Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio May 2022 | What is Worth Dying For?



In this section, we spend more time diving into the cosmic tonality of this eclipse and the change it might manifest on your way across the next six months.

Tapping into our deepest dreams and creating them forces us to define what’s worth living (or dying) for and releasing where we’ve compromised ourselves for the sake of comfort in a dramatic lunar eclipse in Scorpio. 

A typical full moon sets us up to release pieces of our lives. When that full moon becomes a lunar eclipse the intensity of what we are letting go gets turned up even more. Add to that it is conjunct to the collective South Node and we are upping the intensity even more as we are being asked to shed something that provides us comfort or security. But it does not end there. The intensity and depth of this release is upped tenfold as it is in the sign of Scorpio, prying our hands from deep attachments, secrets, and relationship to power in our lives which used to secure our stability. 

This intensity makes the potency ooze out of the May 15/16 event into the week before and after (you may have already been feeling it). Repercussions of it will filter through our lives for the next 6 months where it will be echoed back to us in the next set of eclipses in Oct/Nov. Scorpio being a water sign makes the energy boundless, flowing from one part of our life to all others, with an emphasis on our emotions. It taints the recent Jupiter and Venus in Aries, igniting a self-centric creative fire in some potentially emotionally messy, harmful ways as we project some of our deepest shadows, provoking aggressive and potentially violent confrontation as we are also experiencing Mercury Retrograde in Gemini and Taurus.

“Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it.”
– Ann Landers

To add to the struggle, the nodes and lunar eclipse are squaring austere Saturn–a planet very involved in our bigger transits the past couple years. Creating an isolated space for us, we are put into a reflective position to acknowledge where we’ve been emotionally immature versus a wrong we have pinned on those we are in closest relationship with. Our eyes are open to codependencies, observing the structures we uphold in our own lives that sabotage us and re-enact traumas. Not an easy thing to let go of, but a necessary course of action at the risk of staying delusional in addictions or abusive relationships for the months ahead.   

While Scorpio’s ruler, Pluto, is squaring Eris, provoking our desire to overcome the patriarchal structures impending on our sense of freedom (more easily seen at a societal level, particularly the U.S.), it individually is targeting material aspects, stripping away well-loved, presumably rightful pieces of our lives the more we resist the deep change needed to embrace our true nature. The emotional struggle in resisting surrender will find us in a pit of quicksand until we are enlightened to the fact we need to stand still. There will be a mess of finding scapegoats and blaming others that will play out before us, provoking further anger and rage, both at home and on a global scale. This is also stoked by Jupiter squaring Lilith, as our desires for freedom and pleasure clash with the status quo. We avoid changing things in our own lives that would be helpful because we’re wrecked by vulnerability and guilt at the fear of losing it all. 


But the Universe, in its infinite knowledge, has created a warm bosom to nestle into to avoid a complete trainwreck of an eclipse.


The Moon trine Neptune offers us creative, boundless imagination to amend our behaviors and soothe our emotions. Stepping out of our destructive habits becomes a little easier. Mars’ drive gets obliterated with its conjunction in Neptune leaving it a little less impetuous and opening up trine to the Moon– encouraging very intuitive actions to facilitate hard, divisive actions.  We’re being supported to focus on our spiritual well-being as Mars and Neptune meet, creating a path to our luminous warrior–focusing on the light that reveals what is hidden in the dark with courage. We are rewarded for being bold through creative, compassionate action, confronting our suffering head on.  A balm for our wounds is offered as Venus conjuncts Chiron, showing us love beyond the pain. It aids us in finding strength to face our own fears, to really expose our hearts and learn self-love to release us from the cages we built ourselves.   

