A Deeper Piscean Dive Into The Astrology Of The Ukrainian Conflict



How incredibly relevant the world events can be in understanding the invitation of the sky into our own individual lives. 

I will land myself in the ego-driven game of attempting to predict the future, but the universe always knows better, is too sophisticated for my rapid and gross overview to be anywhere perfect, and has a way to surprise you and always take a different twist so take the below with pinch of salt. I would not be surprised if my subconscious mind and sensitive heart had also biased my interpretation on the side of Ukraine and peace. 

When I started to work on the 2022 forecast, even though the year would be tough, I rejected the possibility of a war. The Saturn-Uranus square pointed to internal crises rather than international ones and the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction of April heralded a message of peace rather than war. 

I had however reminded all in December in my social posts that the Venus retrograde that started on December 19 and finished on January 29 was a very strong marker of diplomatic crisis and military mobilization in mundane and Mayan astrology.

If we integrate the shadow areas, the retrograde covers Nov 19 to Mar 1. During that period, our system of values, relationships and financial systems were supposed to be seriously challenged as well as our attachment to unsustainable situations if based on fear and insecurities.

November 19 was also the date of the first eclipse in the Taurus-Scorpio axis triggering 18 months of material difficulties, financial turmoil, and power struggles that we now see unfolding. 

The escalation of the conflict has followed the course of the Mars Venus conjunction which started on Feb 17 for the Full Moon in Leo, another fiery aspect that can boost passion, charm, social interaction and sexual drive but is also known for fueling competition, fighting spirit and aggression. 

The full moon highlighted the need to find a healthy balance between the individual need to shine and the need to support the collective. Clearly, this played out beautifully even if diametrically opposed fashion for Putin and Zelensky.



We might not see it that way, but Putin very much sees this fight as the defense of what is rightfully Russian. He acts to defend his nation’s proud ownership. Ukraine has for centuries been a Russian province and became a state after the Bolshevik revolution only to be integrated with the USSR. It once again regained its independence at the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 but was somehow always expected to align with Russia, until 2014 and the fall of the Russian’s puppet president.  

Zelensky on his side, rises up to the challenge of the moment by calling out the collective of democracies, organizing the defense of the people (Aqua sun), and stepping up into the leader he is at the core (Moon in Leo) when it comes to fiercely defending his own. 

I find it also interesting that both sport the same name Vladimir, but that the difference in spelling it, Volodymyr in Ukrainian, is what would be at the basis of the claimed genocide on pro-Russians. This is likely not the last time we will hear of purification or denazification, and this might resonate again over the month as we enter the Virgo-Pisces axis since this is a Virgo archetype. 


Mars and Venus have been staying hand in hand since Feb 17.  

On Feb 24, date of the invasion, they squared Eris, goddess of war, discord and strife.  

Mars is the god of War, he represents the aggressor, Russians. Mars arrived faster than Venus–still a little lethargic and slower as she just walked out of her retrograde course. 

Venus is the goddess of Beauty and Fertility, she rules over peace, diplomacy, relationships, and finances. She represents the opposition to Russia and the first weapon used against Russia: finance. 

On Feb 27 Venus started to revolve faster than Mars around the Sun and is now catching up on Mars. The blitzkrieg imagined by Putin and his clique is not exactly working as planned, the resistance much stronger than expected. The coalition against Russia must swifter to put drastic sanctions and provide weapons to Ukraine.  

On Mar 3, Mars & Venus will conjunct Pluto, we can expect the tally to suddenly take a whole different dimension, the onslaught in Kiev. When Pluto and Mars meet, this becomes a fight for survival, but the fight is also likely to become incredibly more brutal and raw violence likely to truly break out. Pluto stands for nuclear power, eruption of chthonic forces, mass death.  

On this very day, the conjunction will transit Russia’s natal Lilith, pointing to a move that will attract shame, rejection and isolation while Jupiter will oppose the nation’s natal Jupiter pointing to exaggerated actions that might put them in a delicate situation and overstretch their resources. 

On Mar 6, Mars & Venus meet one last time at 0 degrees of Aquarius, the third conjunction since July 2021 when the plan to invade must have been decided and kicked off by Russians. 

