dive, they will start identifying simpler patterns inhabiting both our living and sleeping times captured into key archetypes such as the wounded child, the hero, the maiden, the kore, the saboteur… extracting truth and insights from our foundational myths. A little deeper, they will start concentrating on 12 archetypes through astrology until the focus of their inner eye narrows down on 4 to 5 elements (fire, earth, air, water, ether), 3 qualities (modalities, gunas, trinity…). At which point they will enter the spiritual realms, exploring and bridging the dual nature of our world through love into oneness, letting go of all attachments, gaining soothing perspectives, reaching unfathomable wisdom and states of consciousness into the greater silence of void.

Pisces associations: healing / surrender, letting go / psychology, subconscious / archetypes, myths / astrology / spirituality, oneness, silence, meditation, isolation, void.


 graffiti of rebellious woman on wall down a long alleyway

“”It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”


Finally, Pisces is a sign traditionally ruled by Jupiter, but now more accurately by Neptune, God of the Sea. Where Sagittarius will look externally for frontiers to cross and new horizons to discover, Pisces will look to transcend internal ones, very often anchored in our subconscious, beliefs, and ego expressions. Pisces will be inspired by old myths, ancient spiritual texts and rituals, saints’ example, forgotten occult practices in their quest for universal mystical truths. The rulership of Jupiter reminds us that those stories, even though deeply buried very much define the unconscious collective and will periodically be unearthed and performed once again by the creative, entertainment, publishing, and legal scenes so that healing can occur, and new meaning and ideologies can see the light, driven by the light of unconditional love and faith towards a higher state of consciousness.  

On the darker side, the classic rulership of Jupiter highlights the lack of stability of the sign, its tendency to excesses and fluctuations, the likelihood that, whatever happens, one will be drifting in the direction of the greater flow of emotions and energy. 

Pisces associations : seas, oceans, rivers, lakes / culture, entertainment, movies, arts, music, lyrism / instability, fluctuations, flow, excesses 

Very few signs are as deep and complex as Pisces.  

If you happen to have your Sun, Moon, Ascendant or Zenith in this sign, be ready for a joyride down to the mind-blowing and life-changing depths of the abysses.  

All planets and axes of your natal chart located in Pisces will be up for a serious rite of passage in adulthood and require major leaps of faith while hammering if you have escaped your responsibilities and followed a delusive path. Making the difference between the two might be difficult at first but the difficulties should fade away if you are on the right path, but mount if you have walked too far astray.  

Mutable signs will be the most sensitive to this transit. Pisces and Virgo are likely to experience the energy both internally and externally through open conflicts. Gemini and Sagittarius will likely be the most frustrated by the overall experience. Whatever the tests, those signs are also likely to experience the most growth and successes at the end of the period or to accumulate karmic baggage if they escaped their responsibilities. 

Water signs (Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio) can truly use this period to build solid foundations, gain public respect and build authority. The test for them is to avoid being swept away by the emotional tsunamis they are about to experience. 

This complexity and depth, when applied to a long planetary transit such as Saturn’s points to a very broad range of likely manifestations and expressions that we will aim at capturing and sharing with you in multiple blogs so that you can grow the necessary awareness and adjust your behaviors.


However, in an effort to simplify and summarizes the impact of this Saturn transit over the next 3 years in Pisces, you should expect:

  • Emotional, psychological or spiritual tests to hit in a specific part of your life. This life sector is determined by your rising sign. You will first notice it when obstacles and delays to your plans are arising in a new part of your life. Those are likely to emerge in between March and July 2023.
  • To be served a Pisces lesson, one that has to do with your emotional maturity, empowerment (or power leaks), ego dissolution, spiritual maturity, mysticism, and unconditional faith in a greater design.
  • The authorities, pillars, structures, orders of your life to take on a more Piscean tonality and reality. Those will no longer run as expected. Aloofness and confusion will grow, past boundaries and support structures may become ineffective, authorities in your life might be overwhelmed and only able to attend to the most pressing needs.
  • The energy of Saturn (contraction, challenges, mastery and hard-earned success) to more prominently affect the life sectors associated to the sign of Pisces (Nature, Naval transports, Arts, Entertainment, Oil, Energy, Chemistry, Healing, Health system, Drugs, Psychology, Astrology, Spirituality, Religion, Criminals, Jails)

The paradoxical nature of the combination of Saturn and Pisces raise potential dynamics and tensions that we will need to recognize and integrate, including:

Balancing Practicality with Idealism, Hard work with Receptivity and Imagination – finding a balance between realistic goals and visionary aspirations can lead to tangible results without losing touch with one’s dreams.

Responsibility in Spiritual and Creative Pursuits – the challenge will certainly be in maintaining discipline and responsibility while engaging in spiritual or creative endeavors, highlighting the importance of grounding those in practical actions to bring them to fruition.

Being empathic while maintaining healthy boundaries – maintaining personal boundaries while still compassionately supporting others might prove difficult but necessary to avoid falling into toxic relationships.

Confronting Escapism and Addiction – using escapism and addictive behaviors as coping mechanisms during this transit is likely to bear very serious and long-lasting consequences. Facing emotional challenges head-on and finding healthier outlets for self-expression and emotional release will be critical.

Harnessing Emotional Sensitivity – this can be both a strength AND a challenge during this transit and one will need to develop strategies for managing and utilizing emotions constructively, such as through self-reflection, emotional intelligence, and self-care practices.





