Embarking on the Aries-Libra Node Cycle of Jul. 2023 – Jan. 2025: The Journey Begins



As the lunar nodes pass into Aries and Libra on July 17, 2023, we start a new global evolutionary phase. The backdrop in which the world moves is reframed for all of us to adopt attributes needed in the current times we are living through. These times of growth and release are pivotal in our development and change how the world operates. They are the guardians of eclipses, the heavenly chariot that carries us to higher planes, and the karmic harbinger that permeates the story of humanity. Even in the few weeks of entering, you may have noticed an increase of speed in time as we exited a fixed sign axis.  

The Taurus-Scorpio axis has asked us to deconstruct power structures that no longer support our ideas during the past 18 months while also being urged to create something new from the ruins. Our goals and attention will start to change from our values to the consequence of implementing them out in the world–our individuation and how we relate to others–as the Nodes continue their perpetual retro-movement. 


Learn More about the Lunar Nodes Impact


The North Node’s entry into Aries represents a critical turning point in our collective and personal path.

The North Node in astrology represents our karmic route forward, the lessons we are here to learn, and the attributes we are encouraged to cultivate during this lifetime.

Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, represents initiation, courage, and a pioneering attitude, all of which we are encouraged to strive towards until January 11, 2025. It’s a rallying cry, calling us to seize our authority, assert our individuality, and boldly forge our own path. This is the time to be brave, to speak up for ourselves and what we believe in. It is time to take control of our life and be proactive rather than reactive.

The South Node’s arrival in Libra, on the other hand, provides a new kind of problem.

In astrology, the South Node stands for our past, the comfort zones we are advised to get out of, and the darker characteristics we are attempting to shed.

Libra is the astrological sign of harmony, partnerships, and balance, but also indecisions, vanity, and a lack of self-awareness. We are prompted to consider our interpersonal interactions and the patterns we replay within them with this placement. We are urged to let go of codependent tendencies, to stop looking to others for approval, and to let go of any negative people-pleasing practices.

In essence, this cosmic change encourages us to strike a balance between our own needs and those of others, our independence and teamwork, and our actions and harmony. It’s an invitation to change, to leave our comfort zones and claim our power. It’s time to stand up for who we are while keeping things balanced in our relationships. It’s time to embrace the upcoming path of individual and societal transformation and to be brave, bold, and fearless.

The relationship axis is represented by the Aries-Libra axis. They both enter this world of exploration at birth. One is intrigued by a brand-new physical realm to discover and interact with on its own, and the other is intrigued by others who have broadened the scope of the world.  

Mars rules the cardinal fire sign of Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. This omen is frequently linked to courage, an adventurous attitude, and a burning desire to take action. Jumping headfirst into obstacles with zeal and passion is a sign of initiation; it instills a “can-do” attitude in everyone around it. 

Although they don’t seek it out, Aries are frequently viewed as leaders because of their inherent self-assurance, haste in making decisions, and plain manner. They are frequently the first to volunteer or take on a new project since they don’t hesitate to take the lead. holders of world records, anarchists,    

This sign represents straightforwardness and honesty with a strong emphasis on genuineness. Although they can come out as abrupt because of this, they normally have the best of intentions; they simply like to get right to the point.   

Aries are renowned for their bravery as well. They are frequently seen as trailblazers because they are not hesitant to venture outside of their comfort zones or take chances. They have an adventurous attitude and are brave since they enjoy discovering new things.   

However, their impulsive tendency might also cause them to act rashly and aggressively when what they enjoy is competition. It is advisable to employ this energy for activities in your life that require quick action and outcomes rather than long-term planning because these attributes come with impatience. There will be much hesitation towards this, but as the internal resentment builds from being undervalued or seen, a much-needed outlet.   

Aries energy is a force to be reckoned with despite these obstacles. Making strong allies and inspiring leaders requires a lot of enthusiasm, bravery, and zest for life. It motivates us to overcome some significant difficulties we may have previously been terrified of by facing them head-on with intrinsic optimism. 

