Solar Eclipse in Scorpio Oct 2022 | Shadow Seeker



In this section, we spend more time diving into the cosmic tonality of this eclipse and the change it might manifest on your way across the next six months.



This new moon in Scorpio brings us a partial solar eclipse on October 25 at 9:48am GMT. Already fresh into Scorpio season, a season for deep ruminating and shadow work, we’re hit with the most powerful, transformative moon of the year. It’s what all of our horoscopes, blogs and newsletters have been prepping you for, so let’s dig in. 

With the moon overpowering the sun in the Taurus eclipse in April, we were put on a 6-month path to examine the habits and compulsions we follow blindly in order to maintain our security and comfort and protect our ego. 

Here, the Scorpio sun will be obscured for a moment, transferring all of its power to the Scorpio moon. We are about to experience some of our darkest sides, painful or lustful moments, extreme behaviors and emotionally intense patches, all designed so that we can face and integrate our darkest shadows, personally and in the collective. The comfort bubble we’ve created for ourselves will be dismantled by the secrets kept, our own inauthenticity and lack of compassion we’ve shown others, the Earth and ourselves. 


“Someone who has experienced trauma also has gifts to offer all of us – in their depth, their knowledge of our universal vulnerability, and their experience of the power of compassion.”


Not one to back away from taboo, Scorpio is literally grabbing us out of the clouds and dragging us to the depths of the ocean in order to face all the tawdry shadows unearthed through a highly relationship-oriented Libra cycle. If we have managed to toe the line, and confront our own responsibility for painful truths in our relationship, this may be an easier ride. But in the sign of Scorpio, with an eclipsed moon, conjunct Venus, the feelings are deep, the loss surprising, and the challenge to remain vulnerable and receptive in times of discomfort, overwhelming. 

Loosely squaring Pluto (in addition to Mercury), a truth is going to be revealed, and this will most likely be a catalyst for the crisis to come. Do you use this revelation to become hostile, jealous, victimized? Or, can you remain open, integrate the feelings that arise within you and make decisions for yourself for growth instead of playing martyr, victim or savior? Venus is demanding to be part of this spotlight, so where we can remain open-hearted we will be rewarded.  This isn’t to say be a pushover. Scorpio very much imbues Kali vibes. Recognizing where there needs to be destruction to initiate growth is very much the energy of the moment. But whether we get to be the destroyer or the universe steps in has been decidedly in our hands through the choices we made this year. 

The Venus influence will bring up where we lack confidence, have tension in our relationships, perpetuate money issues and aren’t aligned with our hearts. Things that make us very unsafe and prone to reactively sting. With everyone in this energy, you can imagine the ability to remain loving and in a receptive state will be a challenge extraordinaire.  We wouldn’t expect a linear process to this, but very much a volley. Where sometimes you are the more receptive one and sometimes you are the one vomiting up your shadows for the world to see.  

And it is very important that we allow the world to see. Well, maybe not the world. But the close-knit friends, family, and loved ones that you truly trust. The energy is unstable through a myriad of placements, all to coax out and heal this shadow of ours (and the worlds). The desire to feel aggrieved, retreat and sulk in our vices as a way to escape our hurt instead of integrating our wound, is high, so watch for any lingering in sexual escapades, addictions, workaholism over the next 6 months. 




Many of the personal planets are activated close to this eclipse, propagating this intense eclipse cycle. On Oct. 22, Venus cazimi occurred, in the sign of Libra, its home territory of relationship. As Venus conjuncts the Sun, we are bathed in beauty, romance and a desire for true justice. It is a day of self-love, rebirthing of friendships, partnerships and romances, of sharing love and divine clarity of our hearts. What comes to you on this day will be a lifesaver for the storm ahead.  

At 29º Libra, it is a short-lived intense moment. It provokes in us a need to end anything that cannot fulfill the attributes above. To take our lessons and move on to the next. Jupiter at 0º Aries wants us to grow our autonomy, even at cost of leaving people behind. Mending these bridges and forgiveness of ourselves will come later with Jupiter retrograding into Pisces (link to blog). Actions at this time can feel very fated and the planets are usually in a rush to meet the next sign.  