Ultimately, this full moon in Scorpio is inviting us to know what we are willing to fight for and die for. Resisting the temptation of material comfort and facing how we’ve taken for granted the resources that are currently provided despite the implications of how we get them. Acknowledging where we are upholding structures for the sake of comfort and not the good of people. Let go of the idea that the government is going to take care of you (or any authority in your life) – breaking the codependency. With the planets starting to stack up in Aries, our need to unabashedly express ourselves is high, but we cannot venture into the unknown carrying the weight of the past. If we are willing to be bold and courageous, we are very supported, but it requires a leap of faith.  

This is a pivotal moment for everyone that will play out over the next 6 months. Find your horoscope below to see where you will be most affected. For further assistance in navigating download our Map of Your 2022 Stars or get personal navigation with a private session.




There may be pressure coming from your community or group to recognize an unhealthy attachment in the form of an intimate partnership, business or romantic, or some high moral ground you’ve been vocal about. The realization that you pounced on something before you knew the facts created shame and guilt that you tried to sweep under the rug. You may stumble upon some deeply karmic setbacks in situations you’ve avoided legally, financially, or something that feels taboo to you. Face the music and work your way through and you could celebrate the healing of a long-standing wound, bolstering your self-confidence. Letting go of anything created from old trauma is opening space for new, more fulfilling experiences, deepening your relationship with intimacy, with yourself and others.


Are your closest relationships filling your love cup? You’ve allowed something to go on for far too long, accommodated past the point necessary and it’s time to get clear on your own needs and take actions that reflect them. Whatever drains your energy most needs to be released, facing the vulnerability and guilt you feel about anything you’ve said. Take stock in your commitments and others to you and simply by entertaining only things that motivate you. End the soul-sucking relationship or unending pattern that leaves you empty. There’s a professional pressure at the same time, and the need to isolate to incubate the new you.


What have you been dedicating time to that isn’t steering your ship towards your goals? If it’s not fulfilling your goals, dreams and future it’s time to let it go. Don’t wallow in pity for the time you’ve spent dedicated to something else. It’s time to get your daily routine and habits in alignment and not waste one more minute on anything taking your energy, time, or space away from it. This is to balance your spiritual, mental, physical and mental health, something you’ve been thinking about a long time, but haven’t quite found the stamina to tackle. Now is the time or the universe may inflict a health crisis that forces it.


Darling, do you really give into your passions or have you filled your life with meaningless vices    from a childhood memory? Time for a reality check. Tapping into your creativity and childhood aspirations will move you closer to your goals and dreams than partaking in some comfort ritual.  Think about your own pleasure and make that the forefront of your experiences–stop prioritizing others and inhabiting a caretaker role. Create your own joy and release any guilt and shame (go for that passionate affair that falls into your lap between now and the Fall) and don’t look back.


Prioritize facing your problems over seeking validation for comfort. This is a deeply personal eclipse, with a need to look at familial patterns that you keep living out repeatedly. This ancestral karma has been derailing you and now is time to address it or an event will happen to place it at the forefront of your life.  The shifts occurring in your home and relationships to family members are for you to embrace and use to heal your own wounds. Don’t hide from how uncomfortable this may be or the fact you must acknowledge your responsibility in perpetuating it. Show yourself grace and have gratitude for the opportunity these shifts are opening in your life.


What’s that skeleton you’ve been hiding in your closet for ages? You won’t be able to keep it to yourself any longer, as it is now causing emotional and mental turmoil. You aren’t apt to turn that keen eye on yourself judiciously, but it’s time to take a good look in the mirror and face this shame you’ve been carrying and share it with those closest to you. There’s an element of trusting your friend group or your community more than just how you can serve them (or correct them in their ways). You won’t lose power by revealing yourself, you’ll be opening up two-way communication to your equals. Remaining down a rabbit hole to find more facts and evidence to prove your innocence or why the secret should remain will not benefit you. What you aren’t seeing is the immense freedom once this gets off your chest and a revelation of how many facets of your life have been blocked by it.