That indicates that as a society, we are moving toward a time when we will mostly ask for forgiveness rather than permission. Yes, it will accomplish its goals, but the final product may be equally as untidy. The Aries energy is quick to dismiss accountability for the course of action taken, placing more value on the obstacle that their courage overcame than any negative consequences.  

But this is a far cry from where we are at the beginning of this cycle. The alluring sign of Libra forces us into a delicate balancing act where grace meets uncertainty, where social peace rubs shoulders with indecision. Libra, an air sign ruled by Venus, exudes beauty and charm, but beyond its tranquil exterior, it frequently balances on the edge of a more profound conflict.







How could this scenario unfold? A concerning image emerges, where a significant portion of the population remains passive in the face of fractured systems, inadvertently permitting extremist ideologies to flourish as they avert their gaze from reality. The uncertainty of where to seek guidance or the persistent search for external validation might lead our own voices to waver, especially when camaraderie with like-minded individuals proves elusive.

In this juncture, a certain degree of essential conflict becomes inevitable, a path we must traverse without evasion. Polite pleasantries and superficial exchanges will scarcely find their footing, making room instead for the vital process of healing to take root and flourish.


Overconfidence is a powerful source of illusions, primarily determined by the quality and coherence of the story that you can construct, not by its validity.


The Personal Themes of Aries and Libra Lunar Nodes


During the nodal transit we work through the zodiac in retrograde. The specific manifestations of this cosmic event will vary for each individual, depending on their level of consciousness and the areas where the retrograde invites personal work. However, there are common themes that arise during this time: 

Survival and Self-Assertion: Fighting for your independence and your rights; autonomy. Events transpiring to show your passion. Moving only with an objective.

Balance in Finding Fulfillment: Events around self-assertion and individuality causing power struggles in close relationship. Learning harmony of independence and cooperation.

Understanding our unique path and motivations: Events requiring you to walk alone, without buy-in from those around you. Thrust into leadership.

Self-confidence + Self-Awareness: Events that make you more self-aware, provoking desire to seek self-development and growth

Redefining our conflict resolution paradigm: Events exposing the pain and use of violence, disagreements finding diplomatic solutions, release fear around conflict/not being heard.

Acquiring risk-taking techniques that are unique to you and your instincts: Events requiring last minute decisions, more repercussions to following than leading with your own thoughts/values/feelings; learning & trusting voice of your intuition

The art of burning the right bridges: Events happening to develop personal intuition and strength when to walk away from a relationship/environment; recognizing your values and how they show up in material world

Manifestations will vary, but a good place to look is in your past.


What were some pivotal lessons that arose for you during:

Apr 7, 1986 – Dec 2, 1987,

and Dec 7, 2004 – June 22, 2006?


Ultimately, we all have free will to do what we please and Aries will undoubtedly make us feel just that. Co-creating with these energies can bring ease, growth, and evolution. Ignoring is a willing commitment to a karmic cycle. 


A Personal Journey: North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra

On an individual level, this shift encourages us to honor our personal needs, desires, and identities (Aries North Node) over pleasing others or compromising our authenticity (Libra South Node). The lesson here is not about ignoring others but about understanding that real balance stems from acknowledging our own worth. We are prompted to discover the courage to be true to ourselves and explore the gifts of independence, personal initiative, and assertiveness, even at the cost of looking foolish.

If you’ve been overly dependent on others for decision-making or have suppressed your desires to be diplomatic, the universe now asks you to adjust your sails. This transit invites us to break the chains of co-dependency, to let our own desires take the lead, and to cultivate a healthy sense of self.

The Aries North Node instigates us to pursue its powerful traits in the name of personal growth. Here are seven key traits to focus on:

1. Independence: An Aries North Node strongly emphasizes the need for self-reliance. This period encourages us to become more self-sufficient and comfortable with making decisions independently. Cultivate an environment where you can stand on your own two feet and take responsibility for your choices and actions.

2. Courage: Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of war and courage. This North Node transit asks us to face our fears head-on and step out of our comfort zones. Embrace the courage to speak your truth, to take risks, and to fight for your beliefs.