0 degree Aquarius is not a random degree, it is the degree at which the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn took place on Dec 21, 2020, triggering 20 years of a new geopolitical order.

When the Sun passed by this exact degree on January 19, the US president Joe Biden announced to the world that in all likelihood Russia was about to invade Ukraine. 

Aquarius stands for democracy, technology and airspace. We can therefore imagine that on that day, democracies could take a new stand in reaction to the events of Mar 3, that regular people from within and without Ukraine will join the Ukrainian army, that new technologies might be deployed and used in this war, that the Russian domination of the Ukrainian airspace might be challenged.

This conjunction will also be conjunct Ukraine’s natal Saturn, indicating that this might be a very hard time for the nation indeed. On the same day, the nodal axis of fate and destiny come to square the nation’s stellium (Mercury, Mars and Jupiter) in Leo, the Ukrainian pride might well be seriously tested in violent fights on the ground from Feb 25 to Mar 4 but will be boosted by financial aids and a global show of love.

On that day, Zelensky is very likely to fight for survival as this event comes to oppose his Mars in Leo, Saturn is opposing his Moon and Pluto is in the last degree his 8th house of death and transformation. He will either leave this conflict a martyr or a god. If he wants to survive, he might be well advised to adjust his risk taking and show greater moderation in the days prior to this event.

Saturn also transits over the nation’s natal moon, supporting once again that the population will go through a very hard time. This conjunction will be exact on April 4 highlighting that the intensity of their hardship will grow up to then.

Mars & Venus will stop their conjunction on April 15. Chances are high that this conflict might over by this date. Other aspects concur to this hypothesis.


Jupiter and Neptune will meet on April 12 both are future-focused and stand for unity and peace. Jupiter brings justice, Neptune unites and dissolves differences. Their conjunction is seen as a time of spiritual enlightenment, greater unity, sheer magic, and an omen of peace and blessings. 

Peace might be restored around that day… 

However, archetypes work in both directions and an extension of the conflict as its limited perimeter dissolves is not to be discarded, even if extremely unlikely. If this is the case, this day might well see a show of unity of all democracies joining Ukraine in the fight. 

On March 12, the Sun will come to Conjunct Neptune and bring light on the direction this is taking, we may also gain clarity on the real pain and trauma Ukrainians will have suffered. Russians are also likely to become much more efficient. 

Neptune is also synonymous with sacrifice and martyrdom, projections and illusions, victim and rescuer. The conjunction started on February 26 and many among us will have started to become sensitive to those archetypes. Jupiter amplifies everything it touches so this will only grow up to April. 

Will David prevail upon Goliath? Are we about to attend another Munich agreement? Can we rely on what we are being shown and relayed? Can we stand to watch a nation being slaughtered at our door without intervening? 

The next important aspect for Ukraine comes in June when Uranus will transit over the nation’s Pluto. Changes to what they thought would be timeless might be on the agenda and likely hard to swallow and adjust to. 

On the other hand, on Russia’s side:

Saturn will be conjunct Putin’s North Node on March 12, getting him to reap the rewards of what he sowed, before opposing his Pluto on April 8 and leaving him stranded with very limited resources. Doors will close and he might soon have his back against the wall. 

Between March 28 and Apr 12, Saturn, Venus, Juno, and then Mars will come to square Russia’s natal Pluto & Venus. The pressure of the financial sanctions is likely to bring extreme tensions at home.

On March 19, Putin might well successfully try a new avenue or benefit from a lucky breakthrough in this conflict as Jupiter trines natal Uranus

On Apr 15, the North Node will square his natal Pluto likely to see him unleash his rage on his entourage. On Apr 24, Jupiter will square his natal Mars getting him to learn the difference between assertiveness and aggression. If the conflict is not yet over and humbling, this might well be one of his last exuberant moves that prove too risky to be successful. 

There are no clear signs on how the conflict will evolve, both sides seem to go through difficulties and hardship. There is little doubt on the conflict escalating in violence and morphing over the next 6 weeks. My guess is that this conflict might end on a stalemate that democracies could help to end with diplomacy but that Putin will be reluctant to abandon the ground conquered and will amputate Ukraine from several critical regions.


Act harmoniously with
the energy flow of the moment.

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