COVID special the greater context



As promised in my last Full Moon newsletter, this extraordinary newsletter not only covers the main astrological aspect of the COVID crisis:

  1. reviewing what happened so far and what is likely to unravel further,
  2. the nature of its archetype and what it historically unleashed
  3. but also, the current greater cosmic cycles, so that the context can be also integrated to your reflection (sometimes the context matters more than the issue)

I have decided to do so in response to:

  • deep and challenging doubts that I have seen being shared on social networks by my friends previously committed to making a change and likely to be tomorrow’s leaders (yes, you Dom!)
  • the continued onslaught on democracy and freedom, the ongoing blindness of most governments (and older generations) on the climate crisis despite growing evidences of its acceleration, and the shift to a moralistic and divisive debate on the return to a past way of life which is starting to stink with hints of fundamentalism and is only distracting us from the real root cause of the problem.

Many of you are asking me, unsure, about my position on the vaccination.


The current facts are quite straightforward though. Most stops at 90% contamination, death and complications and today, the disease is mostly spreading among non-vaccinated.

Will that continue to be the case? I doubt it but just like for all yearly flu epidemics, it will need to be regularly upgraded.


Am I vaccinated? No, I am in no rush to do so. I am not a risk of contamination to the greater public, I have not been identified as being at risk, I almost never spend time in groups and will avoid doing so during the next three waves, do not work with a team, I do not need to travel for the time being, practice yoga regularly, eat healthily and do not fear this virus.


However, if this wasn’t the case, I would definitely go get my two jabs ASAP.
And will likely do so when all the other priority groups have done so.

Having said that, I am quite annoyed by the people who have absolutely zero doubt on the fact that science has definitely prevailed, and we can now go back to our old toxic ways.

I know that I don’t know and anything else would be hubris and an arrogant act of overconfidence into the masculine.

“Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves.”
– Abraham Lincoln,
Aquarian US president

This crisis also occurs in the midst of a greater series of Squares between Eris and Pluto marking the return of the feminine and paving the way to a period of radical social and equalitarian transformation of our societies and world at large.


This crisis preempts a much bigger transition which will starts in 2023-24.


If men started their liberation at the end of the 18th century, broadened this liberation to most men still kept under slavery in the 19th and the animals in the 20th… the 21st will likely see it amplified to the rest of our ecosystem. We are all interconnected, men, animals, rocks, rivers, mountains, trees and seas.


This is the absolute truth of Aquarius: what I do to one, I do to all.


We have all agreed to come back incarnated on this planet now, so let’s all accept the part we have to play to rescue it by transcending our stories, traumas, fears, self-fulfilling prophecies and stepping into our true hero’s journey.


For this we must accept our unique talents and gain deep self-awareness and focus (Leo) so that we can elevate our consciousness, rise above our differences and unite for the greater good (Aquarius).



The analysis I am sharing with you now should help you to gain a healthier perspective on what has happened and is about to unfold as well as a better understanding of what is awaited of us at this pivotal point of the year.


Most of my early readers will remember that this crisis was triggered by an alignment of two planets: Pluto and Saturn, whose meeting in our sky occurred on January 12th, 2020.

This slow dance of the two planets around the Sun (Pluto taking 248 years to complete a full revolution and Saturn 28+ years) means that they only tango together every 31 to 38 years. But their conjunction is not the only time this couple marks history, oppositions (180°) and squares (90°), i.e. the quadrature of their alignment, are also major milestones.

Orbs (angles) of 10 to 15 degrees are usually used to study their impact. This means that we start feeling and seeing the manifestation of their impact 10 to 15 degrees before and after one of their quadrature.


Since Pluto, lord of the underworld, is involved, we also deal with underground, hidden and secret movements. So, for this specific aspect, events may well unfold in the background before the exact aspect triggers its visible manifestation.


There is no easy simplification to explaining archetypal aspects since there is so much depth to it but if we were to summarize it in 6 words and 3 concepts, they would be:


Death (Saturn) & Rebirth (Pluto)

Hardship (Saturn)
whether military, economic, elemental or psychological
@ Mass scale (Pluto)

Display of personal and collective determination, courage and sacrifice


The quadrature of Saturn and Pluto very often marks the end of an era and the beginning of a new one, it involves years such as 1914, 1939, 2001 and 2008 just to quote a few in our most recent past. But going further back, we also find 410 and 1348, the first commemorates the end of the Roman Empire and the second the Great Plague arrival in Europe (its beginning in China in 1333 was also another Saturn Pluto aspect).