3. Assertiveness: A significant trait of Aries, assertiveness is about expressing your thoughts, beliefs, and feelings openly and honestly, while also respecting others. Use this time to develop your ability to assert your needs and boundaries effectively.

4. Initiative: As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries is associated with beginnings and initiative. The North Node in Aries inspires us to take the first step, to be proactive, and to not wait for others to make things happen. Look for opportunities where you can lead and pioneer.

5. Passion: Aries is a fire sign, often characterized by strong enthusiasm and passion. This period can be utilized to rediscover what ignites your inner fire and to pursue those passions with renewed vigor.

6. Directness: Aries is known for its direct and straightforward approach. This North Node shift can guide us to communicate more openly and honestly, to be clear about our intentions, and to avoid beating around the bush.

7. Resilience: Aries, symbolized by the ram, is associated with tenacity and determination. Cultivating resilience during this time can help you overcome challenges, bounce back from setbacks, and continue your journey with renewed strength and resolve.

These traits are not about disregarding others or becoming overly self-focused. Instead, they provide a path for strengthening your individuality and personal power, promoting growth and progress along your life path.



The South Node in Libra, on the other hand, indicates areas where we might have been overly reliant or areas where we might need to release certain traits for growth. Here are five key characteristics linked to Libra we might need to review during this time:

1. Over-compromising: Libras have a strong need for harmony and often go to great lengths to maintain it, including suppressing their own needs or ideas. This South Node transit encourages us to release excessive compromising and strive for a healthier balance where our own needs are also respected.

2. Dependence on Others: Libras are known for their relational focus, which can sometimes lean towards dependency. The South Node in Libra invites us to lessen our reliance on others for decision-making or validation and to grow in self-reliance.

3. Avoidance of Conflict: The peace-loving Libra often shies away from confrontation or conflict, even when it’s necessary. During this period, we are asked to let go of the fear of conflict and learn to address issues directly and assertively.

4. Indecisiveness: Ruled by Venus, Libras often see all sides of a situation, which can lead to indecisiveness. This nodal shift encourages us to release indecision by learning to trust our instincts and make choices that resonate with our personal truth.

5. People-Pleasing: Libras’ desire for harmony and approval can sometimes lead to people-pleasing behavior. This South Node transit asks us to release the need to constantly please others and to prioritize our own needs and desires.

Releasing these tendencies doesn’t mean completely abandoning the beautiful traits Libra brings, such as diplomacy, fairness, and the ability to create harmony. Instead, we’re encouraged to bring these aspects into a healthier balance, allowing us to foster more authentic relationships and a stronger sense of self.

It’s a rare cosmic switcheroo when the planetary rulers of the nodes switch at the same time. Here, Mars and Venus, symbols of masculine and feminine energies respectively, take center stage. Let’s unravel what this intriguing shift means.


Mars-ruled Aries North Node & Mars-ruled Scorpio South Node: A transition


Mars, the God of War, is the ruler of both Aries and Scorpio, highlighting the themes of power, courage, assertiveness, and transformation.

With the North Node in Aries, we are collectively encouraged to manifest the positive traits of Aries – bravery, initiative, and independent action. Aries inspires us to express our identities freely and confidently, to embark on new ventures and carve our unique path forward.

Meanwhile, the South Node in Scorpio called us to review and release the less positive Scorpio tendencies that no longer serve us. This might have included obsessive behavior, over-intensity, power struggles, or an overemphasis on mystery and secrecy. Yet, we’re also reminded to honor the deep emotional intelligence, transformational capabilities, and spiritual depth that Scorpio offers. It’s about achieving a balance – leveraging the power of transformation without being controlled by it.

In essence, this transit could be seen as a call to adeptly wield the formidable energy of Mars, enabling us to assert our individuality and drive (Aries) while skillfully tapping into our profound transformative capacities (Scorpio).

Venus-ruled Taurus North Node & Venus-ruled Libra South Node


Simultaneously, we have Venus, the Goddess of Love, ruling both Taurus and Libra, bringing the themes of harmony, beauty, stability, and sensuality into focus.

