The birth or natal chart is a map of the sky that reveals where all the planets of our solar system were in their journey around the Sun at the exact moment you were born. Our astrology natal chart reading service can provide insight into your life by revealing your strengths and weaknesses, opportunities for soul growth, challenges, and more.
Our natal chart reading interprets growth through an evolutionary astrology lens, meaning we encourage the potential in self-discovery. A little guidance can shed light on your relationships with money, love, service, partnership, specific locations, and friends, as well as your subconscious. With a birth chart reading session, you can gain clarity on why certain events or trials keep reoccurring in your life, where you will be most successful and achieve your goals, and what your unique qualities and life challenges are.
By booking a session with us, you can invest positive energy into yourself, grow more aware of your inner gifts, and learn how to enhance them. We can assist you in being compassionate towards yourself, so you can grow and liberate yourself by coping with self-sabotaging behaviors and embracing your true-life purpose.
Book your natal chart reading today and start your journey of self-discovery.
90 min Zoom session + video recording + chart pdf
Our natal chart reading, the “Seed of Your Potential,” serves as the foundation for many of our services. Discover special pricing options when you book multiple sessions. You can find our bundles at the bottom of this page.
For a holistic understanding of your journey, we recommend our Solar Return and Transit Sessions (4 sessions). These sessions offer complete clarity on your hero’s journey, your current position, and the most immediate opportunities to nurture your potential into reality.