Mars in Taurus July 2022

Mars drive , Specials


We have been hopped up on some aggressive energy, going full speed ahead without plans since May 24. Not only was Mars in Aries, but it was also in its sign of exaltation and influenced by Jupiter, which only expanded its action-oriented nature. This Mars was a hopeful place that could conquer anything. 

As Mars transits into Taurus on July 5, it can make us feel like a roadrunner falling into a pit of mud. We are slowed down, pensive–our anger turns to a stonewall instead of a dramatic, quick burst. While it is in detriment, it isn’t actually a bad thing, just agitating us into more concrete outcomes. 

It can make us more conservative with our actions. Not willing to put out energy until it has been well thought out and only focusing on something if we know it will be building towards a future goal.  

The last time we experienced Mars in Taurus was Jan 6 – Mar 3, 2021.  Yup – THAT Jan 6. While the Capitol Hill attack was peak 29 degree Aries energy, the Taurus energy is more relevant to the shock and slow realization it took for us to understand what was physically at stake and a lower expression of Mars in Taurus with our own feelings of impotency. As we re-enter that period, particularly in the U.S., frustrations will run high as collectively we won’t see much being done with SCOTUS or the insurrection trial tapping back into a collective feeling of powerlessness that has been building since the poor response to the pandemic.  

Mars is traversing a passionate sign that doesn’t like conflict, just accepts the tension as part of any relationship. So if Mars represents the energy of our passion, drive, physical strength, assertiveness, and will power, but we are feeling impotent, where does this energy get expressed? There is a high potential for petty, passive-aggressive pokes as a retaliatory release in the beginning of this transit before there is time taken to make a plan.  

 (While the US is the most easily seen at this time, these actions provoke the treatment of purposeful suppressed communities globally. The root isn’t just government versus the people, it is the white Christian agenda creating a patriarchy through a majority of the globe)

Mars is also the god of War, Ares in Greek. Therefore, this loving action encouraged by this placement in Venus-ruled Taurus goes somewhat against this traditionally conflict-inducing planet.  Taurus is also a Fixed sign, imbuing the energy with more “slow and steady wins the race” mentality, which chafes at Mars’s desire for a quicker pace. 

Even in the agitation of this sign, the tension can spike the output of creativity, spurn action towards larger, more intense projects requiring endurance and determination, as well as the indulgence of all senses.  


The energy of Mars in Taurus is consistent and stoic. 

This is a good sign for us to learn to work with Mars in a more conscious, constructive way. We can feel the nature of our aggression, motivations and drive and have the tenacity to understand in our bodily form without acting out. Anger is accepted as part of love without a need for resolution.  

This isn’t to say rage cannot be spewed while in this sign. It just takes an incessant external force to push the energy to that place. Once there, though, this bullish nature will seek blood and be sure to extricate your physical senses to the outside world as punishment. 

There is a value in quality over quantity. Implementation of our motives only goes towards that which give us strength and stability.  We can become preoccupied with our money and material assets, and many may see rewards coming in their work after their assertive actions while Mars was in Aries.  

Within several minutes of this transit, Mercury follows suit transiting from Gemini to Cancer.  This sextile creates a charismatic energy where going after what you want, particularly in love or money matters, is laced with much clearer, softer communication styles. The Mars Taurus still likes a safe bet, so this may play out on via a long-term crush or a purchase you’ve been thinking about for a while (and sweet-talking a good deal). There is a focus around nurturing and finding comfort that will make the month ahead cozy as we are more vulnerable with those closest to us and amplifies the messages of the new moon in cancer. 

But one rather large course correction towards the end of July will surface as Mars will conjunct Uranus, though this time includes exact conjunction with the North Node. This is an energy of revolution that hasn’t happened in 2000 years (think Alexander the Great conquering Persian empire). But even close calls of these planets and points have inspired great change including Isaac Newton prompting the industrial revolution, WW II and mapping of the human genome.

Personally, there will be an urge to release something that is limiting your life and can provoke immense growth towards a destiny that has been calling you. In the sign of Taurus, it can be a more inspired action that will begin to grow towards mid-July thru mid-August.  Something, or more specifically someone, will come into your life out of the blue, altering your trajectory. Despite it being disruptive and destabilizing, it is a shift needed in your life to get you on track.


Mars in this fixed sign is great for determination but challenging in starting a new project or convincing others to change their mind.  It is in detriment here, making us prone to spurts of temper tantrums as we might try to look for outcomes and find we have to put in more work. 

This will not be the time to start something in your career, unless it’s something you’ve been thinking of for a while or put on the back burner because of the immense amount of work it would entail.  

There is a penchant to overspend on things that satiate our senses over things that have a good return on investment (especially technology). This could also be using the corporate card for a little more indulgent wining and dining than typical. Understanding the meaning of your own finite resources is key. Especially with Mercury in Cancer, it’s best to set a little aside for splurging in the budget and stick to it. 

Conflicts are more likely to be avoided, but it doesn’t mean anger isn’t simmering beneath the surface. Gas-lighting and major passive-aggressiveness give glimpses of issues during this transit. It’s fighting a heart that will want to speak and the mind looking to care for everyone, causing even more friction.  