The North Node’s recent journey through Taurus pushed us towards valuing stability, practicality, patience, and pleasure in the sensory world. Taurus encouraged us to ground ourselves, appreciate the physical realm, and build solid foundations.  Jupiter still transits this sign up to May 2024, inviting us to remain sensible, grounded and focused with our material goals.  

Now, as the South Node enters Libra, we’re invited to release some of the less productive Libran tendencies. This could include excessive people-pleasing, indecisiveness, or a lack of self-focus due to an overwhelming need for harmony. Yet, we should also remember the positive Libra traits, such as diplomacy, fairness, and relational harmony, ensuring they’re integrated healthily.

This transition from Taurus to Libra highlights a need to balance our self-worth (Taurus) with the value we find in relationships (Libra), demonstrating the dance between ‘I’ and ‘We’. It’s a call to find the middle ground between Taurus’s self-sufficiency and Libra’s partnership orientation.

The simultaneous shift of Mars and Venus-ruled nodes presents a profound cosmic opportunity. It prompts us to balance and integrate our masculine and feminine energies. This is a time to honor our need for individual action (Aries) and profound transformation (Scorpio), balanced with the desire for harmony (Libra) and stability (Taurus). The key lies in learning from all these energies, and striking a balance that leads to our holistic growth and evolution.


A Collective Awakening: Lessons for the Community

On a collective scale, the transit of the nodes initiates a global focus on individual rights, independence, and leadership (Aries North Node), juxtaposed against themes of justice, partnership, and diplomacy (Libra South Node).

Historically, previous cycles with the North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra have coincided with significant societal shifts. In 1939-1941, the early phase of World War II, we saw a stark display of Aries’ courage and leadership in the face of unprecedented adversity, while the aftermath emphasized Libra’s demand for peace and diplomacy.

During another cycle from 1957-1959, we witnessed the birth of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. This period required immense bravery and assertiveness (Aries traits) to challenge racial segregation and social injustices, followed by an intense call for harmony, equality, and diplomacy, resonating with the energy of Libra.

As we approach this new cycle, we might expect similar themes to resurface. The emphasis will likely be on personal freedoms and civil rights, on one hand, and the need for justice, balance, and diplomacy, on the other. During this period, the stage is set for coups d’état, liberation struggles, and movements for independence to gain momentum. Simultaneously, longstanding conflicts may veer toward more diplomatic resolutions. The atmosphere will likely foster peaceful demonstrations, although a hint of potential perilous extremes cannot be entirely dismissed.


The Chart of a New World


The movement of the nodes captured a very interesting energy that will tint the next year and half ahead. Their entry was challenged by a Pluto in Capricorn and a new moon in Cancer, announcing quite a demanding new beginning that requires substantial transformation. This Grand Cardinal Cross creates a difficult evolution as we are torn between the past and the future, nostalgia, and our own betterment. We must adjust our escapist behaviors, burrowing ourselves in our homes and foundations will not be secure moving forward. We must focus on innovations, liberation, and the climate crisis in order to evolve our foundations and heal our psyche and heal the Earth.

Venus graciously extends its influence, beckoning forth our core values while igniting the spark of creativity within our journey of self-discovery. This luminary spirit fosters a sense of optimism and encourages inclusivity, guiding us to honor our uniqueness while embracing the presence of others. Meanwhile, Mars stands as a steadfast ally, propelling us to heed the call of our passions. In harmonious synergy, it urges us to contribute to the greater collective, all the while cultivating the virtue of humility. Together, these forces forge a path towards renewal and growth, as we craft a fresh trajectory imbued with purpose and meaning.

It’s important to note that we are closing a loop on the pandemic as the North Node has shifted from opposing the planet of transformation (and squaring Eris, the goddess of discord in April 2019) and is now conjunct Eris, shifting us from fear-based action to wanting to create some chaos for the betterment of all. This isn’t the end of the pandemic, but is an end to a co-dependent, fearful collective waiting for others to make decisions for them.