All the dates of the quadrature are not equal. Their intensity will depend on their intersection with other important cycles or the presence of another social or interpersonal planet (Jupiter, Uranus or Neptune). The presence of Uranus in the mix for instance will strongly boost the impact of the crisis. Uranus was not present (thank God) DURING this conjunction but preceded and follows.


People born with this aspect (check the dates to see if this concerns you) often feel a moral duty towards society at large and will deliver their best work during the following quadratures.


For all others, aspects between Saturn and Pluto in our natal chart will very often have the same flavor and bring moments of intense hardship and crisis. The Saturn transit will only last a year but the Pluto transit up to 4 years and will contribute to galvanize and evolve our moral consciousness.


We only have one Pluto transit (or none) but up to 3 Saturn transits.


However, because its reality is much more complex and the events it will trigger over time of much broader scale, I will share with you extracts of the very sharp analysis that Richard Tarnas has already compiled for us in Cosmos and Psyche (2006) as well as draw the parallel with what is happening today.


COVID 19 crisis and the Saturn Pluto conjunction so far


The Saturn Pluto conjunction of Jan 12, 2020 [2018-2021]


As far as the 2018-21 conjunction is concerned, the aspect first started to form at the beginning of 2018, it then loosened and reappeared at the end of 2018, slowly crawling at the borders of our greedy expansive civilization before breaking out in Wuhan at the end of 2019.

The aspect then waned out and disappeared on the 5th of April 2021, (the date at which most 2nd lockdown started to ease).


As the two planets now move retrograde, and Saturn much faster than Pluto, they will soon be back within reach of each other to form this conjunction one last time between Aug 2nd and Dec 13th – although not in exact fashion. The latter is a good thing as we will avoid the worse but with both being retrograde, we should expect grimmer realities over the next six months.


The December 2019 Total Solar eclipse


The course of the June 2020 solar eclipse indicated the geo areas likely to be hit the worst, from Central and East Africa to Middles East through the Indian peninsula, China down to Indonesia, Ja[pan and the Philippines and many of them haven’t yet seen the beginning of it…


There is no longer a doubt that India will be the worst hit and we currently see Indonesia and Philippines experiencing massive highs in cases and deaths.


China has also seen the manifestation of the archetype through a massive increase of totalitarian measures and the removal of almost all privacy, liberty and say in the matter.


As we see the pendulum of the COVID that first swung from East to West, swinging back slowly East there is still no guarantee that China will remain untouched by the pandemics and could still pay its debt in due time later.


The Saturn Uranus squares [2021-22]


Saturn (hardship) has also very quickly moved in a hard square with Uranus (ingenuity) and we have now identified that the virus will mutate following its four consecutive squares (Feb/Jun/Dec 2021 & Oct 2022) from December 2020 to December 2022. A last wave still being possible in 2023 as shown by the curve below.


The squares representing the lowest point in the contagion, the in-betweens its peaks.


The next square is on December 25th, the following one mid October 2022 although not exact.


The Saturn Uranus square also represents to our response to the Saturn Pluto crisis.


Saturn beyond its archetype of contraction, conventions and limits is also the principle of hard material reality, old age, pragmatism and authority. Saturn is in Aquarius, sign of science, technology, social responsibilities and progress has shown governments relying on medical science, digital technologies and massive social aids to save the oldest fringe of our population.


Uranus is the archetype of the common people, genius, youth, sudden change and liberation as well as rebellion. Uranus is in Taurus, sign of traditions, nature, work and finances. Since the beginning of the crisis, we have seen our conditions of work drastically evolving, our habits deeply challenged, crypto monies and the NASDAQ taking center stage.


In February, during the first square, when both planets moved direct, we have seen both governments and people cooperating during a second and even a third lockdown in some countries.


In June, now that we experience the second square, we see Saturn becoming much more… well Saturn… coercive, limiting, see openly liberticide (Saturn over Uranus) or its exact opposite (UK) seeking through one last national time of mass scale hardship to reach herd immunity.


December will be a whole different ball game.