However, Scorpio is not a comfortable place for Venus. It can get stuck in the past, become obsessive and highlight the darkest spots in our most vulnerable places–love, money, self-worth. We may spend the first few weeks in passion, lustful, kinky scenarios that end up being karmic as it facilitates a false, erratic intimacy. It has us leaning too much on what others reflect back to us, instead of developing our own self-love 

 This is an invitation to be intentional of how you work with intimacy. Be very mindful of how you divert energy into your closeness with people and be aware when traumas are reawakened so that vulnerable communication can occur to help overcome them. As Saturn starts its forward motion just the day before while squaring the nodes, the energy takes on extra karmic tones, so we are held responsible for any skipped steps we have taken to bypass our growth. 



Mars in Gemini is activated half a day before the eclipse as the moon passes through Libra. This emboldens us to be direct, intuitive with our desires and ask for what we want, particularly in relationships, even a potential ending. However, we will be choosing from a myriad of desires, and when Mars stations retrograde a few days later on Oct. 30, we will question if we asked for what we really wanted, whether we should have been so vulnerable and feel foolish in our decision. We will want to create action to our ill-perfected ideas, particularly in regard to our relationship, and may invest our time working on all of them, avoiding the real issues at play.

Propelling this energy of new beginning is Gemini’s ruler, Mercury, sitting in Libra forming a Cardinal Grand Cross with Pluto, Eris and Lilith. This pattern deepens the feminine nature of this eclipse, provoking necessary change in modes of divine creation. We may see places where we’ve kept the peace or “appearances”, particularly in relationships, push us to a breaking point. Primal reactions to our wounded ego will soon multiply as we begin to feel too vulnerable and unseen or cared for.  This push is the strongest in a series of pushes over the last 3 years to get us in our most authentic selves. 

It will be hard, for anyone’s individual chart, not to meet some sort of conflict(s) during this time. You may see challenges coming up in one or more of the following ways: 

  1. Looking externally for fulfillment. Attempting to control how someone can give you fulfillment. Not operating from a loving place.
  2. Not learning from mistakes and believing “it’s the end because it wasn’t perfect”. Facing the “failures” is a chance to be reborn and be lived differently, at a higher plane. Be fearless in your decision making while acknowledging the responsibility.
  3. When our objectives are done in secret, for power, for status, in fear, for domination or control, we will be met with abject failure. Moving forward consciously with curiosity and exploration will give us the most freedom when we feel trapped. It’s a good time to reflect during Mars Rx in Gemini and with Jupiter dipping back into Pisces.
  4. Taking responsibility when making fearless decisions. Acknowledgment that that is part of the process and having faith you can handle it.

Ultimately, what this Solar eclipse is truly about is a crisis, an end, or at least what it might look like an end (affecting our love, money, work, relationship). Propelling us to go to extremes to try and cope with an unsustainable reality (we either become martyr/victims or perpetrators/rebels) driven by the growing discomfort and shame of vulnerability as well as the refusal to deal with conflictual situations.  

"There can be no vulnerability without risk; there can be no community without vulnerability; there can be no peace, and ultimately no life, without community.”
— M. Scott Peck

On a Global Scale 


The partial shadow of this eclipse falls heaviest on Russia, so they will see more pressures coming from western democracies.  The activated Mars goes retrograde following in quick succession to this eclipse leading to gossip and miscommunication in the news, retreat on the battlefield and escalation of nuclear threat up to December. We are not apt to believe much of what we are being told on many fronts.   

The Saturn-Uranus square is still at play, just as we see a rise in a new COVID strain, but as we’ve mentioned, COVID was a catalyst for breaking our systems and this next wave will continue it during shortages, mounting pressures of inequities and inflation provoking a spike of social unrest. The skies are very similar to the solar eclipse in Scorpio of Nov. 1, 1929, triggering the Wall Street Crash that instigated The Great Depression. The difference is reversal in Pluto opposition Lilith placements. Lilith in Capricorn was the people seeking status, showing off the opulence of their economic prosperity. They would obey the rules for rewards while simultaneously thumbing their nose at authority, believing the rules don’t apply to them (speakeasy, anyone?). Now when it’s in Cancer, we will see a paranoia of individual freedoms being taken away or resistance to change. Breaking long-standing traditions, finding our own group of people and growing that is more important than partaking in an organization/family/government we’ve been told to respect. This is an instigation to get us to work together more collectively, but the risk is being so rebellious we trust no one, and end up alone tucked away in our shell.  