It’s becoming obvious to you that your lack of security is caused by your lack of boundaries around your resources. The eclipse highlights the need to release anything that wastes your energy, resources or time. Every breathing moment should be creating value and safety for you. So, the undercompensated job, half-committed partner or energy vampire family member have to go or a renegotiation of your investment/compensation needs to occur. Close personal relationships will find healing conclusions only when you are brave enough to own your part for not being impeccable with your words and acknowledging your self-betrayal. Take the time to really think about what needs to be said as you will have some confusion. You may have big dreams of overcoming a patriarchal piece at  your workplace or industry, just be sure to use the month to think and plan before putting it to action in June.


All eyes are on you, Scorpio! Specifically, your own. As you thought long and hard about your relationships the past two weeks (thanks to the solar eclipse), your attention should now be placed squarely on you. It’s been quite a battlefield for some time, giving you the space you needed to ruminate, research and develop who you want to be in this next iteration. The phoenix has been turned to ash and is beginning to rise again, but this time no one is welcomed who cannot support the new you. Transformation is old hat to you, but the intensity of change over the past few years makes this pivot more substantial, deeply spiritual and healing some foundational wounds that you’ll never have to return to for the rest of your life. You are learning how to be a greater service to others in creation of habits that support you most over the teachings of past gurus.


The plunge into your subconscious will leave you feeling a little more than sleepy. Dark, hidden truths about yourself will haunt you until you address them with compassion. Releasing judgment about where you are, who you are and the things you missed out on will go far as you learn to be an observer of why you feel so negatively about things in your life and accept you are whole as you are. Freedom resides beyond the patriarchal taboos you’ve adopted as your own. Communication with those closest to you is apt to be messy and emotional, so best take some time for yourself to rest and meditate or risk projections on others that may end the relationship. Find healing in being creative, especially making something with your hands that helps express yourself. You won’t see the benefits of this but make yourself do it anyway and be surprised at the catharsis it provides. This is a time to build new spiritual foundations for yourself, including revolutionizing your inclusion of intimacy, sex and death within them.


Reevaluating who truly is your friend has followed you through the pandemic. You’ve become crystal clear on who was there for you at the bottom and genuinely cheered you on. Be on the lookout for mutual investment and if you find your social circle a little too small, take action in finding people who get you, support similar causes or who inspire you in any aspects of your life. Structuring this aspect of your life is necessary to align with your new values. You don’t see how the frenemies have been blocking some foundational principles you have or even upsetting your own home. It has in turn impacted your close partnerships. Look out for some revolutionary in-person events around your interests that lets you truly express yourself and you will find your tribe. Make it a point in your calendar so you don’t choose work over this self-investment that will help you grow tenfold.


: Destiny is calling you, though it may feel as if uncertainty is everywhere. Your public image is coming into the spotlight, but how you are currently seen or the position you hold may not be so steady. You may get a dream job invitation, but to get it will be at the loss of home or closeness to family. Whatever is shifting for you, you are being asked to step up to the plate and be a key player. No hiding away trying to be stage manager, you are the star of the show! The core foundation that has made you feel like an oddball in society are actually going to be your superpower in the world and speaking your truth will be embraced by many. Disobeying the rules becomes heralded in this current world environment and what you were once chastised for becomes the workplace motto.


All the planets in Pisces have shifted something spiritually for you and now you are being asked to stand by these new convictions. Your spiritual revival could become dogmatic, so keep that in mind when you are speaking your truth. You do not need to compromise yourself by placating others but alienating them won’t help your cause either. You may find your ideals particularly don’t jive well with other cultures, but instead of insisting on your point of view, take a moment to hear their perspective as a means to design a more well-rounded, inclusive viewpoint. The fervor you have will be quite difficult to manage and you’ll most likely run into an argument or two to help teach you a way of refining your advocacy to include others and not become self-righteous. You are learning to release the paralyzing fear of showing who you are, so don’t let the missteps dissuade you from self-expression.


Act harmoniously with
the energy flow of the moment.

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