First off, Saturn retro will climax on August 2nd and most governments should then be overwhelmed by the scale of this new wave which will only peak late in September, see October for some late countries. But there is also a high likelihood that this crisis will hit and contract other parts of our life.


Secondly Uranus is moving retro on Aug 19th and from there on, people will no longer be willing to dance to the governments’ tune so obediently. Furthermore, with Uranus retro, the mutations might be much smarter and faster than anticipated, spreading at a much faster rate.


Expect economy and politics to become the second battlegrounds of this crisis.


The Mars-Pluto quadrature from 2018 to 2022

We have also learned that the critical mutations corresponded to hard aspects between Mars (aggressivity) and Pluto (power), with their spread gathering strong momentum during the aspect

The virus must have mutated twice already before breaking out in China.

The 3rd mutation occurred on Nov 5th 2019.

Three critical mutations peaked during the second half of 2020: Aug 13, Oct 9 and Dec 23 (British & Brazilian variants) likely to be the hardest to tame as Mars was then retrograde but won’t be anymore.

The last one occurred on Jun 5th (Indian variant spread)

The next ones are scheduled on:

  • Oct 22 2021
  • Jul 2 2022

The last one is likely to only affect unvaccinated areas but might still be quite lethal as Mars will be in Aries, its home sign.

The 1st one is slightly more worrisome for a couple or reasons:

  • Mars will be in Libra and won’t be in position of strength so this mighty bode well for the future of our health care system but it might indicate that this mutation might be the one too many that pushes the equilibrium and peace that governments have worked (spent) so much to preserve to the brink of collapse.
  • Jupiter will conjunct Neptune in April 2022 for the last real epidemic peak… Neptune ruling disease, drugs and all fluids… Jupiter promising quite an explosive growth or manifestation of what Neptune has in his net for us… It could just be massive floods, but it might well be related to this crisis as the timing concurs.

The Pluto transits

Finally, when I have studied individual countries to forecast accurately when the epidemics would hit their territory, I have found that most of the time it corresponded to a long transit of Pluto hovering back and forth over one of their natal planets within the foundational nation chart (Moon for UK, Mercury for US, Vesta for France…), also indicating what would be purged in the crisis process for each nation.

But let’s get back to this crisis as we experienced it through history to better understand what it regularly unveiled and triggered.


Saturn Pluto – Back to the Future

You will find below the:

  1. key dates of the Saturn Pluto quadrature over the last century and half
  2. as well as the next chapter of the current 40-year cycle we have not begun to look at.


As you will realize, many of our greatest historical milestones nearly perfectly coincide with this major aspect.


All have triggered either wide scale wars, incredibly lethal conflicts or major epidemics that paved the way for the erection of new structures and institutions.


All were marked by periods of mortal danger, extreme fear, unbending determination despite hardship, stoic endurance, a sense of helplessness…


The archetypes at work according to Tarnas

“As an archetypal principle, Saturn has long been associated with a complex of meanings that, while multivalent and diverse, nevertheless possess a certain easily discernible coherence and consistency: the hard structures and limitations of material reality and mortal existence, contraction and constraints, deprivation and negation, division and conflict, gravity and gravitas, necessity and finality, the endings of things. Saturn presses things to their conclusion and defines them in their finitude. It expresses itself in such existential realities as ageing and maturity, dying and death, labour and beauty, suffering and hardship, the weight of time and the past, the wisdom of experience. In governs authority, solidity, security, reliability in, established tradition, the status quo, order and system, which endures and sustains.

The Saturn archetype encompasses all that involves boundaries and limits. It defines and grounds, constricts and solidifies. It expresses itself in discipline and control, rigor and rigidity, repression and oppression. It rules judgement, guilt, the consequences of past actions, error and fault, defeat and failure, deflation and decline, depression and sorrow. Saturn is the conveyor of the hard truth: naked, unadorned, instructive, sobering, often painful. It is the bottom line, the workings of necessity, the inevitable and inescapable.

During Saturn Pluto alignments, the Plutonic principle seems to empower and intensify each of the above mentioned Saturnian tendencies and qualities to an often-overwhelming degree and on a massive scale. Beside this intensifying and empowering influence, the Pluto archetype also appeared to add into the larger complex its own distinctive qualities involving instinctual and elemental forces, titanic power and violent intensity, violation and destruction, chthonic and underworld depths, an evolutionary transformation.”


