Pluto in Aquarius: The Cosmic Catalyst for the Collective Transformation

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Pluto is a powerful transpersonal planet, and its placement in Aquarius holds a unique set of challenges and opportunities. Its impact on our collective consciousness will look into our hopes and dreams, as well as how we work together as a collective and the death and rebirth of ideologies that have structured our lives.

Expect some pivotal moments of grief, shame, fear and loss as we are confronted with things that we hide, repress and avoid as a society – death, old age, resource management and racial, gendered, and economical inequities. Importance in our own authenticity and being the change, we want to see will be a key theme during these next 20 years.

Represented by the transformative power of death and rebirth, Pluto is a planet that delves deep into the psyche and brings to light the hidden aspects of our consciousness. When Pluto moves into a new sign, it signals a shift in the collective consciousness. We will be experiencing the precipice of Aquarius 3 times, underlying a pivotal point when we will embody the most undiluted nature of Aquarius traits with fervor, but not really have a road map to proceed. Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008, and it will enter Aquarius on March 23, 2023, marking the beginning of a new era.

Its back-and-forth motion into Capricorn until Nov 2024 underlines the development of key themes and issues that will play out over the next 20 years. Both Capricorn and Aquarius are Saturn-ruled, setting up an environment to learn maturity and responsibility. Its entry into each sign emphasizes the demarcation of where power and control lie, as well as unveiling new avenues to provoke the innovative side associated with Aquarius.

Pluto in Aquarius brings an opportunity for us to access all of its transformative traits, but we must wield them wisely. Aquarius is a sign that is associated with idealism and progressive thinking. It represents the future, and under the influence of Pluto, we may get carried away with thoughts of what could be, especially as Neptune resides in Pisces through 2026. It is also essential to remember that change does not happen overnight, and we must work towards our ideals with patience and perseverance.


Photo by Ali Pazani:

Overconfidence is a powerful source of illusions, primarily determined by the quality and coherence of the story that you can construct, not by its validity.


The Nature of Aquarius


Aquarius is an air sign and concerns itself with the importance of networks and communication. When we find it embodying the modern ruler of the planet Uranus, it lives in a state of change, innovation, and rebellion. Embodying visionary and innovative qualities, as well as its focus on social justice and humanitarian causes, we can expect more protest, potential in a more revolutionary way than just marches and protest alone. There is higher value placed on equality and social justice, and we’ll see more people drawn to political activism or social causes that seek to create a more just and equitable society.

There’s a strong need to be independent, unconventional, and forward-thinking, with a fervent desire to create positive change in the world. We’ll be rewarded as we show our authentic selves and, in doing so, find a strong community. “Fitting in” will not be something we aspire to do. However, there will be moments of rebelling for rebelling sake, that may lack a focused goal and create more chaos. This will be a sign of the egoic nature of Aquarius, part of its underbelly. Doing something just to be different, or the first or a perceived sense of innovation.

Freedom is a key component of the Aquarian nature, both in the sense of personal freedom and the freedom of others. There is a stronger sense of individuality and a desire to express ourselves in unique and unconventional ways. There’s a need to be independent, unconventional, and forward-thinking, with a powerful desire to create positive change in the world. Key events will take place that provoke ingenuity by the collective and establish infrastructures for us outside of reliance of corporations and governments. Remember, Aquarius is also ruled by Saturn allowing a vital discerning eye, taking what does work in an old system, while dismantling and innovating a new way.


Aquarius is also associated with technology and scientific innovation. Innovative ideas in science, engineering, or computer technology will be hard to imagine and will be challenged as being to rose-colored and other worldly, especially in the next three years. Even as we speak, the development of AI and the challenges it presents changes daily. Understanding the full application of it as it is unveiled to the people will be an exploration of the next 20 years. As it grows, we’ll decidedly have to make decisions of how much we integrate it in our life without losing connection to the real world. Are we happy to present ourselves as avatars in a digitally overlaid world, or do we dismiss it for the potential ruin it could create to the human experience?

