Evolving In The Sign Of...
A full moon is the opportunity to look at what we manifested six months before in the same sign when the Moon was new. Without embracing the gifts of its opposite sign, from where the sun beams its light during full moon, we cannot fully reap the rewards of the universe. It is a time where we are being invited to review our errors, our mistakes and failures, forgive ourselves, integrate the lessons we might not have had the necessary distance to properly understand and adjust the course of our lives accordingly.
The Taurus/Scorpio polarity in the Grand Fixed Cross:
In Taurus, this has to do with love, our close relationships, our self-esteem and sense of self-worth, our fertility, our creativity, our values, our money, our sense of security, our hard work, our commitment, our patience and our capacity to enjoy with pleasure the simple things of life.
Taurus is an earth sign and with it we learn to manifest our physical reality through hard work, desire, and determination in the physical. It is a grounding and stabilizing energy in matters of work, home and body and anything we experience in the physical plane of our existence. Its spotlight is very often on outward focus and what is pleasing to the senses.
At this level, the opposition Taurus-Scorpio can highlight that our contributions, commitments, responsibilities, and obligations have not been respected and there might be a lack of balance in the give and take which will need to be addressed.
Beyond this, Scorpio reminds us that beauty comes from within, and true happiness does not always lie in how much we obtain in the physical, but also how stable we are in the emotional and spiritual.
The evolved path of Taurus, integrating the Scorpio lessons, is the path of mastering desire (attachment) into a desire to know in order to reach illumination. It is said that Buddha had up to seven planets located in Taurus and most of the big dates he is celebrated during are also in Taurus.
For this, the Taurus needs the inquisitiveness and deep inner probing of Scorpio so that it can realize that there is something inside worth aspiring to.
Taurus can dig in their heels and actively avoid confrontation to “keep the peace” (or just present a wall of stubborn silence).
The tendency to avoid making waves and to be content with material gain and/or sensual pleasures prevents them from asking the bigger questions, exploring their inner nature, and seeking higher knowledge. This keeps them stuck in “spiritual ignorance,” focused purely on mundane matters and not recognizing their own inner awareness.
Entering the world of Scorpio is not for the faint-hearted. It demands depth of focus, a sense of adventure and mysteries, and great courage. The soul journey of Scorpio is the sacred path of the Spiritual Warrior.
Scorpio is here to find the point of light in the darkness, to challenge the negativities of human ego and finally transform darkness into light.
The Scorpio Soul knows that we must fully embrace all aspects of our nature if we are to integrate soul and personality. And RESIST TEMPTATION, because when we give in to temptation, it causes us to continue feeding habits that reinforce our egoic behaviour patterns and keep us trapped in the illusion of ego.
In the labours of Hercules, the hero’s eighth labour represents the soul path of Scorpio. In this labour, Hercules is challenged to battle with the Lernean Hydra. The nine-headed Hydra represents nine faces of desire that we can meet (and be tempted by) on our spiritual journey. They are described as: sex, comfort, money, fear, hatred, desire for power, pride, separation and cruelty.
For us to respond to the calling of this full moon, we are expected to:
LOOK DEEP INTO ALL THOSE TEMPTATIONS AND REALISE WHAT IS KEEPING US ATTACHED TO THE STATUS-QUO and bringing us to fall into the same toxic patterns again and again, preventing our true integrated growth to happen
REVIEW OUR CORE VALUES and identify what we are really ready to fight for, as well as our manifestations of abundance to ensure we truly get what is absolutely essential for our survival and security.