I do not think that anybody can argue with those archetypes being manifest since the beginning of 2020.

The manifestations of the Saturn Pluto alignments (conjunction 2019-21 wide orb) (2028-29 SQR) (2035-38 OPP)

Based on Robert Tarnas’ investigation in Cosmos and Psyche, the successive quadrature alignments of the Saturn-Pluto cycles coincided with:

“Especially challenging historical periods marked by a pervasive quality of intense contraction: eras of international crisis and conflicts, empowerment of reactionary forces and totalitarian impulses, organized violence and oppression, all sometimes marked by lasting traumatic effects


Atmosphere of gravity and tension


Widespread sense of epochal closure: “the end of an era”, “the end of innocence”, the destruction of an earlier mode of life that in retrospect may seem to have been marked by widespread indulgence, decadence, naivety, denial and inflation


Profoundly weighty events of enduring consequence; violence and death on massive scale; the irrevocable termination of an established order of existence; collective intensification of division, antagonism, and hostility; the deployment of massive, highly disciplined, carefully organized destructive power; and a widespread sense of victimization and suffering under the impact of cataclysmic and oppressive forces of history.


A widespread sense that one’s life was determined and constrained by large impersonal forces of many kinds – historical, political, military, social, economic, judicial, biological, elemental, instinctual – too powerful and dominant to be affected by the individual self. this sense of vulnerability was in turn regularly matched by a drive for power, control, and domination. Sometimes the two sides of this larger gestalt were constellated simultaneously in two opposing persons or groups: one predatory, the other victimised.


Experiences of deep humiliation caused by violence, violation, and defeat were thus often accompanied by compensatory need to prove one’s steely strength, invulnerability, and capacity to retaliate with lethal potency.


Displays of personal and collective determination, unbending will, courage and sacrifice; by intensely focused, silent, strenuous effort in the face of danger and death; by a deepening capacity for moral discernment born from experience and suffering; and by the transformation and forging of enduring structures whether material, political or psychological.


Widespread conservative, reactionary, or repressive empowerment, in precise agreement with the archetype or principle associated with these two planets – the plutonic empowering and intensifying of the Saturn impulse toward conservative reaction or repression.


What becomes more interesting here is the division that emerged and that we might not yet see clearly but will go increasing. As well as the growing reactionary response to the crisis, likely empowered by scared and projecting masses.


Resolve to re-establish traditional moral values or re-empower the (conservative) moral majority – the moral judgement


Another important characteristic set of Saturn Pluto themes emerged when AIDS emerged during the previous conjunction in the collective psyche in the widespread rise of fundamentalist interpretations and denunciatory moralistic judgement of the epidemic as God’s righteous punishment of sin and licentiousness. Many of the themes related to this archetypal complex were characteristically heightened during all these alignments: increased calls for moral rigor and social constraints, censorship and repression, puritanical standards of conduct, severe punitive judgments, and wars against enemies perceived and described as evil. Equally visible during Saturn-Pluto alignments was the unfolding of events that possessed a distinct ambiance of grave wrongdoing, moral and political scandal, public guilt and humiliation, trial and judgement, crime and punishment.”


One should definitely remember what happened in the past and see the current events using the same prism, avoiding falling into any extreme.


Powerful shadow projection


“One of the most important, mysterious, and potentially useful characteristics I regularly observed in all categories of correlation was a persistent commonality between interior experiences and external events during the same alignment. The archetypal complex involved seem to be equally relevant for understanding both subjective and objective manifestation and often the boundary between these categories was difficult to ascertain.

For example, alignments of the Saturn Pluto cycle, including the most recent one coincident with the events of September 11 (last opposition) and their aftermath seemed to correlate not only with events whose overwhelming gravity, danger, oppressiveness, and moral darkness were vivid actualities, but also with an equally pronounced tendency on the part of the collective psyche to spontaneously constellate and project those shadow qualities with unusual potency.


This characteristically took such form as:

  1. interpreting the world exclusively as a war between good and evil,
  2. perceiving and uncompromisingly enforcing simplistic dichotomies,
  3. seeing others as morally or mortally dangerous threats,
  4. and identifying particular individuals or states as evil enemies.