Talent resides in understanding complex systems and processes in addition to exploring new horizons and pushing the boundaries of what is possible, both in terms of technology and social change. We must remember Aquarius is also on the axis of ego with its sister sign Leo. While it naturally works behind the scenes, the provocation of being the first in something can create quite an egoic headspace, creating leaders who think their way is the only way and can be self-righteous. While we need this fixed nature of Aquarius to hold onto ideas longer and through the difficulties of implementation, this underbelly of Aquarius will be extracted with Pluto, so be wary of domineering traits, whether from you or those you are working with.


The Role of Pluto in Aquarius


With Pluto in Aquarius, we are being asked to undergo a transformative process that involves breaking down old structures and paradigms that are no longer serving us, and building new, more just and equitable systems that reflect the changing needs of society. This process is likely to be challenging and uncomfortable, as it requires us to confront our own biases and limitations, and to let go of the familiar in order to embrace the unknown.

The need for social change and progress, particularly in the areas of equality, justice, and individual freedom is already showing itself, though we have decidedly been in a Capricorn space, with a seemingly unsurmountable power in the institutions. This will involve challenging the status quo, and pushing for reforms that reflect the needs and desires of a more diverse and inclusive society. As we confront our own prejudices and biases, we’ll be humbled by the guilt and shame we have staved off for decades as a collective. The reward from Pluto is an offer for a more compassionate and empathetic world. We’ll recognize our bias was a deeper reflection of where we were ashamed of our own qualities and our fear of losing power through creating others as equal.

Embracing innovation and technological progress at a rapid speed usually in efforts to create the highest open-source technology helping decentralize the internet for more self-sufficient communities. There will be challenges to our faith in technology and our views of “progress.” We’ll be confronted with decisions between nature/God versus technology/innovation. We are seeing this now as the U.S. threatens the ban of TikTok. The threat of removing a more unbiased, authentic, informative platform from the masses is provoking ingenuity and reframing how individuals can develop this decentralized structure for the people. This is also exposing truth in the relationship of governments and privatized companies’ relationships and overreach, meticulously watching everyone, controlling money, movement, etc. that will ultimately collapse on itself before the end of Pluto in Aquarius, but not without trying to hold onto power.



Key Themes of Pluto in Aquarius 

  • Social and technological transformation: One of the most significant manifestations of Pluto in Aquarius is the potential for deep and transformative changes in society and technology. This could involve the disruption of existing power structures and the emergence of new, more decentralized forms of governance, as well as the proliferation of innovative technologies that reshape the way we live and work. There is also the possibility that our technology gets severely disrupted, exposing the interdependent nature of our relationship with tech. Or at least a deciding moment, where we may need to choose between a whole digital state versus connection to nature. 
  • Progressive ideals and social justice: Pluto in the Aquarian environment creates a stronger emphasis on social justice and equality. Dismantling systems of oppression and inequality, as well as the promotion of more inclusive and diverse communities will come into focus and be a priority for most. 
  • Rebellion and upheaval: Aquarius is also a sign that is associated with rebellion and revolution–intense feelings of resistance and upheaval will rear itself into the public eye. This will involve protests, social unrest, or political movements that bring about radical change. Integration of technological warfare will be implemented.  
  • Disruption and chaos: While this placement can bring about positive changes, it can also create a sense of chaos and upheaval as old structures and systems are dismantled. This could create a sense of uncertainty and instability, as people navigate new and unfamiliar territory and are forced to move forward in faith or fear. 
  • Innovation and creativity: Aquarius is a sign that is associated with innovation and creativity, and Pluto in Aquarius can amplify these energies, leading to new and groundbreaking discoveries in technology, science, and the arts. 
  • Authenticity & Unique: Unleashing aspects of ourselves that we’ve kept hidden to “fit in” will be key. This will be a reckoning of acceptance for who we are, as we are, warts and all. Not in a sense to be morally above another in our personal choices, but to integrate the supposed “good” and “bad” as a whole. On a larger scale, we’ll see the demise of celebrity, guru, and influencers for those that cannot bring substantial meaning in the real world. Those that are naturally themselves, bring forth real value in our lives through your teachings and, moreover, are representative of the unheard, unseen, unsupported portions of society.
Jessica and Geraud on el Camino

The Challenge of Pluto in Aquarius 


Pluto in Capricorn already laid seeds for us to shift our perspective on how things can be different from what has been institutionally implemented.  