"Long-term consistency trumps short-term intensity"
– Bruce Lee

We can’t neglect that Mars in Taurus highly activates the earth, and with its ruler Venus in Gemini, it might have more to say than normal. The 2021 transit saw an uptick in unnatural natural disasters with substantial snow in Texas, a blizzard in Hawaii, flooding in New York City, and a rapid flood-burn-flood pattern in California.  Each of these exposed a lack of resources within the government chain and became more than just an inconvenience to its citizens. This time around an already weakened supply chain issue may take a huge hit via a larger natural disaster than anticipated, a shut-down of power grid or a larger flare up of war on Ukraine. This will just be a taste of what is coming in the Fall.

As Mars conjuncts Uranus on July 31st, we may see another requirement for social distancing globally, but a larger resistance to it. There is a deep need for freedom and when requested to mindfully adjust by our governments, a lack of outlets for it causes people to redirect rage to themselves.

Facilitating ways for your company, group, or friends to channel into social causes around this time would be very supported. Causes helping the feminine would be particularly releasing, whether that be environmental or those that help intentionally suppressed communities. Even better is focusing it within the local community over several weeks so people can see the impact of their hard work and promote further action and ideas for Mars transit into Gemini beginning August 20th.

Should you be running or within a conscious business, this may mean making a shift that supports a potential strike that gets momentum at this time. Moving purchases to minority-owned and women-owned businesses, sourcing from more localized, independently owned retailers and those that have fair wages throughout their ecosystem (and including that in yours). General planning of company resources that support the environment, human rights, and potentially a creative new way to exchange goods and services within the neighborhood.  


Collectively, we’ll be yearning to make headway, but will seemingly be thwarted in any attempts to move forward. There is a tendency to become overly cynical and a need to seek solace in what gives us comfort. But it really is a moment to plan, to be creative and build with others. 

Move your body in any way necessary and encourage those around you to do the same. Connect with nature and move energy through outdoor activities. Slow down and be present each and every day. The ability to move as fast as you want elsewhere is going to feel thwarted, so channel the energy through movement and connection. Focusing on more tests of endurance and refining the quality of the exercises you do will also be more fulfilling. There is also more strength in the body during this transit, so developing sturdy health routines will be supported and bring this energy in at a higher octave. 

Spend more time on creative and financial endeavors. Rebranding your company or redesigning workspaces/offices will yield better results and satisfaction. Taking the time to review your money flow and responsibly managing resources will assist in not making large errors as there is a serious energy to indulge in desired purchases, but not ones that will provide a particularly good ROI 

Ride the ebb and flow of communication strategically to move your agenda ahead in work and relationships. While we begin and end this cycle being eloquent and charismatic towards the end of July/beginning of August, there are opportunities for us to be traditional, nostalgic, defensive, and more driven by trauma. Having more awareness that our words can really nurture and heal if we LISTEN attentively and remain open (despite potential hurt) and vulnerability. 



Mars in Taurus Key Dates to Add to Your Calendar:

July 26: Mind your words and any negotiations, as your gilded tongue from the beginning of this transit gives way to a more impulsive, hostile communication style because you are too proud to compromise. Seek counsel on bigger decisions and be prepared to listen over speaking and making final decisions. There is a capacity to earn money and make bold investments, just be cautious of being too greedy or you may end up chasing losses as a poor consequence. 

July 30 – August 3: There will be a redefining moment around your idea of comfort and security that is key to getting you where you need to be. This could be the culmination of a long-term strike in efforts to make better future change around passionate ideals.  

Be creative in the resources you have and obtain access to new ones. It will spurn a revolutionary commitment to your future and the work it requires. Tap into what you are passionate about and allocate assets to boost it. This event will impact the next 15 years. 

August 7: Coming off the powerful Uranus/North Node/Mars conjunction, we are all revved up with our new inspiration, but are becoming agitated at the inability to do what we want and succeed. There is a desire to hold onto tradition versus investing in evolution, freedom, and equality as we see how big of an investment it is. This change is for the long haul, so embrace Mars in Taurus and start building foundations or spend time digesting the beauty of your dream and the creativity you can infuse in it, particularly through building a community.  

August 14: You are under no illusion at what it’s going to take to accomplish your goals. With more determination, you can work through harder transformations at this time with ease and efficiency. This will be a time to lean into leadership positions or face some childhood wounds keeping you from taking that big step.  (Mars trine Pluto rx) 

We really are in a moment to take each day at a time and to remain present.  

Taking the next 6 weeks to focus on one major project will be very supported. 

Mind any passive aggressiveness at work and consider it as an invitation for you to open the conversation for resolution with colleagues and teammates, as no one will be up for a fight.  

If you want to know how this may impact you more specifically, we are available for one-on-one sessions to help guide you through this transit, work with your team or company and assist if you are a spiritual, thought leader needing extra support. 

In evolution, 

G & J 


Act harmoniously with
the energy flow of the moment.

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