New moon in leo aug 8 2021 reconnect with your inner kid

Co-creating with the Moon


I invite you to schedule your own New Moon manifestation ceremony either over the next two days or between the 16th and the 22nd (better both indeed).

Any intentions that we set now absolutely have to come from the heart space, despite restrictions or limitations that may be placed upon us at the moment.

Leo is all about digging deep into our most dearly held desires and staying authentic and true to ourselves.

This 2021 New Moon in Leo is special in more ways than one:

A layer of energetic opportunity peaks on August 8th called the Lion’s Gate. This is when the Sun is in Leo and the star Sirius moves closer to Earth and aligns with Orion’s belt. This portal opens every year between July 28 and August 12, but August 8 is considered the official activation day. Sirius rises during the middle of the summer. Its energy forces opportunities for dramatic new beginnings. This is a time where new levels of consciousness are infused into the planet and also into each of us individually. So as this gate swings open, we are swept over the threshold. Useless to tell you that this gate is aligned with a new moon, its power decuples.

Between the 16th and the 22nd, 5 planets will be dignified, the opportunity for us to review and RENEW some of the manifestations we have done in the signs of Leo (self-expression), Virgo (wholeness, service and health), Libra (partnership), Aquarius (social responsibilities) and Pisces (compassion and spirituality). God knows this additional support will be welcome.

business man teaching in front of mixed group of peple

“Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.”


The question to ask ourselves:

  • Who am I really? How am I different from others? and why don’t I show this person to the world?
  • How can I create a more joyful, playful and expressive world, despite the challenges facing us?
  • Why am I on earth during this time of transformation? What is my true purpose? (and if relevant) Why am I not following it?



As you work on your New Moon intentions, here are a few themes aligned with the energies of the moment you might want to ponder on:

Art, children, romance, success, play time, fun time, self-expression, self-discovery, (self) awareness, leadership, purpose.

Identify activities during which your heart truly vibrates and you can completely and passionately express yourself. Once you have done that ask for more opportunities to experience those, continuing to gather the missing fragments of your soul in a more conscious creative process.

Invite, not just the everyday nectar and simple pleasures of life in between now and Feb, but also the necessary awareness and attention to spot it when it appears by being as present as possible in every moment

Request support to avoid falling into the Leo traps too often: pride, conceit, superiority, arrogance, overconfidence, vanity, condescendence.

List 2 or 3 of your fears. Thank the universe for having helped you to overcome them when you manifest. Identify the first little or big steps you intend to take shortly after to start facing them, in the coming days or weeks… and please act upon those, the universe cannot help you if you do not help yourself in the first place. Courage is key this month!

Request support for being inspired and assisted by your guardian angels to:

  • Step up to become the better conscious leader you know you can be
  • Adjust your words mindfully as required by each situation


If you feel the need, manifest a new filter on life, more upbeat and positive

Summon the endurance & confidence to go back at it every day, the strength to see it through with minimum damage



Manifestations will however not be sufficient to deal with the current energy.


Square Uranus, the Kundalini creative and electric power, more outlets will be required to deal positively with the upsurge.


Allow yourself to experience pure moments of fun and play when you reconnect with your inner child and forget about everything else

Do not wait for you routine to be derailed, allow yourself to follow your heart, and especially your wild side to express itself into constructive channels, before it is being disrupted by external events. The next New Moon in Virgo will be the occasion to reset your routine. Now is the time to listen to what must get out of your system. Once this is done, you’ll know what must change.

Practice yoga and meditate more often.

But above all try and SING/CHANT in group setting and if not on your own – just get a Krishna Das live recording and join the choir!



Manifestations will however not be sufficient to deal with the current energy.

Square Uranus, the Kundalini creative and electric power, more outlets will be required to deal positively with the upsurge.

Allow yourself to experience pure moments of fun and play when you reconnect with your inner child and forget about everything else

Do not wait for you routine to be derailed, allow yourself to follow your heart, and especially your wild side to express itself into constructive channels, before it is being disrupted by external events. The next New Moon in Virgo will be the occasion to reset your routine. Now is the time to listen to what must get out of your system. Once this is done, you’ll know what must change.

MULADHARA / 1st chakra (at the base of your spine)

  • Experience grounding, fearlessness, family connection, animal instinct, adaptability, stability and security.
  • Inner focus on the base of the spine and PRITHVI (Earth)
  • Invoking: Stability / Fearlessness / Groundedness
  • Deva: BRAHMA (self-effacement, humility, resistance)
  • Mantra: Om Ham Brha-ma (27 rounds or multiples)
  • Beeja sound: LAM
MANIPURA/ 3rd chakra (solar plexus)

  • Seat of fire, clear action, vision, dynamic action, assertiveness, decisiveness, discipline and determination, our deepest willingness to go beyond, with a strong willpower, courage, resilience, vitality.
  • Inner focus on solar plexus and AGNI (Fire)
  • Invoking the quality of: Awareness / Will power / Vairagyam (non-attachment) / Transformation
  • Deva: HANUMAN (selfless-service, devotion, strength, will power) or DURGA (power, determination, protection)
  • Mantra: Ram Ham Hanumanaya Namaha OR Om Dum Durgayei Namaha (27 rounds or multiples)
  • Beeja sound: RAM
ANAHATA / 4th chakra (heart)

  • Seat of love and compassion – mantra and expansion of the heart through devotion, contains the highest level of electromagnetic energy, source of inspiration, seat of Self, timelessness and reasonless joy, hope, forgiveness. When imbalanced: experience of attachment, longing, neediness, co-dependency, me and mine mentality.
  • Inner focus on the heart and VAYU (Air)
  • Invoking: Bliss / Unconditional love / Grace / Healing light to help the seeds to grow
  • Experiencing Devotion, Surrender, Trust
  • Deva: LAKSHMI (Abundance, Fulfilment, Bliss)
  • Mantra: Shri Lakshmi Namaha (27 rounds or multiples)
  • Beeja sound: YAM

Act harmoniously with
the energy flow of the moment.

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