Spring Equinox March 21 2022 A Cosmic Reset Button



In this section, I spend more time diving into the cosmic tonality of this season and what it might manifest on your way across the next three months.

You could blame the little extra pep in your step to the slightly increasing temperature or the changing of the clocks (at least in U.S.), but the stars have literally just saddled us with a thorough lather, rinse, repeat cycle over the last few days.

And while the energy was heavy for most under the Virgo full moon, it was a deep clean to remove the stagnant winter energy and that which no longer serves us. All preparatory for the new energy about to come in. That’s not to say it’s an over-night process. We’ll be removing things and saying tearful goodbyes for the next few weeks.

But the Spring Equinox will start to shine some light on our path and ask for us to seek balance in the dark we just went through and the light to come. We’ll understand what may be painful is actually better for us and it will become a little easier to let go. And we’ll have just a day of this energy, enough to get infused with fire that gets stoked inside us as we enter spring on March 21.

We won’t mind doing a little more for ourselves and zhuzhing up our looks, attitude and new beliefs. In fact, for a few of you, it may make your head spin for how fast this energy turns thanks to the build to the Jupiter –Neptune conjunction happening mid-April.

The collection of planets in Aquarius and Pisces is pushing us to be honest and expansive, more communal and experimental. A good time to explore, but maybe not commit fully, to your spiritual nature and connecting with like-minded people around that which you truly love to do.

As we now realize, that self-preservation habits and behaviors must be transformed and evolve, a fearless urge to break and redefine relationship roles and rules may begin, affecting all parts of our society from our individual connections to our relationship with our employers and authorities. An impulse of experimentation fueled by utopic dreams may start to build momentum and become mainstream mid-May as Jupiter enters Aries.

“You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep spring from coming."
– Pablo Neruda
Jupiter in Aries

Social, political and individual changes will start from mid-April, accelerate with the two potent eclipses, reaching a peak over the end of July but will continue up to the end of January 2023.

The 2022 spring will be experimental or will not be.

Any attempts to hold on to tradition will rattle you to the core.


We will definitely need to harden ourselves, but also show a lot of flexibility as the goal post will carry on shifting. Quickly acquiring skills for a process of trial and error could make all the difference. The change accelerates and will require ongoing adjustments from us, but will also allow us to get rid of toxic habits, grow in confidence and mature extremely quickly.

On the other hand, the insecurities and vulnerability that the winter incidents will have exposed may push many others to seek more authority control and start projecting their fears on minorities. With Jupiter entering Aries in May, if egos are left unchecked, the threats of the blaming game and of the return to excessive force are all possible realities even though they would only end up in karmic loop.

For all, one of our dreams will come true. There will be sheer magic at play mid-April and something we dearly needed to experience in order to strengthen our faith in silver linings and galvanize our determination to continue our efforts.

By mid-May we should all spring out of our boxes, ready to conquer the world, fearless and armed with a brand-new faith as our sword.

Check your sign below for more direction or download our Map to your 2022 Stars for much greater guidance.

To better tomorrows,

In evolution,

G & J

2022 Astrological Report on Sale



Pressure at work is likely to weigh on your close partnerships and even though you’ll be wishing for them to be more peaceful and harmonious, the critical theme you will need to tackle is incorporating justice, fairness and respect for the needs of others.


You are being invited to find new ways, challenge the conventions, continue to adjust and transform rather than resisting and pushing for more control.


You are bound to have a very active social life as things begin to thaw. This is peak time for everyone to have very blunt conversations about individual needs in relationships to others. Redefining what relationship means to you by you and your intimate partners ideology is key.


Reconciling your need to see justice prevail or harmony to reign with the compassion and unconditional love you believe in might create a lot of irritations and constant adjustments at home. The fact is you might not always be able to follow the path of moderation.


This season will bring about some serious blessings to your personal transformation. This could manifest as a financial windfall, a transcendental intimate relationship, a miraculous healing or an unexpected breakthrough in your research.


This spring will be incredibly beneficial to your partnerships, close relationships, the setting up of contracts or any legal proceedings, allowing you to live emotional experiences quite out of the ordinary, up to your fantasies or your wildest hopes, and probably to close some old wounds.


Urges to make changes in your love and sex life will have a strong pull at this time and will affect current partnerships you are in. Your heart and mind are aligning to begin enforcing healthier boundaries in your intimate relationships, especially in regards to the power dynamics.


You might also have to show a little more empathy for others and tone down your aggressive stance if you want your services to improve. This might require that you experiment with new ways of communicating with others, testing and learning on an ongoing basis during the quarter, especially with your partner and family.


Having a more playful romantic connection that happily explores taboo will be refreshing for you, sexy Sagittarius. But be sure you aren’t indulging in escapism or addiction in order to avoid the deeper lessons being offered.


Success might come slowly and still require hard work and patience, but you should feel confident in the strong foundations you have established in previous years, becoming clearer with your motivations and fueling faith and courage from within.


You will particularly be looking more attractive to your partner or potentials and will be living a time where exploring your kinks, asking exactly for what you want (and getting it!) and having direct communication will be on most people’s agendas.


The universe remaining pretty balanced at all times, you might be compensating for everyone else’s lack of oomph so that your generous, empathic and compassionate nature can finally fulfill its greater purpose.


Act harmoniously with
the energy flow of the moment.

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