Moonful Efforts
This section is dedicated to understanding how you can work with the energy of this moon at work and when collaborating with colleagues, superiors, suppliers or employees.
First off, after such an emotional month of July and the unpredictable events we are about to witness, it is likely that most of problems will be of either:
My best advice would be to try and ensure that you or everyone keep their emotions in check if possible, as otherwise any disagreement is likely to take a disproportionate dimension.
Getting everyone to FOCUS ON THEIR CORE RESPONSIBILITIES & SOCIAL DUTIES will likely be the best path to adopt this month.
There is an overall lack of balance and you would be well advised to DISTANCE YOURSELF from any difficult situation so that you can see the greater picture and use your mind and diplomatic skills rather than your heart and/or will power to reach the best possible decisions.
Note that:
Venus moves in Virgo on July 23rd and this will help us to increase our attention to the necessary details, fix what will need to be and possibly reorganize our routine as new restrictions, opposition and unforeseen events are likely to compel us to soon change and adapt. Finance is probably the first thing you should attend to, optimizing, securing and provisioning for a possibly darker end of year than initially envisaged.
At first our appetite and reason to do so might not be strong but as Mars moves in Virgo too on July 30th, all our focus is likely to shift on those tasks.
With Jupiter moving back in Aquarius on July 29th, after this brief period of growth and euphoria on the yearly forecast, the strategic focus will need to gear back on R&D, innovation, digital transformation, process and communication improvements up to the end of the year.
This full moon is also the perfect time to check with your colleagues and partners how the collaboration is working for them, whether the communication is good or not and discuss of what can be improved. If there is only one thing you can do: either shut up or listen.
The same could also apply to your loyal clients and fan bases. Reviewing your site and social media metrics now, learning what worked and didn’t over the last 6 months could also help your results a lot.
Last but not least, spending the next two weeks on reviewing how your company has served the collective, either reducing your carbon footprint, switching to more environmentally friendly practices or sourcing, or supporting your local community will go a long way. Check your last six-month progress, learn from your mistakes and errors and renew your commitment for all to take notice, participate and contribute.
If you wonder why, check why those 100 companies have already pledged for a substantial change and make it a personal challenge to get yours on that list too: