Fall Equinox September 2022



On Sep 23 at 1:04 GMT, the summer of 2022 is over, you may as well go hibernate now! Well at least it might feel that way ?

Considering what we are about to weather once more collectively, we wholeheartedly invite you to use this transition time to make a pause, regroup and ask yourself what you really want to start this new season.

Looking at the transits, we have our recommendations for where you can be most supported, but these are just a starting point. Feel free to explore and be curious, Mars in Gemini encourages it.


This time is about starting what you think would bring a greater balance into your life,
as well as more harmonious relationships.


The Mercury retrograde should soon enlighten you as to what this could look like and the new moon in Libra set on Sep 25 is a fantastic opportunity to invite the universe to cocreate those projects with you.


Jessica and I will be organizing our own little despacho ceremony on Friday morning. A traditional South American indigenous ritual of gratitude. We will dedicate it to thank for the summer blessings, liberate the toxicity accumulated over that period and prepare ourselves for the blessings and lessons Fall is undoubtedly going to bring.

You may be familiar with the Fall Equinox and its significance. We approach the importance from a shamanic and astrological perspective and acknowledge the cardinal signature as an exciting time for check points in our own personal transformation as well as our clients. In this blog we explore:



What does the Fall Equinox mean?


Fall equinox marks the time when nights are becoming longer than days and the darkness regains ground on our consciousness. In the Zodiac wheel, it marks the emergence of our personality into the world and about to meet Others, regaining unity from a separated self and individuality in the process.

Why darkness? Because the nights are going to be growing over the next three months until they reach a peak on the Capricorn Winter Solstice of Dec 21.

During that journey we will be crossing 3 signs: Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius. They teach us to start building an ideal society respectful of everyone’s needs, persevere in the light of adversity when we are being given to meet others’ shadows and accept our own, and finally see the “universal” and what ties us together as a society, culture, history, laws, beliefs, and vision.

This requires us to discover and accept our differences (Libra), shadows, imperfect human nature, and duality (Scorpio) before we can transcend it and emerge from the darkness into the light (Sagittarius) with a masterplan at the end of December (Capricorn winter solstice).



Why is the Fall Equinox important?


Because we have seen within ourselves what felt important and built plans on it (Cancer summer solstice), recharged during the summer, being able to enjoy the bounties of nature, fully express our individuality and grasp which of our talents were most appreciated (Leo). With the end of the summer, we had the time to regroup, commit to our health and be clear with our needs when resetting our routine so that we could be fully operational to serve to the best of our capabilities the greater collective (Virgo).

With longer nights, the air is getting colder and the need to rely on others to survive makes itself more obvious with every day passing. We grow tighter and through this process challenges start to emerge. We integrate that collaboration is necessary (Libra) but with it we get to experience the darkness of others and must learn to own ours (Scorpio). We understand the need to define boundaries (Libra), we experience their crossing, integrate our subconscious motives, deeply buried in the darkness, hidden to us (Scorpio). With it comes the need to define what is ok or not as a whole so that others can also protect us, and we can thrive as a group; the need to identify life truths and universal laws we can rely on and walk with so that we better ourselves and make this passage on earth more meaningful (Sagittarius).

The focus shifts from US onto OTHERS, how we can best express and serve each other without suppressing each other. The intimate meeting of two bodies and souls, experiencing the darkness of our conditions, but resolutely choosing hope and faith over the appeal of darkness. Discovering that in the dark lay more power and creativity than we could ever imagine or were afraid of.

It’s all about integrating others, building closer partnerships, and developing a grander vision, discovering our divine nature and emerging with a true and meaningful purpose, not just an idea, not just a connection but a unifying myth.

We may have defined what we wanted but now comes the part where we will need to meet others in their desires and beliefs too.


Working with Equinoxes & Solstices as Cardinal Point


Each season sets an energy in motion, all Cardinal signs, the first month of the season (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) do. They set the course, define the plan, gather the energy behind an idea.

Fixed signs concentrate the energy and implement it, see if it is viable or needs to take new things into consideration that we may have omitted.

Mutable signs integrate what has been learned over the course of the season and prepare for the next one.

The most important Cardinal degrees are thus 0 and 29.

0 plants the seed of potential of what might unfold over the next quarter.

29 fixes the final concept of what we are going to bring to life and is finally going to be worked on by fixed signs.

In the light of one of our most distant planets, Pluto, also soon reaching the 29 degree of Capricorn (in February 2023 for the first time, 2024 for the second), some important choices are being set in motions, some that may affect our lives for the next 20 years or so.

"Notice that autumn is more the season of the soul than of nature."
– Friedrich Nietzsche
Libra Sun & Mercury, Sagittarius Moon & North Node

Why Seasons Are Important to Astrology


The equinoxes, like solstices, are extraordinarily strong cosmic opportunities to plant a new seed and set important projects in motion. Cardinal signs all hold a strong elemental initiatory energy we can intentionally and mindfully harness during this critical time.

A new energetic window opens, a new cosmic light cycle starts.

As part of our astrological work, we incorporate each season as a fantastic opportunity to make the transformation journey a little easier and ensure you are being supported with co-creative energies as you set a new path to healing.

Of course, every season either brings us to a point of balance or greater imbalance and will require a great deal of leadership, determination, an open mind and a lot of compassion for ourselves and others.

In Libra, we are all being invited to take leadership in diplomacy and social justice.

Of course, we will discover that the concept of justice is flawed, the darkness will grow bigger, possibly tilting a few of us in the process as we might have grown too attached to either side of the spectrum. Wisdom and faith are eventually what will bring us back on the path of moderation, the path of the middle way.