As previously highlighted, Saturn should have started to manifest in a new part of our life through delays, obstacles, challenges with authorities, parents, superior or law and we will all be subject to a new test of contraction, feeling under pressure and having to deal with the consequences of our actions and decisions. This is likely to steer very strong feelings within us. Fear, love, rage, depression, passion, outrage, sadness, the whole gamut of human emotions is up for a wild ride during this transit as the limits and boundaries we set to avoid falling into extremes are likely to be challenged.

Saturn seeks to delimit, establish clear boundaries, strengthen, solidify, build, crystallise. While in a sign ruled by both Jupiter, who seeks to expand, push back the boundaries, and Neptune, who seeks to dissolve, merge, unify, both prone to excesses, i.e. moving past the limits and boundaries, achieving tangible and lasting results may prove difficult.

The fog of confusion will get denser. Our plans and focus will be externally challenged. The reality as we know it will change and won’t settle into a clear form until the end of this transit.

The key question during this transit is how much of your energy are you going to surrender or waste when dealing with the consequences of your hypersensitive ego. Whether you feel like a victim, a perpetrator, or a rescuer, it is only a question of time before you lock your life in a vicious circle of recurring saturnian challenges. Instead, use the cue to ask yourself where this feeling is coming from, whether or not you experienced it already in the past, what were your mistakes and seek for support since you are either about to enter a very karmic relationship or numb yourself into escapist behaviours for a little while with very dire consequences.

Our common experience of this transit could be summarized by:




Pisces can also make you prone to deception and delusions. There are likely as many people prone to deceive you and abuse your trust as there are to help you. You can discriminate between the two very easily though. The first will promise you easy salvation, protection and care in exchange for your complete surrender, the second will confront you to your subconscious mind, your excesses and personal responsibilities, becoming accountability partners.

It is also possible that Pisces removes all limits to your Saturnian tendencies and that you start seeing life through the prism of endless duties, responsibilities and hard work which would also drain you out of your energy.


Saturn demands that:

  • You grow up when your emotions and feelings are taking you on a tangent and are ending up in a very polarized world, me or us vs them.
  • You quickly realize when things are falling off balance, when you either start isolating yourself or start forgetting yourself in the equation and taking on others’ responsibilities, so that you can redefine healthier boundaries and look after yourself.
  • You develop (self) compassion to be able to forgive yourself or others and move on rather than being stuck in guilt for your past mistakes.
  • You tap into the Pisces tools to deal with the current challenges: compassion, humour, meditation, mysticism, spirituality, yoga and if this is not enough, then resort to psychology, hypnotherapy, energy healing and astrology.
  • You find the internal self-discipline to release all toxic and draining energies in order to be able to maintain a semblance of focus and structure over the period.
  • You master agility, receptivity and imagination to deal with the fluctuations and adjust gracefully to external events


Eventually, it is all too easy to project our own problems and salvation onto others during this period, whether a lover, a minority, a drug, a spiritual leader, or a politician, simply remember that there will be heavy karmic consequences into doing so. This is not the time to look for solution without but within, confronting the reality of our darker hidden side and showing faith in their healing.




There are many gifts to demonstrating discipline when it comes to managing your emotions, their fluctuations, your ethics and your energy over this transit.

One of the greatest teachings of Saturn in Pisces is to acknowledge the power of emotions, energy and faith in the construction of our reality.

Emotions, whether good or bad, are energy in motion, vibrating at a certain frequency. Every single piece of matter is made of that same energy maintaining electrons distant from the core of an atom. The nature of the frequency at which we vibrate has an implication on the events we attract to ourselves. When we express joy, gratefulness, love, we vibrate at a higher frequency. When we express resentment, grief, anger, sadness, envy, jealousy we vibrate at a lower frequency. Even though moving from a lower frequency to a higher one is not easy, it is possible. Even though we cannot control the events that hurt us, we can control how we respond to them. This might require taking a longer pause between the events and our answer or non-answer. To mark a silence during which you can give yourself the opportunity to become an observer and gain a higher perspective, gain awareness of the patterns at play and finally make a conscious and wise decision instead of a wounded and damaging reaction continuing the cycle of hurt. Saturn in Pisces wants us to understand the responsibility we play into perpetuating the cycle of suffering while helping us to grow up and discover the Pisces tool best suited to end this vicious cycle.

The transformation of Saturn in Pisces is no other than to help you stop believing that things are happening TO you and start realizing that they are happening FOR you.

Track the emotions to their deep forgotten roots and liberation awaits, recognise the patterns and liberation awaits, acknowledge that they object of your anger is no other than you facing your shadow and liberation awaits, grow the discipline to release all toxic and heavy emotions off your system as quickly as possible and liberation await, show faith into the evolutionary nature of the unfolding of events and liberation awaits.

Eventually, as you learn balancing rigor with creativity, emotions with reason, action with receptivity, plans with vision, discipline with flow, you should be able to navigate the moment more easily and successfully than others.

Assuming this is quickly integrated, and you truly commit to a behavioural plan over the next three years, Saturn in Pisces gives you a real opportunity to make tangible progress in the pursuit of your dreams, assuming that those are not selfish or simply materialistic.

Also remember that it is never too late to learn your lessons and walk yourself responsibly out of troubled waters.

Act harmoniously with
the energy flow of the moment.

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