We just have to look to the US mid-terms to see how this is playing out. Government officials have decided to embark in a high-stakes morality game for the sake of power, without doing their duty of representing the people that elected them. They are not playing by the supposed rules, so why should the U.S. people?  The shadow side of the US has been outed (as it should during its Pluto return) as “justice for all” is revealed to be lip service. No matter which way the votes goes, it sets up for a highly retaliatory reaction and motivated actions that continue to set the divide in the U.S. even deeper. The lower expressions of Scorpio nature will continue to grow this divide for the next 6-12 months, climaxing at the closing of this eclipse axis next November. The people are in a place to distrust all government and media, regardless of party, as more revelations of secrets come to light, and any story is undermined. But the outward instigation will be seen more at the mid-terms–the same day as the Lunar eclipse in Taurus. 

The European Union will be hit by the rise of populist movements akin to a new kind of extremism driven by the votes of an aging population. The near collapse of its common currency system as many states will start defaulting their debt one after the other, unable to cope with the strict deflationary regimen required, and the explosion of social unrest and resistance could lead to the disintegration of the union. The emergence of new ideas, groups and the growing importance of local communities as well as the experimentation of alternative political solutions based on a new digital-enabled direct democracy might eventually rescue it. 

Finally, our ultimate collective shadow is highlighted by the conjunction of Venus, our warping and raping of the feminine.  

We are not just referring to the thousands of children removed from their Ukrainian parents in occupied territories by Russians or the disappearance of countless Iranian or Russian demonstrators when trying to oppose autocrats.  

All the ways we bid our feminine to do what it’s told, show up how we want it to, need it to, in order to perpetuate an old, broken system.  

It’s also how we turn a blind eye at the price of retaining resources, as long as we remain in comfort. Our apathy at what we do to the Earth, exploiting resources for money, power, and satiating our own desires rather than risk some discomfort because of our own fears.  

We are being shown where our will and actions are disconnected from the Divine will. 


Scorpio Solar Eclipse Intentions


While we don’t encourage manifestation during eclipse season–because they can be highly erratic–being mindful of certain themes that can pop up can bring some ease to the changes at play.  

During these next two weeks, be intentional around:  

  • the death of the old patterns, habits, relationships, partnership, ways of being to make way for the new,    
  • (inner) change & transformation that is more accessible,    
  • where we can tap into our subconscious to hone self-mastery and empowerment  
  • making efforts for meaningful, intimate connection with others  
  • how we can partake in shared resources in a more intentional manner 



Mindful Questions for the Scorpio Eclipse


Focus your energy around where you may feel shame and guilt. Where you try to protect yourself or where you try to grab power outwardly as a protection mechanism. As you work on your manifestation intentions, here are a few questions to ask ourselves:   

  • Where in my life do I need to face my shadows, wounds, demons and fears?   
  • What am I jealous of? Hurt by? Complexed by? Transported by? Obsessed by?   
  • What do I need to let go, stop resisting in order to transmute them into power?   
  • What are the things I need to let go, stop with to be able to start anew?  
  • What is the change I know deep inside I need to make but I am dead scared of?  
  • What is my intuition telling me? What do I deeply feel? What do I truly want emotionally?  
  • How can I better harness/channel or reactivate my sexual energy?   
  • How can I get more in touch with what and who is or has been real and meaningful in my life? How can I reinforce my bond and unity with those?   
  • How can I reactivate my dead love by accessing a new level and dying to an outdated part of myself?   
  • What can I reuse or recycle?  
  • How can I attend to resources I share with others?   

This month is about deeply connecting with yourself and with others. Where can you be more vulnerable in your relationship? What areas have you protected within yourself that you could work intentionally to start opening up?  This is a discovery in passion, not just in the bedroom, but in your own life. Getting to know yourself more deeply can assist in your current relationships and those to come, and Scorpio season is the perfect time to do it. 

This will further aid in upcoming themes around connection with community.  Knowing thyself will make connections in your neighborhood and creating positive growth much easier as you get more comfortable and create more tools to be vulnerable.  

May you feel empowered to follow the path towards your greater destiny  

In evolution  

G & J 

Act harmoniously with
the energy flow of the moment.

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