And if that sentence created the impression of a seamless transition, allow us to clarify. Eris’s potent energy emerges from a compulsion to mend a very deeply entrenched inner turmoil and a much greater environmental imbalance by seeking external solutions. As a collective, we find ourselves in pursuit of an unprecedented sense of security and stability. While this quest is undeniably inspiring, our initial actions may resemble those of infants, exploring every possible avenue to achieve our desires. Over time, we gradually acquaint ourselves with the limits and potentialities inherent in this fresh iteration.

In these moments, the universe hones our discernment abilities, particularly as various groups and individuals vie for control, masking their intentions with feigned affability to exploit our inherent gifts. Paradoxically, it might be our own actions that mirror bullying tendencies or moments of envy, especially when we observe others reaping rewards while we remain empty-handed. This scenario catalyzes the unveiling of Libra’s underlying complexities, a necessary prelude to embarking on the transformative journey toward an elevated manifestation of Aries.

This trajectory is a journey towards healing, where the North Node is poised to align with Chiron from late February to early March of 2024. While the imminent events it sets in motion and the insights it ushers forth may initially sting, their impact has the potential to rouse us from a state of uncertain inertia and detrimental complacency. This conjunction presents a unique opening, a chance to meld the loftier attributes of Libra with the heightened virtues of Aries. Through this fusion, we find ourselves in the process of reconstructing a new realm founded on authenticity and truth, relinquishing the vacillation between stark reality and gentle kindness.

This significant alignment holds the power to alleviate many apprehensions, transmuting the lessons learned in preceding months into a forward march of human evolution—or at the very least, instilling in us the inspiration to embark on the journey.


Key Challenges

Material Challenges:

  • Tendency to be indecisive and overly dependent on others’ opinions, leading to challenges in asserting one’s own needs and desires.
  • Learning to make independent decisions while considering the impact on relationships and seeking a balanced approach to pursuing personal goals.

Mental Challenges:

  • Overthinking and overanalyzing, which can lead to hesitation and difficulty in taking decisive action.
  • Cultivating mental clarity and confidence to make assertive decisions without impulsivity, while still valuing diplomacy in communication.

Psychological Challenges:

  • Struggling with self-doubt and seeking external validation, potentially leading to difficulties in building a strong sense of self-identity.
  • Developing self-assurance and a healthy self-concept, while also recognizing the importance of harmonious interactions and maintaining relationships.

Spiritual Challenges:

  • Grappling with a fear of conflict and avoidance of difficult conversations, hindering spiritual growth through honest self-expression.
  • Embracing assertive communication while being considerate of others’ perspectives, thereby fostering growth in authentic self-expression and balanced relationships.



Key Dates for Aries North and Libra South Node

In any nodal movement, there tends to be a few critical moments during which the Nodes linger over a single degree for an extraordinary amount of time during their year and a half transit. These degrees are to be notated as they can cause serious issues worldwide. It may take on a flavor of challenging you personally, companies or countries who have natal charts that have planets or rising signs very close to the same degrees.

Those with planets in Libra, Aries, Capricorn, and Cancer at 24, 15 and 6 degrees will feel the tug of war between the Aries/Libra themes respectively around :

  • October and November 2023,
  • March up to mid-May 2024,
  • September and October 2024.


Key Dates for all:
(red indicates eclipses)

July 16-Aug 19 2023: the square to Pluto is a slow moving, high impact time, creating agitation for large deaths and rebirths for our own good. We are being asked to heal generational wounds as we are exposed to limiting behaviors and mental models that no longer serve us. This is definitely the goo phase of a caterpillar turning butterfly. All this activation is to remind us what makes us human and what we share with everyone.

Aug 29-Dec 13 2023: North Node is conjunct Eris, provoking us to throw down the gauntlet at the injustices, imbalances that everyone has quietly agreed to accept. We’re empowered to be more courageous and fight for justice and equality at a larger scale.

