New moon in libra Sep 25 2022 6 Aspects to Manifest Around

Co-creating with the Moon


New Moons see the Sun and Moon uniting on the other side of Earth to bless our most secret wishes. Wrapping them within the darkest night of the month to be planted, they can thus start to grow without any fear of being irradiated by the negative light of doubts.

In Libra we will want to manifest in the areas of relationships/partnerships, cooperation, legal issues, harmony, peace, beauty, art, creativity and releasing all that is imbalanced in our lives.

But much more importantly this year, we will want to purposefully manifest:

  • The ideal social community we would like to belong to
  • Justice for all and a fair treatment to the masses in the many challenges likely to ensue
  • Support in the evaluation of the decisions we will soon have to make as well as the self-control necessary to avoid making those impulsively

If you can still think about yourself and continue to prepare your plans, the actions of this month should be dedicated to listening to others’ needs and integrating their ideas, needs and desires into the adjustments of your own plans and behaviors.


Overconfidence is a powerful source of illusions, primarily determined by the quality and coherence of the story that you can construct, not by its validity.




The backdrop to all of this is our approaching the last of the Saturn-Uranus square occurring between October 1 and 7, holding us to a more karmic decision. This one last reminder that moving forward the same way as we have, succumbing to the automation in our lives, will no longer work. You don’t want to stick to the old way of doing things. Realigning with your true values, no matter how extreme the change needed is, is pivotal for growth. 

Under the new moon in Libra, we are opening up to where we are too stubborn, where we are too fixed and finding where to bring structure to the change we want to see.

The most stubborn of us will have in all likelihood experienced some sort of accident between July 31 and Sep 10, there to give us one ultimate warning before our last chance to evolve and set our lives on the right course or fall back into old repetitive patterns.

Where are you still resisting in your partnerships? What can you concretely do to bring about the change? What could you materially, and organizationally do to capture that change you need to bring? 

Our resistance to change is going to be critiqued in our relationships. With Mercury back retrograding in its home sign of Virgo, we may feel or act too analytical or critical. Either very quick to spot issues among others and be vocal about it, or paralyzed by our perfectionist, overwhelmed by the tasks at hand. The result is not to take any patronization or critique too personally, but to separate the wheat from the shaft and understand where we need to take responsibility to make the changes within. We must offer vulnerability despite past pain, to acknowledge our hand in past hurts in relationships or risk another cycle of karmic relationships. 


Overconfidence is a powerful source of illusions, primarily determined by the quality and coherence of the story that you can construct, not by its validity.

– Daniel Kahneman,
Think Fast Think Slow




This new moon in Libra is shrouded in a lot of confusion, illusions, fantasy, and deception. The closest relationships are put on the table, as with any new moon in Libra, but it is underscored by a gathering of the moon, Sun, Mercury, and Venus collecting in opposition to Neptune and Jupiter.  Self and other, boundless and structured, we are really being subjected to circumstances that demand our sovereignty and our collaboration with those we choose to move forward with, no longer given the grace of dawdling between choices.  

Driven by extraordinarily strong Venus and Mercury conjunct in Virgo trining Pluto we are looking for deep, life-changing, intense connections and will easily venture down a path with someone who seems to offer this to us. We may jump at the chance of escapism either via over-the-top expressions of love, belief in the deception that others are spinning around us, or a general stepping out of reality via addictions. We can be more prone to being gullible and taken advantage of as we take bigger risks, especially in relationships, as a way of sidestepping the partnership issues we are being asked to deal with right now. 

But again, we will say, putting in the work around your relationship to yourself and how you bring that to your closer partnership is blessed by the grace of Libra and the analytical skills of Virgo right now. Moving through this now offers more receptivity via support from the other person, than will be offered later. Challenges not addressed now have high percentage of rearing their ugly head under the crisis environment of the eclipses.  

The messaging of balance, emphasized by Libra, is also heightened by two other transits framing this lunation.

Mercury retrograde just went back from Libra to Virgo. This introduction to Other we are examining as we move back into the sign that makes us Whole (Holy) offers further insights into where we may need to be more precise (going back into this sign is clearly pointing to something requiring further attention) – in filling our own cup, establishing our own routines and making those truly sacred by defending them so that we can avoid expecting the Other to fulfill us; to really be able to act in service. 

The retrograde influences Mars in Gemini, where we are being encouraged to get curious, try new things, and explore new perspectives. Manifesting new ways of approaching life, relationships and self is perfect for this new moon. We are now, more than ever, in a place to see duality. To understand not just our view of a situation but challenge ourselves with other versions. It is not a time to completely shut down and go into hermit mode permanently, but to take the time to be introspective, see new angles and get excited to explore new ways of being, communicating and being in relationship with others once Mercury goes direct Oct. 2.  

With 6 planets in retrograde mode, there will be a lot more going on underneath the surface than may explain an action, thought or idea spoken aloud. Be kind to yourself and others as inner turmoil is being provoked in everyone. We are being asked to close doors that need to be closed, heal avoided topics head on in our relationships, and acknowledge how true collaboration can usurp blocks in deep connections.  




Ruled by Venus, Libra asks us to refine our thoughts and pay attention to what we share with others, so our words create beauty and inspire co-operation rather than harm others because they’re motivated by the fears of an undisciplined mind.

