New Moon In Virgo Aug 27 2022 4 Steps to a Virgo Approved Routine

Co-creating with the Moon




This is the time of the year when we need to review ALL the parts of our life and ensure that all that matters to us is being attended to by finding a sacred space in the planner of our everyday life.

You might see building a planner as a cumbersome, impossible and boring activity if dealing with strong Uranus or Neptune, or thoroughly enjoy the process but a bit too biased toward the material if you are blessed with Earth signs.

Whoever you are, you need to understand, and help others understand, that WORKING ON A ROUTINE IS A SACRED RITUAL, no more and no less than a devotional practice or a spiritual or wedding ceremony.

A routine cares for what is important in your life, it represents your best attempt at:

  • Identifying what is important to you but you may have difficulties defending and attending to
  • Including realms of existence you might not be familiar with but also need attention
  • Integrating the needs of others you care for
  • Building boundaries so that this time is protected whatever, by you and others you will want to share this planner or schedule with
  • Managing your energy, yes you cannot just give some take time needs to be integrated too! Whether this is some alone, community, sport or spiritual time… wherever you draw energy from must be included in the appropriate dose.

Virgo seeks for wholeness, ensuring that all the constituent parts of your personality are integrated and attended to so that you can function optimally, sanely, and autonomously and be of service to the collective.


“The function of ritual, as I understand it, is to give form to human life, not in the way of a mere surface arrangement, but in depth.”




Those constituent parts are:

Who we are and what we look like, how we present ourselves to the world but more importantly how we know ourself and try to compensate for some of our flaws and share more of our talents… many will forget to allocate time to what lay beneath the surface and focus for a time to just what others can see, neglecting that the eyes are not the only receptors we have been gifted with.

What we need to function… food, money, comfort but material needs are not the only resources we need, we first and foremost need love. Understanding how love can flow into our life and what we have to give, what is important to us, what we value is critical too.

How we relate to others and carry on learning new things… again this can be very pragmatic, but a lot of our problems will come from this sector of our life if we are not constantly actualizing ourselves based on the experiences we encounter and the misunderstandings we have to cope with.

How we react to others and build ourselves emotionally… for quite a long part of our early life, we invest very little of our energy into observing ourselves and are instead conditioned by our environment, our family, our tribe, our milieu. We are focused on reproducing the “good” feelings and suffering from, avoiding or repressing the “bad” ones… Building a balanced emotional life will very often require observation, awareness, distance and mastery for the roots of the problem to be addressed and an emotional life to be fulfilling as we finally assume our responsibilities in that sphere.

How we express ourselves unimpededly… what are the activities that allow us to fully express our differences without any restrictions and reawaken the kid within?

What else do we need to feel whole and at our peak form? We cannot truly help others as long as we are dysfunctional so what are the biggest flaws or energy leaks we need to attend to?




A strong routine will seek to integrate all those parts. If you seek specific questions to help you in this process, check out this link.

But there are other core ingredients, more importantly ensuring that:

  • All of our levels of being are attended to: material, emotional and spiritual.
  • A healthy balance is struck between giving and receiving.
  • What we set ourselves to do is SMART (Specific enough, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Tangible)
  • The routine is not just a theoretical exercise, once done and quickly forgotten, for when we do so we abandon the sacred boundaries we need to be whole. Instead, committing to regularly review and adjust our routine based on our real-life experience is necessary.
  • We stand up for our routine. If this routine is not sacred to us, then it won’t be to anybody else and the chances that the changes you want to see implemented into your life will see the light close to null since prone to be quickly swallowed by old habits.

If you have other recommendations you would like me to share with others, please reach out to me by email. I personally know this task to be a difficult one, having struggled for years with it until I realized that I was the cause of most of my evils and the best way to show myself self-love was investing time into building it and accepting the responsibilities that came with it.

Now is the time to:

Integrate the change and awakening you had into your personal routine.

Request support where you know you will need help.

Integrate little changes
so that they create a strong stream of energy for the biggest changes to be supported.

Try and be as thorough as possible, you might not be able to implement all the changes,
but this will be an incredible material for the rest of your evolution.





To best support this work, spiritual rituals, meditation, and yoga will once again be incredibly supportive.

Proceed with a purification practice; whether it’s going to be about:

  • Cleansing your aura of heavier energies by smudging yourself
  • Decluttering your environment,
  • Getting rid of old burdens or relationships you drag for far too long,
  • Releasing toxic or addictive behaviours
  • Starting a healthier diet or physical practice
  • Proceeding with a healing (reiki, shamanic, alternative cares)

… everything you can do in this space will contribute to the increase of your power, energy, clarity and strength for the months ahead.

Try and put together a Bhakti ritual.

We are clearly moving into a new phase after this new moon, and we might all benefit from a little personal rite of passage.

As you manifest, try and pay respect to all the parts of your Self with the greatest love you can muster and give it all to the Universe. Remember that one with the Universe you are part of the greater field and have no other choice but to surrender to the greater cosmic design that is currently being weaved. Trust that the more you get attuned to what you truly selflessly desire, as well as, to higher energy vibrations like love and gratefulness, the more likely you are to effectively co-create the life you deserve.

Meditation will help to quiet the mind and distance ourselves from the everyday stress, granting us the necessary perspective on all parts of our self, thoroughly scanning the physical and the emotional but also listening to our intuition. Sep 1-2 are perfect to allocate more time to do so.


  Yoga to:

 stabilize, ground, and calm the Mars energy as Virgo invites us to, working with our 1st and 3rd chakra integrate, balancing asanas and kriyas that will attend to all other 5 chakras strengthen our will power to bring the changes to life, slightly more attention should be brought on the 3rd chakra open the heart and the 4th chakra for there cannot be any routine without self-love and any healthy intention without love

MULADHARA / 1st chakra (at the base of your spine)

  • Experience grounding, fearlessness, family connection, animal instinct, adaptability, stability and security.
  • Inner focus on the base of the spine and PRITHVI (Earth)
  • Invoking: Stability / Fearlessness / Groundedness
  • Deva: BRAHMA (self-effacement, humility, resistance)
  • Mantra: Om Ham Brha-ma (27 rounds or multiples)
  • Beeja sound: LAM
MANIPURA/ 3rd chakra (solar plexus)

  • Seat of fire, clear action, vision, dynamic action, assertiveness, decisiveness, discipline and determination, our deepest willingness to go beyond, with a strong willpower, courage, resilience, vitality.
  • Inner focus on solar plexus and AGNI (Fire)
  • Invoking the quality of: Awareness / Will power / Vairagyam (non-attachment) / Transformation
  • Deva: HANUMAN (selfless-service, devotion, strength, will power) or DURGA (power, determination, protection)
  • Mantra: Ram Ham Hanumanaya Namaha OR Om Dum Durgayei Namaha (27 rounds or multiples)
  • Beeja sound: RAM
ANAHATA / 4th chakra (heart)

  • Seat of love and compassion – mantra and expansion of the heart through devotion, contains the highest level of electromagnetic energy, source of inspiration, seat of Self, timelessness and reasonless joy, hope, forgiveness. When imbalanced: experience of attachment, longing, neediness, co-dependency, me and mine mentality.
  • Inner focus on the heart and VAYU (Air)
  • Invoking: Bliss / Unconditional love / Grace / Healing light to help the seeds to grow
  • Experiencing Devotion, Surrender, Trust
  • Deva: LAKSHMI (Abundance, Fulfilment, Bliss)
  • Mantra: Shri Lakshmi Namaha (27 rounds or multiples)
  • Beeja sound: YAM

Act harmoniously with
the energy flow of the moment.

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