An eruption of ancient resentments and enmities often occurred, as did a pronounced tendency toward both scapegoating and feeling victimised by specific identified groups. Such phenomena were typically accompanied by the establishment of rigid defensive boundaries and repressive political structures that were justified by the need for “vital security”, often combined with “pre-emptive” offensive aggression against real or perceived enemies. Deliberate and highly organised act of mass destruction consistently coincided with Saturn-Pluto quadrature aspects and often justified as representing a necessary response to matters of life-and-death urgency, national survival, a need for more territory, the perceived enemy’s hostile intentions or past actions, or the special destiny of the invading nation to make war now to create a world of peace later. The overwhelming nature of a trauma suffered by a nation or people can convince it that its position actions are morally unassailable.”


We will likely face increased tendencies to adopt reductionist and oversimplistic views. We should then possibly bring the debate on the ground of good and evil and who is deciding for that. Reminding ourselves that there is no such division, if only in our ego minds and conditioning. No extreme action that would encroach on the rights of another individual is ever justifiable as long as the other assume his duties and social responsibilities. Everybody has a unique right to be different.


Positive sides


“It is always necessary to remind ourselves of the complex nature of these archetypal principles and the multivalent potential of their concrete enactments. In particular, it is important to call attention here to the profoundly noble dimension of the Saturn Pluto archetypal gestalt that was evident in many of these phenomena and that was equally expressive of the principles involved. For alignments of Saturn and Pluto regularly seemed to coincide with the calling forth, both individually and collectively, of unusually sustained efforts and resolution, intense focus and discipline with minimal resources, and exceptional courage and acts of will in the face of extreme danger, hardship, death, and moral darkness.


The firefighters and police who ascended the World Trade Centre towers after the terrorist attacks in 2001, Churchill and the British when they stood alone against the overwhelming dominance of Nazi Germany in the dark days of 1939-41, committed environmentalist and indigenous people who confronted the grim realities of mass species extension, habitat destruction, global warming and the earth vast ecological crisis all unfolding and accelerating at the same moment as government and corporate anti-environmental forces, especially in the US, were unprecedentedly empowered and their policies became dominant beginning in the 2000 2004… are all paradigmatic examples.”


Facing the shadow


“it is indeed no small matter to know of one’s own guilt an one’s own evil, and there is certainly nothing to be gained by losing sight of one’s shadow… Without guilt, unfortunately, there can be no psychic maturation and no widening of the spiritual horizon.” Carl Jung

“The very notion of the shadow as Jung conceived it represent an intricate synthesis of the two planetary principles: from Saturn, the motives of judgement, guilt and shame, suppression and repression, splitting and separation, denial, the inferior, that which is regretted and negated; and from Pluto, those aspects of the self that constitute its underworld, the instincts, the dark depths of the personality, the animal-like, the often ruthless and ugly, serving impulses for power, domination, lust, and other drives yet also representing that healthy instinctuality from which healing, wholeness, and a higher consciousness can ultimately emerge.

As suggested potential of the archetypal complex associated with Saturn Pluto alignments seem to be inextricably intertwined with confronting its negative manifestation:

  • moral discernment and wisdom born from difficult experience and suffering,
  • fortitude and courageous acts of will in the face of darkness, evil, danger and death,
  • a capacity for sustained effort and determination,
  • disciplined control of intense energies both inner and outer.

Generally speaking, the Saturn Pluto complex appeared to press the psyche, individual or collective, towards the forging of a deeper and stronger structure of moral consciousness.


The superego forged could be:


rigid, pathological, and prone to projection and splitting,


OR represent a profound moral advance, a lasting deepening of conscience
and critical self-awareness.”


The exit options are clear… understanding the greater cycles that will blend their aura with this potent energy cycle could help us better understand what is likely to emerge.

“Life is never easy. There is work to be done and obligations to be met—obligations to truth, to justice, and to liberty.”
– John F Kennedy,
Aquarian US president

The COVID crisis greater cosmic context


The 2011-2031 5 Pluto Eris squares and the Modern Trojan War

As shared in the introduction, the 2018-2024 key aspects are all contained within a series of 5 squares between Eris and Pluto.

Eris was discovered in 2005. Beyond Pluto, it is bigger than what we considered being the last planet of our solar system. Eris is the female counterpart of Mars and Pluto. The female goddess of War but most importantly the Goddess of Strife and Discord.