When backed in a corner by the pandemic, structures folded in order to accommodate capitalism, but also unveiled a deeper human desire to reclaim our personal time from work. We see where personal time was being co-opted through forced office environments, and reallocating work expenses onto the individual through long commutes from low wages that couldn’t afford us close proximity, removing lunch hour as part of the workday, and abusing technology for energy towards work during non-office hours.  

Now that we’ve been exposed to what is possible and can be different in our work and career Aquarius will take that and inspire us to change our lives to incorporate more social aspect and activities that require personal growth, fighting for a more equitable life for ourselves and others.  

On a personal level, we’ll focus on our individual freedom and autonomy. We will feel compelled to break away from old patterns and structures in our lives, in order to pursue our own unique path, but only through examining our own relationship with power and authority. 


Relationships may undergo a significant transformation during this transit, with a focus on more egalitarian ones. We’ll see a shift away from traditional gender roles and towards more open and inclusive relationships. Designing relationships as they suit the people involved and removing hierarchal roles and expectations from outside influence will continue to be of higher importance. 

In business, this location of Pluto can bring significant changes to the business world, with a focus on innovation and technology as well as environmental constraints about to rapidly increase. Companies that are at the forefront of these changes may benefit, while those that are resistant to change may struggle to keep up. Ideas that previously would be conceived as weird will be welcomed, and unique perspectives will position you in leadership.  

Overstepping of power and control from governments and institutions will motivate ingenuity for the working class to pivot our knowledge, energy, and skills away from big corporations in favor of co-ops and developments for and by the people directly. We’ll see clashes over the supply and demand of resources around this, most likely with access to internet usage, and potentially electricity–large utilities that are completely in control of the government.   

In these first few years, with key planets in Pisces and Aries, we’ll see a rise of spiritual-minded, thought, and political leaders with very persuasive messages that can amass quite a following of those in a fear state, looking for leadership. Discernment and individuality are key themes for all of us at this time. A sense of delusion can creep in as we may seek to escape how uncomfortable some of the dark truths we have to face as a society. 


Overconfidence is a powerful source of illusions, primarily determined by the quality and coherence of the story that you can construct, not by its validity.


In these first few years, with key planets in Pisces and Aries, we’ll see a rise of spiritual minded, thought, and political leaders with very persuasive messages that can amass quite a following for those in a fear state, looking for leadership. Discernment and individuality are key themes for all of us at this time. A sense of delusion can creep in as we may seek to escape how uncomfortable some of the dark truths we have to face as a society. 

We will no longer be able to outrun our avoidance of death and its impact. How we hide the elderly away from society as we are confronted with the largest generation of elderly population with a bankrupt system to support them. We will be challenged with our neglect of persons with disabilities and any inferred practices that have been centered around patriarchal perspectives, injuring supposed minorities. 

Hurtful language will become more exposed and a renaissance to our language will begin to be developed, continuing the removal of inequitable terms, and shifting our phrases away from colonizer and patriarchal language to be more accurate words and ideals.   

Globally, under the influence of Uranus in Taurus, we’ll see a call for retribution to the indigenous cultures on land that were colonized. Not only as a social injustice measure but an energy to return power to those that can and do protect the land and natural cycles. Boundaries and borders will get renegotiated politically, through conflict, but also through climate change and heightened natural disasters. This will expose more dire consequences from corrupt governments distributing monies away from infrastructures and readiness, playing on the people’s trust in the government to continue funding safety and security for emergencies. We may see the revelation of new lands from the sea and the disappearance or potential splitting of land masses.  

All of this, in addition to alien revelation and space oddities, is Pluto at work in Aquarius challenging what we think we know about the world, the greater universe and our interdependence on those negated and limiting beliefs. 

Act harmoniously with
the energy flow of the moment.

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