5 Ways to Avoid Escapism During Jupiter in Pisces



JUPITER IN PISCES [Oct 28 – Dec 21] – 3rd and last passage


Jupiter shifts back one last time in Pisces on Oct 28 for two very long months. 

We should be used to it since we already experienced it in 2021 (May-July) and earlier this year (Jan-Apr 2022).  

The last times we had experienced this transit before was in 1986, 1998 and 2010. 

The question is will we be?  

Jupiter amplifies whatever it touches and when it enters Pisces, the sign of infinite nature, any limit or bond tends to dissolve and disappear.  

Pisces is a feminine sign, so it will pick on all the signals of the environment, and external circumstances triggering all sorts of feelings, be it positive or negative, which will start growing exponentially within us and might then struggle to put a leash on.  

Our imagination is taking over, either driving us into grand visions of unity and bliss or stirring our fears and self-loathing into dark and depressing corners.  

The emotional, shifting and confusing nature of this transit makes it difficult for most to see clearly.  

We strive for unity, flow and unconditional love but if we fail to experience it, we are compulsively driven to look for it into any sort of escapist, addictive and eventually destructive behavior, hoping that the next dose will compensate for the feeling of void we feel within. 

An increased sense of isolation, separation or rejection will also prevail for some, aggravating its consequences. 

This obviously leads to all sorts of situations: 

  • From the mildest anxiety and recurrent nightmares 
  • Through codependent behaviors 
  • Victimization 
  • Addictions of all sorts, from food to TV, sex and both pharmaceutical and hard drugs 
  • Need to travel far away 
  • Romantic and business fantasies 
  • Delusional states 
  • Deceit 
  • Down to panic, hysteria and mental breakdown 

Overconfidence is a powerful source of illusions, primarily determined by the quality 


5 Ways to Avoid Escapism and Promote Growth


From an economic standpoint, this is a very unstable and highly volatile period, boosting energy price and inflation in general. This is also galvanizing the movement of unions. Chaos and bottlenecks are likely to occur during this period. Against all odds and most central banks forecasts, a third boot of inflation triggered by salary concessions might be on our way nudging our economies into deep depressions.  

Pisces is opposed to Virgo, the principle of purity, integration, wholeness, sacredness, and perfection. Both participate to the idea of healing but both can be sources of wounds. 

Pisces reminds us to elevate ourselves, gain perspective, act selflessly, be compassionate with others but ourselves first, turn within for true perfection, silence and wisdom. 

The truth is a lot of us need to experience the darker sides of addictive or codependent behaviors to reach its limits and realize that we are on the wrong path, that this path leads nowhere for it is still ego-based and ego-driven.  

Pisces seeks the dissolution of our ego so that we can finally get attuned to the intelligence that sits behind the greater field of energy our material world is the manifestation of. 

As long as we dwell in our Virgo ego-mind, compare ourselves, see ourselves as separate and keep on being disappointed by ourselves, no salute is possible. 

If we genuinely want to grow over the period, the next three months will require us to: 

  • Be compassionate with ourselves, soft with our failures, forgiving of our mistakes 
  • Be of selfless support to those in need, whatever prior circumstances, your support will go much deeper than you can even imagine 
  • Turn within, switch off your devices as often as possible, 
  • Be mindful of what we consume, the situations we put ourselves into, who we spend time with
  • Spend time in nature to reconnect with its rhythm as much as possible. Remember that the birds do not really worry about anything right now and so should you also try to
  • Practice a spiritual or creative activity to give way to the chaos and confusion the period will give rise to and properly channel and evacuate its toxic elements 

Interactions of Jupiter with other planets during this transit


Over the period, Jupiter will form significant aspects with just 4 planets.


The ongoing sextile will point to the positive side of seeking psychological support, focusing on fewer tasks, letting go of power struggles and controlling behaviors, going with the flow, trusting the universe and having faith in your ability to change and be reborn stronger. The opportunity to change is there, monitor your emotional challenges to understand where change is truly required and go deep to the (buried) root of the problem. 


The April 11 conjunction of the two planets will almost form around Nov 19, a perfect time to manifest new unions. Meditations will reveal what you need to know. 


Once again, Jupiter does not form a complete aspect with Mars but warns us of the potential negative effects of exerting too much pressure at that time. Mind your drive, passion, enthusiasm and words around Nov 5 as others may react violently to your bravado. You can still achieve a lot before the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus but just be extremely mindful of others and check your true motivations. Are they still ego based? 


The second week of November (10 to 20) will most likely be the best week for planning a romantic dinner or gathering with friends, if only just to check that everyone is OK.  


The Key Challenges of this Jupiter transit in Pisces

The full moon in Gemini will see the Mars retrograde coming to a climax. Our need for love, comfort, security and appreciation might be a little too strong to act reasonably.

Acknowledge this within you and engage into Conscious Communication: 

    • Speak slowly
    • Speak calmly 
    • Be brief
    • Mark pauses 

If this does not work, take up Conscious Sharing: 

    • Invite the other to listen to what you have to say without ANY interruption or need to reply in the moment for an agreed length of time (3, 5, 10 minutes)
    • Express whether you would like the other to have an opportunity to respond
    • Do the same with the other person and listen carefully 

Act harmoniously with
the energy flow of the moment.

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