This theme of balance between the masculine and the feminine is what we see most of our clients truly struggling with at the moment and is going to be a massive focus again over this fall. With most of the energy set in Masculine signs, we will literally be pushed over the edge. If you fail to defend your own boundaries and peace, integrate others as well as creative and liberating moments, you are likely to grow disconnected and end up being rejected or experiencing a breakdown.

The chart of this day also offers us a fantastic insight into what is likely to emerge (see below) over the whole season, some of the blessings, some of the challenges.  Most importantly to us, this chart points to what we should try and integrate if we want our path to growth and evolution to be easier, richer, and more meaningful.

It points to some of the focuses we should integrate in our plans for them to be more synchronistic of the moment as well as some of the likely expressions of the unconscious collective.

Relationships and partnerships are going to be a major theme of this fall, but also Times of crisis and the way we deal with them depending on our set of beliefs and moral standards.

The fact that we will need to deal with a very scattered mind and might lack the necessary energy (read our Mars blog for more details) is not exactly going to help us to cope with interpersonal challenges.

Even though the best time of the year is unfortunately rapidly reaching an end, the tests and lessons we will go through this Fall finally carry with them the promise of liberation we have all been striving for over the last two to three years.

One last effort is still required, as well as a lot of patience, moderation, and humility. We should all be able to celebrate the end-of-the-year festivities in a nice and cozy atmosphere!


Ideas for celebration/acknowledging seasonal transition


Of course, relationships should be at the center of your private rituals for this Fall.

All of them.

In typical Virgo style (yes, Mercury will be in this sign up to the Equinox) we invite you to categorize your relationship into different groups that will allow for different ceremonies. Those you want to grow closer, that you want to see improved, those you want to separate yourself from, forget and those you want to send healing and support to.


Once those groups are ready, you can either design your own little ceremonies of Medicine Buddha, cord cutting, Love and healing meditation or if you need some inspiration, see our full video for examples.


Yoga can also help you with the current lack of concentration, and coming dissolution of energy, emotional crises, and material challenges.

We recommend focusing on the first 3 chakras to start with (up to end of October). As well as resuming with your meditative practice if you have paused it over the summer.

The more grounded you can be, the stronger your emotional core will be and the clearer your willpower and focus can become, the easier the navigation of this period will be.

Remaining committed to your practice can make all the difference. One should remember that all of this was indeed needed but is also temporary. We are headed towards better times and there is always an unseen benefit.

From October, you may want to integrate a growing number of Shiva kriyas and an increasingly tonic asana practice to ensure the heavy energy is being moved, processed, distributed, and eventually purged.



2022 Fall Equinox Astrology


Even if the end of our summer should be smooth and enjoyable, the trials we inherited from 2021 will quickly resurface one last time so that we can either definitely free ourselves from them or integrate the dire reality and consequences of having run from them into our lives.

For all the changes, liberation, and irreverent fun we had since May, the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on the 25th of October will bring a massive break to our expansive and fiery behaviors, inviting us to remember where we started from last spring and to reconnect with the more conscious beings we were before we started to rush heads down, ramming for our lives.

A new flight of material tests, emotional challenges, and social disruptions from mid-October to mid-November will likely erupt as we’ll have difficulties adjusting again. This might not exactly be easy to integrate considering the efforts we will have invested over the previous quarters to deal with the first ones.

Those new obstacles may seriously arouse the drama queen in each and every one of us, but can only be seriously dealt with by flexibly adjusting to the new necessary changes, remaining peaceful and reasonable, and looking for solutions that truly help the collective, rather than our individual corner. Power struggles and control issues will dominate over the period, fueled by deeply rooted insecurities. Self-centered reactions, stubbornness, pessimism, superiority, arrogance, or resistance may not exactly be supportive of our becoming or simply welcome even if those negative vibes are going to be overwhelmingly present in our environment. Many might look for a culprit to blame.

Consolidating the gains we made all along the year will require optimism, humility, warmth, respect and faith. Trying to increase the division would only end up further increasing our sense of isolation. Unity and compassion in the face of adversity will be our only true reliefs for the last two months of the year.

Ongoing mood swings and energy fluctuations are likely to make this period quite delicate to navigate. We will need to invest time and effort into finding our own balance between freedom and duties, change and tradition, if we want to successfully emerge from this period.

We are up for more changes, and we’ll have to adapt whatever.

Some will grow marginalized and stop playing by conventional rules. Others might go through a deep depression if they have resisted so far.

One should find comfort in the fact that we will be blessed with the strength, ambition, and perseverance necessary to take on the hardest of tasks starting from October.

The Mars retrograde in Gemini (Oct 30 to Jan 15) will stop most of our actions in their track, giving us no other choice but to review and adapt our plans. The new alternatives we identify during that period, and the necessary adjustment to our communication style will go a long way when the return of forward energy finally gains momentum, and we can eventually move out of the pandemic in January 2023.

Knowing the energy ahead, we invite you to take a conscious part in the creation of what unfolds. The yoga journey and ceremony pieces we provide are what we have found to help us through these types of transits. But they are just a starting point. Learning to rely on your own voice and building with others is key over this period, and we invite you to grow off the foundations we’ve provided. Trust your own voice/intuition in creating the ritual and habits that are most supportive to you.





The Eclipse ball season opens, bringing a rather raw light on the tactless behaviors we exhibited at the end of the summer, thankfully healing and forgiveness are within grasp



Intimate and economic unions start on new pledges, but some might have to burn down to ashes before doing so.



As our fire is being stoke disproportionately, some flames might be blown out, some projects will be stopped, and others may have to be started all over again. Explore other alternatives, tone down the intensity and integrate others.



Dirty secrets, psychological pain, guilt, and envy upset the status quo and backfire



The calm following the storm allows for damage assessment and design of new plans


Act harmoniously with
the energy flow of the moment.

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