Oct 14 2023: The annular solar eclipse will happen in Libra while other planets are igniting all the goddess asteroids. The feminine energy will be on fire, letting rip against the two-dimensional characterization of them. This will be a display of showing the multi-faceted caretaker, warrior, partner, beauty, vengeful, passionate individual, breaking free of the societal imposed character fulfillment. It stokes all of the Libran deep desires in everyone to overcome the need for diplomacy in the environment.

Feb 9-25, 2024: this will be a time to embrace our own vulnerabilities and acknowledge our past hurts in an effort of great healing. Revelations on the judgments we have about our own identity may come to the surface through a grand conflict. We are encouraged to identify our own value and worth and to drop the façade that we have with our identity.

Mar 25 2024: Be prepared for the revealing of hidden co-dependency traits or a blow up of a situation that you thought you dealt with diplomatically (while slyly making sure you got your way). There is a lesson to be learnt about getting what you truly desire when you have the courage to speak your truth versus trying to weave the perfect niceties to appease everyone and get what you want.

Apr 8 2024: A grand moment of healing in how we each feel what it means to be courageous, how we may assert ourselves in our lives and a challenge for us to take initiative, (to understand where this might be happening for you, check out blog [insert link]). We are truly blessed in designing something new for ourselves passionately, with Saturn giving us a container so we don’t overdo it. If you have the courage, be as bold as you want to be and use the karmic consequences as foundations of your boundaries moving forward. You will likely be very surprised that you have more playroom to meet your destiny.

Aug 28-Sep 7, 2024: Violence may trigger outrage and may make us stop in our path, rebelling against our true calling. This is a time that will require us to dig deep, stay calm and let our knee-jerk reactions pass to act more aligned.

Oct 2 2024: Some of our most fearful, shameful emotions will come to light, whether in circumstances we go through, people we have a relationship with or a pedantic thought that has been growing inside. We are pushed to learn our own authority, not look to others for validation and release the stories, memories, and feelings connected to moments that made us small and unsure when in relation to others.

Dec 7, 2024 – Feb 26, 2025: A few days after Pluto’s final entrance in Aquarius, Mars will go retrograde in Leo, for 3 months of intense egomaniac competition and obsessive drama. This show is likely to end in either emotional traumas, tribal wars, sulking, or strongly passive-aggressive situation. The thing is we might all have strong points of view and some real challenges to listen to each other, but it does not mean we should not try and show some real empathy. Yes, the economic situation will be tense and the danger of becoming over reliant on technology incredibly real, but the political debate might simply get out of control if we are not careful.

Mar 29 2025: With the North Node already in Pisces, this last Solar Eclipse in Aries will be our last opportunity to substantially assert ourselves and correct some of the imbalances of our relationships before a little while. This is likely to take significant courage considering the previous Mars retro and the vulnerability required to do so, likely to be our biggest internal resistance to proceed but would also bring healing if we muster the necessary strength to enact it. The good thing is the authorities this time will likely be open to change and supportive of our plans.


Embracing the Energy Shift

As we navigate this nodal shift, it’s crucial to remember we’re integrating two sides of the same coin. They represent the self and the other, autonomy and compromise. Both are necessary for personal growth and societal balance.

The journey with the North Node in Aries and the South Node in Libra offers an opportunity to value the power of cooperation while improving our assertiveness. It’s an invitation to bravely step into our individual power, while also recognizing that peace and justice are essential for harmony. It’s honoring our voice as value added to the collective.

This nodal transit’s lessons are profound and timely, both for our personal evolution and for our collective growth. These shifts change the background of our lives and that of the world. As we move onto a more physical and aggressive sign, it’s important to focus on our body and finding healthy outlets for the fiery nature.

Now, more than ever, may we have the courage to be our authentic selves, to lead with conviction, and to strive for balance and justice. This, in essence, is the shared lesson of our times, as narrated by the cosmic dance of the North Node in Aries and the South Node in Libra.

As above, so below. The cosmos is in us, and we are in the cosmos. We are all part of this divine unfolding, shaping and being shaped by the universe in a grand tapestry of existence. Embrace this transition with open hearts and minds, for within it lie the seeds of our growth, individually and collectively.

Act harmoniously with
the energy flow of the moment.

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