Tired of being snubbed of all the Olympian banquets, she throws the apple of discord in the middle of the 3 main goddesses related to Zeus: his wife, Hera (Juno), his daughter Athena Pallas (Minerva) and his lover Aphrodite (Venus). Zeus reluctant to pick the most beautiful of the three leaves this choice to a mortal: Paris, prince of Troy. Here starts one of the most sung epic battle of all times: the Trojan war.

The 3 goddesses represent all sides of the feminine, Eris comes to awaken their dark sides… Hera offers success, wealth and status, Athena military victory, glory and pride, but Aphrodite wins offering love, beauty, grace and pleasure.

Or so, we are to believe for centuries and centuries by a patriarchal people who invaded Greece late and brough their male king of gods to dethrone the reigning female goddess.

Venus is just one side of the feminine, two others need to be reintegrated and a balance found with the masculine.

Eris is strong in the sign of Aries, bellicose, merciless, thirsty for social justice. She’s Shiva and Kali.

The next two squares are quickly approaching: Aug 21st and October 21st but the aspect will continue up to…

The square indicates that most struggles will be internal to our existing systems and do not seek to create conflict between nations. However, the advancement that her fights will soon put forward might soon threaten reactionary parties and countries.

This cycle started in 1979 with the conjunction and will last for a whole century but as the feminine will slowly get integrated, completion, higher state of consciousness and union are likely to emerge.

The 3 or 4 Saturn Uranus squares [2021-2022]

Often associated with epidemics and internal systemic breakdown, the squares follow the Saturn-Pluto conjunction and:

  • Upgrade the virus with regular stronger mutations
  • Broaden the health crisis to social, political, economic and psychological fronts


Richard Tarnas warned us:

“Another important category of a historical phenomenon that should be mentioned here comprises the many instances in which events that occurred during a longer Uranus Pluto alignment set in motion powerful forces that later, after that alignment was over, suddenly reached a crisis or breaking point, a critical collapse of structures, precisely when Saturn moved into hard aspect with Uranus. Often the sequence took the form of emancipatory or dissident forces emerging on a wider scale during the earlier Uranus Pluto alignment then subsequently producing a violence schism in the body politic.

The Uranus-Pluto cycle

This alignment deals with widespread revolutionary upheaval (systemic, religious, sexual), intensified emancipatory impulses, and radical cultural innovation.

The squares usually prepare the ground for the more intense conjunctions and oppositions:

    • 1787-1798 opposition: French and US revolution,
    • 1845-1856 conjunction: second European revolutions + end of slavery
    • 1896-1907 opposition: birth of psychoanalytic movement (mental revolution)
    • 1960-1972 conjunction: sexual liberation & civil rights
    • 2024-2030 opposition


Uranus and Pluto squared in between 2007 and 2020, peaking four times between 2012 and 2016.

Its manifestations are quite easy to spot in between the Trump elections, Brexit and the #metoo and BlackLivesMatter movements when it overlapped the Eris-Pluto square period.

The previous square was in 1928-37, it doubled up with a Saturn-Uranus square from 1929 to 1933 pre-empting the Saturn-Pluto square of 1939-41. Nobody should struggle to see what emerged.

We are now headed towards a major opposition alignment which may well start with a double bang as:

  • Pluto will enter Aquarius in 2023 and 2024 = double Pluto-Uranus whammy
  • Saturn will conjunct Neptune in between 2024 and 2027, and when it does so, traditional borders, boundaries and lines of division can vanish (the fall of the Berlin wall occurred on the day of this aspect in 1989)

All we know, since both the Saturn-Pluto conjunction and the Great Conjunction (Saturn-Jupiter) occurred the same year, is that the global cards are being redistributed and new “war” and “revolution” are in preparation.

Three nations are contending for domination and are still in the arm race: China, Russia and the US.

They are likely to be the three goddesses who will redesign the world map over the next decades.

China is currently in the lead position. Untouched by the epidemics, its economy has resisted and its supremacy over Asia and Africa has only been reinforced, starting to dabble in the US courtyard: South America. Will this remain the case long, this is far from certain.

The US is due a Pluto return starting in 2022 and might well experience a time of internal schism and struggle from which the two others might well want to benefit.