With Mercury and Venus Involved


1. Letting go of stubbornness around how things should occur and what was supposed to happen will release a great deal of pressure. Try and go with the flow of the moment in a more relaxed and collaborative fashion instead of trying to get things your way. Any other agenda is likely to be felt as dominating and threatening triggering resistance, passive or not.

2. Be compassionate with your fears and anxiety and avoid permanently withdrawing over this period. Even if this seems like a natural self-defense mechanism, and there is a pronounced invitation to go within, but be vulnerable with others to help heal past pain. Listen instead of opposing.

3. Your emotions will be the clues to the work you have to provide to go through the period with minimum damage and maximum rewards. In whatever you undertake try to understand that compromise, moderation, and cooperation will be required to avoid issues: add Others in the Libra scales where your Self will already be forging ahead.

4. Use your excess energy to stick to a moral code of principles and fight for what you genuinely believe in, the time is no longer to accept abuses of power blindly and quietly. There might never be a better opportunity to regain your full power and obtain what you always dreamt of. Can you release the old limiting beliefs, behaviors and patterns that kept you in this situation so far? Where in your life are you not living by your principles?

5. Peace and harmony will keep you centered and grounded so gracefully seek a calm compromise whenever conflict arises without compromising who you are to keep the peace.

6. Justice is a huge theme during a Libra transit, so this period is an excellent time not just to ponder on situations that we know or feel unjust or unfair, but to act upon them. If our conscience is not keeping us accountable for our actions, this is a time when others might.

Exploring relationships


Look after your closest relationships – a little act of gratefulness, a fair compromise or a special attention will go a long way.

Proactively explore your relationship to yourself, your body, your ambitions, your fears, your weaknesses, your ideals, your emotions, and your faith.

Help others understand that the more out of touch they feel with themselves, the more emotional they are and the harder it is to manage challenges.


Navigating the change


See the unknown and unfamiliar as interesting and exciting instead of scary

Learn how you can share how you feel even and especially in uncomfortable moments. This New Moon is a call to embrace both your light and your shadow so that you can be your most authentic self.

Embrace paradox and hold space for contradictory ideas if necessary —which is easier to do when we keep our mental attitude light, playful, and curious.



As your work on your manifestation intentions, here are a few questions to ask ourselves:

Focus your energy on meaningful relationships: wherever the feelings are strong, whatever their vibration, positive or negative.

Wherever you feel that the balance is off in your relationship, try to identify what the real issue is: power struggle, co-dependency, shadow play, inferiority or superiority complexes, projections.

  • Am I sacrificing my true needs or ambitions in order to maintain harmony in a relationship?
  • What does not feel fair to me?
  • Which relationships are off, and do I need to harmonize?
  • What type of relationship is missing in my life?
  • Where in my life do I want to bring beauty?

Also remember that this month is also about justice so if you have legal proceedings in progress or due, now is the time to set clear directions for the universe to be able to support you, while remembering that our manifestations can never be at the expenses of anybody else.

To close on a positive note and quote Gandhi again: “You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.”


May you feel empowered to follow the path towards your greater destiny

In evolution

G & J



Manifestations will however not be sufficient to deal with the current energy.

Square Uranus, the Kundalini creative and electric power, more outlets will be required to deal positively with the upsurge.

Allow yourself to experience pure moments of fun and play when you reconnect with your inner child and forget about everything else

Do not wait for you routine to be derailed, allow yourself to follow your heart, and especially your wild side to express itself into constructive channels, before it is being disrupted by external events. The next New Moon in Virgo will be the occasion to reset your routine. Now is the time to listen to what must get out of your system. Once this is done, you’ll know what must change.

MULADHARA / 1st chakra (at the base of your spine)

  • Experience grounding, fearlessness, family connection, animal instinct, adaptability, stability and security.
  • Inner focus on the base of the spine and PRITHVI (Earth)
  • Invoking: Stability / Fearlessness / Groundedness
  • Deva: BRAHMA (self-effacement, humility, resistance)
  • Mantra: Om Ham Brha-ma (27 rounds or multiples)
  • Beeja sound: LAM
MANIPURA/ 3rd chakra (solar plexus)

  • Seat of fire, clear action, vision, dynamic action, assertiveness, decisiveness, discipline and determination, our deepest willingness to go beyond, with a strong willpower, courage, resilience, vitality.
  • Inner focus on solar plexus and AGNI (Fire)
  • Invoking the quality of: Awareness / Will power / Vairagyam (non-attachment) / Transformation
  • Deva: HANUMAN (selfless-service, devotion, strength, will power) or DURGA (power, determination, protection)
  • Mantra: Ram Ham Hanumanaya Namaha OR Om Dum Durgayei Namaha (27 rounds or multiples)
  • Beeja sound: RAM
ANAHATA / 4th chakra (heart)

  • Seat of love and compassion – mantra and expansion of the heart through devotion, contains the highest level of electromagnetic energy, source of inspiration, seat of Self, timelessness and reasonless joy, hope, forgiveness. When imbalanced: experience of attachment, longing, neediness, co-dependency, me and mine mentality.
  • Inner focus on the heart and VAYU (Air)
  • Invoking: Bliss / Unconditional love / Grace / Healing light to help the seeds to grow
  • Experiencing Devotion, Surrender, Trust
  • Deva: LAKSHMI (Abundance, Fulfilment, Bliss)
  • Mantra: Shri Lakshmi Namaha (27 rounds or multiples)
  • Beeja sound: YAM

Act harmoniously with
the energy flow of the moment.

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