Mars Retrograde in Gemini | Mars and Venus Evolutionary Dance



As shared in our Life Seeking blog on the matter, Mars retrogrades participate of a greater evolutionary effort when we are being given an opportunity to experience our uncivilized and infantile ways, assess the gap between our true potential and essence and the way we assert it externally, and correct the disconnect between our inner self, our true values, our heart’s desires and what and how we go after in the world.

To better understand what is happening now, we need to look at Mars and Venus cycles for the two are intimately linked. Mars simply acting on Venus’ instinctive nature.

And here the shift is quite MOMENTOUS.

Venus starts her cycle during her retrogrades motion when she abandons her pleasing and social nature to reconnect with her instinctive roots and meet the Sun self. Venus last retrograded in Capricorn, imparting us to abandon relationships based on or motivated by fear, as well as accepting the difficult responsibilities that came with freedom and autonomy.


“So the universe is constantly moving in the direction of higher evolutionary impulses, creativity, abstraction, and meaning.””


Venus always meets the Sun in the same 5 signs over the course of her 8-year journey around the sun, she remains in those signs between 100 and 120 years, bringing deep transgenerational societal and cultural changes to everything she rules: love, fertility, organic resources, money, relationships, art and work.

Those 5 signs are/were: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Scorpio and Capricorn.

Relatively speaking, we have only recently shifted in Capricorn, since Venus only started her cycle of rebirth and evolution in this sign in 1986. Probably the time when we began to realize that to love (and continue to live) also meant dealing with the consequences of our past actions and correcting the imbalances and abuses of our inherited and present economic and political systems.

The following year we also shifted in Leo, this series clearly calling for a new type of leaders more akin to Arthur’s knights and the cathedral builders than to the corrupt leaders we still have to cope with today. We will get to observe a new beginning in this sign in August next year and are all being challenged to step up our game now, heal our psyche, so that our individual power can shine forth purer and stronger next year, and new meaningful values more widely adopted and defended.

But more importantly, Venus has almost finished her work in Scorpio and is about to step in Libra, paving the way for an era of new and fairer social constructs, collaboration, respect, justice.


“I don’t want the heavens or the shooting stars. I don’t want gemstones or gold. I have those things already.

“I don’t want the heavens or the shooting stars. I don’t want gemstones or gold. I have those things already. I want . . . a steady hand. A kind soul. I want to fall asleep, and wake, knowing my heart is safe. I want to love, and be loved.”
– Venus in Scorpio
Image by: Lara Dann

That is, when her work in Scorpio will be finished. Even though Venus started her century-long series in Libra this year, she does not REALLY start it before 2030! Clearly some things will have to give before. We will nonetheless get to envision this year what this future could look like, and this will most likely generate the necessary magnetism and momentum for people to unite together behind this banner.

Her first message to us is to TRANSFORM THE KNOWLEDGE INTO WISDOM and to START EMBODYING THE MEDICINE WE WANT TO SHARE. To start understanding and experiencing first-hand the human implications of the theoretical concept we have been incubating.

The embodiment is clearly a Mars tasks and it is no wonder that so closely after a momentous shift of Venus point in Libra on October 22, we are being challenged to review our ambitions and motives during a Mars retrograde.

The Venus in Scorpio cycle that started in 1926 was likely intended at helping us gaining visibility on the darker sides of our means of mass production and destruction as well as tyrannic political systems (from fascism and populism to Nazism through all sorts of self-justified dictatorship such as the ones found in Russia, China, North Korea and Iran) as well as integrating the power of our subconscious mind on our everyday choices through the emergence of psychology.


One last step remains to be acted upon around 2028-30 for this cycle to be finally over.

As far as the Mars synodic cycle is concerned, Mars does not regularly visit the same signs over and over and it goes around the Zodiac in a matter of 15 years. The short run we are in the middle of started in October 2021 and will end in November 2023. The October 8 conjunction was warning us of an imminent threat or a disruptive event that could deeply derail us and force us to pause and rebuild, inviting us to be softer with ourselves and use the time to reflect on what we truly wanted to rebuild. Many have already been destabilized since that time, either at the end of last winter or since the end of July but similar events are still to be expected this year as this cycle will peak around December 8. The longer Mars cycle we are in the middle of started in 2013 and will end in 2028 (coincidence?) but not before a last cycle in Capricorn (yes, karma again) sees the Sun, Mars, and Venus all meet for stand up against Jupiter in January 2026.

What starts from there is an uprising, a democratic or secessionist movement emerging from the base, the development of communities, groups, parties, and unions federating behind very strong ideas and who will stop at nothing to make themselves heard. The response to long-lasting loss of trust, in its best and worst manifestations. In some places, this will definitely look like rebellion, in others liberation, and in a few others dementia.

What this Mars retro truly starts is the beginning of movement that will see mature adults assertively claim full involvement into shaping their affairs coming up all through 2023 and peaking on Nov 18 for the next conjunction.

And just before a substantial transgenerational tremor driven by Pluto.


Act harmoniously with
the energy flow of the moment.

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