The crossing of the two solar eclipses of 2024 over Texas does not exactly bode well for the internal peace of this great country knowing that the lunar node axis also will switch into the Fixed axis Scorpio-Taurus in 2022 up to 2025.

Europe is likely to be paralysed, swamped in economic struggles, the risk of implosion and the redefinition of its democratic and federal model heralded by Brexit.

The Saturn-Neptune cycle defines the Russian history (1917, 1936, 1953, 1971, 1989, 2006, 2026) and the last conjunction saw the rise to incontestable power of Poutine and the return of the nation to a totalitarian state.

The conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus between 1923 and 1925 will boost the technological developments as well as the emancipatory movements.

With Saturn in Aquarius and soon Pluto, two of the new fields or territories for grab will be medicine and space.

It is likely that after a time of internal chaos, and an overhaul of its democratic foundations, a Green New Deal might finally emerge in the US as already proposed by Democrats allbeit at a larger scale… this will obviously depend on what the US will co-create over 2022-25. Reconstruction might be on the agenda too, what would oviously seriously delay the War on Climate change.

I wouldn’t be surprised to see a green democratic front emerging in the late 20’s, challenging the totalitarian front if no further significant progress has been realised by those states. Despite the enormous progresses delivered by artificial intelligence, nano technologies and quantum computing, the world will only be able to heal fully united.

One thing I am almost certain is that under the pressure that the elements will unleash as soon as Pluto will enter in Aquarius on Earth, most blind, corrupt and totalitarian governments will collapse under the growing and impatient pressure of more and more exposed and affected populations.

2022 is likely to see a very high migration from population affected by intense climate changes (droughts and floods) which will further destabilize western nations and might nudge them into extreme. Attending to those migrants and helping them to integrate will be critical to the peace of our nations.

Similarly, the return of hyperinflation and high unemployment rate will require for rapid new solutions. Our ways of working are likely to know much more changes that anything we have experienced so far… our work life balance is likely to be substantially improved just like inequalities between salaries enormously diminished… and this is just a beginning.

The road won’t exactly be smooth, but a new world is coming. The doom and gloom is nearer than most think but it will just be the required catalyst for unification that Pluto in Pisces will bring in the second part of the century.


I will finish on this last words of hope from Tarnas:

“All the events and experiences coincident with both of the cycles we have examined so far Uranus Pluto and Saturn Pluto, display the deep bivalent ambiguity of the archetypal principle associated with Pluto at once destructive and regenerative. These polar tendencies are especially clearly reflected in Dionysus in the Greek pantheon an in Kali and Shiva of the Indian pantheon, sovereign deities of the death-rebirth mystery. In the Saturn Pluto cycle specifically the combination of this powerful Plutonic archetype with the Saturn principle of hard contraction, critical endings, mortal finality, and grave turning points consistently marked what appeared to be the death contractions of history. Yet paradoxically at another level less obvious to the empirical eye of the moment, this complex also seemed to bring about the inexpressibly hard labour of the birth contractions of history: the throes and travails of deep transformation, the destruction of an old order, and the forging of what became the enduring foundation and structures of a new evolutionary development.

Something like the deep process could be discerned in the most recent search alignment. When in the winter of 2002 and 2003 the longer Saturn Pluto position coincided with shorter alignments of Jupiter with Uranus and Neptune in succession, cycles associated with a very different, more expensively rebellious and idealistic spirit. The unprecedented worldwide wave of protest demonstrations in February 2003 against the Bush administration’s drive for pre-emptive war against Iraq, spontaneous coordination of 10s of millions of marches in Australia, New Zealand, Asia, Europe, and North America represented a virtually global moral judgement against unapproved war. The historic confrontation of diametrically opposed values and wills, the unarmed people on the world’s streets versus a military superpower pressing for war produced a clash of immensely potent forces like two behemoth icebergs colliding in the North Atlantic. Whatever its short term outcome, this enormous nonviolent statement of principled democratic resistance against destructive use of power by established governments was indicative of a longer term moral evolution within the collective psyche the gradual forging of a collective conscious against the perceived moral shadow of a powerful governing authority. The multitudes of marches


If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”
– George Washington, 1st Aquarian US president



May you find deep radical love to evolve and rise

With compassion


Act harmoniously with
the energy flow of the moment.

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